Okay, okay. So she is a monkey girl...but why not learn some grace and poise too? We thought about Ballet but she is so NOT the ballerina type. So we compromised and let her try out this dance class once a week. They teach Modern dance which includes some ballet moves but really more free flowing, stretching, get up and move kind of thing. Right up her alley! She will be going each Friday, so this year is quite busy with Gymnastics, Awana, and Dance each week. We might try soccer in the Spring if she can handle one more thing! For now she is excited about each one of her "extracurriculars" and loves them all!
See, compared to those other two, she's got the stance and perfect arm extension-this might work out after all *wink*
She can be anything she wants, Monkey Girl Ballerina!
Busy Momma with all those activities! She's a lucky little girl. I hope she's loving!
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