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    Tuesday, September 16, 2008

    09.13.2008 What a BUSY Saturday

    What a LONG and busy day. Today was the day we decided to clean out/organize our garage. Those who know us well, will laugh at such a prospect! But HELLO! it's been cold each morning, and having a 4 car garage that no cars can park in is a problem for me! So we got busy moving stuff around. The main problem was that we moved all of our garage sale stuff and overflow out of our storage (who PAYS to store crap?)to the garage last month. We have 2 HUGE storage warehouses and need to consolidate down to 1. So we made really good progress-and in the process found a new pet lurking under stuff. It was a FROG. Oh the glee on Danielle's face at this marvelous find! We just happened to have bought a tank (though she killed the last pet before it made it to the new tank-yikes) so we are gonna see how long this one will make it.

    This is the new frog "Spots" in his new tank.

    Spots really likes to perch himself up on "DUM-DUM". It's a cute Easter Island Mini Statue just like in the movie 'Night at the Museum' (which the kids love!) It's adorable to see him up there checking us out! He seems pretty happy and is getting a constant diet of stunned/but not dead flies we swat and give to him, crickets (Danielle caught them herself) and Frog pellets we got from the pet store
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    Positive Reinforcement said...

    Nice frog Baby!

    Kelly said...

    Oh man! What a pet. I'm such a germ phob... all I can think of is salamanila .... make sure they wash those hands! =) (I'm channeling Nervous Netty)