It's that time again. We are back with Haven's Horses and some Equine fun for Sis. She is loving the horses. She got to chose which horse she wanted to work with and she chose Bodega (her favorite from summer camp).
We don't get to watch, so we sat around the side of the barn on some comfy benches while Bubba did his homework then made pictures of farms/barns. We saw 1 squirrel, 1 cute bunny rabbit, 2 woodpeckers, and 2 chipmunks all in the span of 45 minutes while sitting on that bench! They don't want meddling moms/dads like sideline coaches distracting the kids from their tasks and i am fine with that. SO we kept ourselves entertained and enjoyed the scenery and wildlife. It was great.
We caught glimpses of sis as she led the horse from the pasture to the arena. She did so well. It was great. She won't be riding anytime soon, still working on exercises with the horses first. She set up an obstacle course with posts and Hula Hoops and what not. It was a good night.
So that's where we will be each Tuesday night for a while - enjoying the great outdoors and the smell of horse poop. Fun Fun Fun!
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