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    Sunday, September 14, 2008

    07.19.2008 HOBO's...and i don't mean Bums

    So....remind me again why i love Montana?! There are some things i just DON'T love and that would be these guys. Why did i have to move someplace that has poisenous aggressive spiders? It makes Black Widows seem charming by comparison. At least with Black widows they mainly HIDE, in dark places, away from people. These guys...not so much. They can run lightning fast-toward you-not often away from you. EEEECK!!! They just LOVE my basement.
    So a rule we have here, is no clothes on the floor. They actually like to hang out between layers of stuff, on cardboard, things like that. So what does my loving son do? Leaves a huge pile of clothes on his floor. So, being the nice mom I am i go in to collect his clothes and lookie who is hanging out on his sock! Erick has nearly size 10 feet so you can imagine just how big this guy really is. Because i was angry about the clothes on the floor, not only did i not collect his clothes, but i did not kill the spider either. Erick could not find him when he got home...which makes for bad dreams.
    Luckily, Erick did find him before bed time. He caught him and put him in this cup so we all could see. Why not just kill the darn thing? To torture mom of course. Touche.
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