Ok, so I apologize in advance these are the crappiest photos known to man. Blurry and ugly. Normally I would delete them - but this was just TOO COOL. We see deer nearly every night we are at the house. There is so much open land as we come into the area and Forest Service land behind us and over the hills. The deer come down through the area we live to get to water. Still a mile or so beyond us to the "Big Ditch" as it's called. And even further to get to the river. We have Mule Deer (cuz they have big ears like Mules) and White Tail (kinda self explanatory-they have white tails). We mostly see Doe's (female deer) and sometimes Doe's with a baby fawn or two. But this day i saw a Buck. Actually, not just a Buck but two Buck's! It was cool. They just stared at me as i slowed down and rolled the window down. By the time i grabbed the camera they started moving. I was so excited i couldn't get a shot without it being blurry. Look at these majestic dudes!

That is MY house (top middle toward the right-brown/red) back in the distance. I was on the road headed away from it.

This guy had a nice rack. I didn't count the points. Sorry all you California folk - this is probably way to much country speak and you are lost already - he had big antlers for a smaller guy. THE END
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