How many exclamation marks are enough? Not sure. I am just a happy girl. I know, the new door isn't real wood (it's more efficient Fiberglass made to look like wood) but i am super stoked. I always wanted a door with fancy glass. We never got one for our house - too much money.
Wanna know why i am so happy about this door?! Well because it was pretty much FREE. Ok well i consider it that NO MONEY came from our wages so that is FREE. Instead, I just sold alot of stuff I didn't need anymore (or want to move) at my awesome Garage Sale and went down and bought me a door! CASH. I even had to count out the last 20 bucks or so in ONE DOLLAR bills. But I didn't care. It was as good as FREE to me. Then it sat all lonely in the garage for a week or so. It moved to the new house for a few more days, then they got motivated and hung it! Thanks hubby and "Grandpa" (my father-in-law) for making me happy as a lark!
Here some "BEFORE" and after shots. We still have to add some more siding over where the board is, but more pics of that to come. Here is where the main front entry was before. Hello? Into the kitchen?
The ugly French Doors that opened into the kitchen and made that too small space completely un-usable. Too small for even a table. (Bad design!!)
Above mentioned kitchen area - wall to be removed to "open up" space
View with above-mentioned wall ALL GONE!!!
This is the view from inside with the new pantry/entry wall framed in
And again, my lovely door!
The only other thing, is now there will still be a wall when you come make it more like an entry. There is now a wall directly to the right of the door on the inside and that wall is also my pantry. (refer to diagram a few posts back) But when you walk in it will only be about 3-4 feet and still be looking directly forward toward great room and great view. =)
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