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    Monday, September 15, 2008


    This is definately BLOG worthy for those of you that know my daughter. She does NOT have an affinity for the outside. As a matter of fact she is a rather "indoor girl" like her mother. This summer that all changed. Last year at the end of school she was stung by a wasp and had a yucky reaction. That kind of sealed her fear of all things that fly and crawl (ok, ok, so she IS her mothers child!) I, being the ever paranoid of buggies herself self-appointed psychologist, decided she can't go thru life being afraid of everything that crawls, flies and buzzes. (Oh the analogies of "pot calling the kettle black" i can hear them now...but i digress...back to the story) I really tried to make her comfortable by being myself uncomfortable and pointing out things like "bees only want to smell you to see if you are a flower" and other nonsense. I put on a brave face everytime we were confronted with an insect/bee/spider, etc. Anyway, well this summer she found Grasshoppers and Crickets. Oh man, you better watch out if you are a grasshopper. She is constantly on a mission to find you, scoop you up and put you in her bug catcher. We purchased not 1, but 4 different types of bug catchers in an effort to allay her fears. It worked. Not only does she try to touch and catch everything, she's moved to lots of different kinds of bugs, frogs, lizards, whatever. This summer she and Bubba were so into grasshopeers, they dedicated an entire week at daycare to finding out all things about insects and grasshoppers. Oh they will never forget Danielle that is for sure.

    Her new affinity is "Sticky Bugs" they are actually Pine Beetles but they "stick" to everything so that is what she has named them. She catches them all the time. We were even at our storage unit and she found about 7 of these little darlings. Here she is showing off her hunting prowess. Don't let the picture fool you, she wasn't afraid of them, she was afraid one might get away in the 15 seconds it took for mom to snap a picture of her catch!
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    Not the best picture i know, sorry! All 7 made it home in her hands safely and into a bug catcher. We made her let them go that night. We've had lots of captives that didn't survive overnight in the bug catcher. She is ok with the catch and release theory now, and the next day it's a new adventure of finding them again. RUN BUGS< RUN!!!

    1 comment:

    Kelly said...

    I think she might love a Bug Vacuum. Paige got one and it literally sucks up the bug into the little jar where you can "examine" it through the magnifying glass.