Bubba came running into my room and said he saw a tarantula. We don't have those so i asked him why he thought that? He said it was a "really, really, big spider". So i am thinking Cat Spider. It's funny... i used to be Petrified of all spiders. Now it is just the scary, Hobo spiders. So Cat Spiders are big and pretty compared to Hobo's. So i casually walk down the stairs and see it. It is NOT a Cat Spider. It is a FRICKIN HUMONGOUS HOBO SPIDER. Biggest I've ever seen. Definately worthy of the "tarantula" moniker.
Let's just say i called the Bug-Off people an hour later (as soon as they opened actually) and 2 days later they were at my house. Best $70.00 i ever spent.
Erick was awakened by my frantic call to his cell phone, asking him to wake up and come kill it. After some strategizing we came up with a plan. He is dead. The spider that is. The spider is dead.
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