When taking down that wall that made no sense in the kitchen, a larger crack developed in the main "great room"/"living room". Now, granted, there was already a crack for unclear reasons. Well, the wall we removed was by no means a support wall - but it seems since it was the ONLY wall in a very large span it was keeping the ceiling up. LOL. Anyway, we had to call in some professionals...as my husbands idea was just to stick 4 posts and a wall smack dab in the middle of the room. Ummm...NO!
The whole idea was to keep this with an open feel and focus on the very large picture window with the awesome view. Not close it off so when you walk in you see, umm, WALL. I started envisioning lots of redneck ways he would be curing this problem. So I did some investigating into those nice architectural columns and such. Umm, NO again- not even remotely a possibility on our budget.
Well... problem solved by professionals. A very large beam was inserted in attic with support beams on both sides of the room. Then the hallway in the basement was framed. What does that have to do with it? Apparently alot actually. Having more structure on the bottom floor combined with the new beam just makes it super strong. Who knew. At least nothing is "showing". And the holes for the support posts in the walls will be sheetrocked up again good as new and no one will even know it happened. Thank goodness for the 5-6 ft. attic area. It saved our bacon. (sorry ya'll - country expression)
Dont worry those ugly log posts and 4x4 shown did not stay. They were just put up emergency like before the guys got started. They didn't want the ceiling to continue to crack or fall like a house of cards. It's back to pretty again and an unobstructed view out my pretty window.
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