This was not part of our original plans. We had PLANNED to replace all the broken plumbing, put in a couple of bathrooms, build a pantry, remove a wall, change the front door, get some heat, get some flooring laid down upstairs, texture and paint the interior (upstairs) and exterior. THE END. Then we move in.
Well, after the whole "we need to put a support beam in" incident...the other part of the basement hallway needed to get done. One side was the actual load bearing support wall down there, so we added the other side which is our hall that runs down the middle of the basement.
We already knew what we wanted to do (in the future) so the King (and by that i am talking about the "King of 75%" aka my husband who never can finish something before moving on to something's also affectionately known as Adult A.D.D.)decided to have Grandpa run up to Msla and get a whole mess of wood - so let the framing begin! Experts in the field were brought in and i think 3 guys got it done (mostly) over 2 days. On one side (the East side) there are 3 rooms (bedroom w/ window, office no window, bathroom) and on the other that would make it the West)3 more rooms (a very large bedroom, the theater room and the future home of my "mud room"). Uh, fancy name for laundry room for the sisters and other non country folk. It's all lovely. Lovely in that we have a bunch of rooms and still no heat. Incomplete plumbing. Not ONE stinking complete (or even NEAR complete) room.
Did i mention it's getting cold? By that i mean darn right chilly in the evening. A couple of days of frost on the windshield type mornings...still no heat. But there is relatively no plumbing either so i guess it's no biggie. At least i have STUDS in my basement. And no, I'm not talking about horses, or handsome men.
This was taken standing in what will be the bathroom, before any of the framing i'm speaking about was done. This shows the hallway wall we built with all the door openings for the rooms in. So this is actually "before" it was framed. I'll find the after pics and throw them up tomorrow.
The Bathroom
The Bedroom on the east side of the Basement
The Super Large Bedroom ( 2 windows and 13 x 17) it's GINORMOUS!
This is what will later be the Theater Room
(That's my Mud Room beyond there - with the pink Bike parked in it)
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