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    Sunday, September 14, 2008

    06.30.2008 Anaheim Angel Game !!

    As a special treat, my sis & Lloyd got us some Angel's tickets so the kids could see a major league baseball game. Darla & Lloyd are BIG Angel fans and go to nearly ALL of the home games they can. To get us all seats together we had to sit up higher but the kids loved it. They both wore their Angels outfits Darla & Lloyd had sent them earlier this summer. What better time to wear them!

    Bubba in his Angel gear! He sat next to Uncle Lloyd and loved it. (I think they both did) which was great cuz Bubba was starting to miss Daddy a whole lot.

    Oh you can't tell Danielle loves her Uncle Lloyd now can you?! Ha ha. And isn't that pink Angels outfit too cute?

    The best part of the game(for the kids at least)was when the Angels hit a home run. At Angel stadium they light off fireworks everytime they hit a homer so the kids thought that was awesome!

    Missie and Lindsey hamming it up for the camera. Most of our vacation pics were of the kids so this is proof positive we were there having a good time too! Oh and how i enjoyed the soft pretzels, Cracker Jacks and Choc Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches too! Yummy.

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