This was also a fun filled day of...well...FUN. We had 4 hours or so to kill while Jim's Navigator was being detailed (long story) so we walked to the Rite Aid (Thrify when i was a little girl) and got ice cream. From the very same counter I would get ice cream at 30 years earlier. No Joke. It was awesome. with the little square topped scoops on a cone. They each got 2 scoops - and they still had my favorite flavor on tap 30 years later. Amazing. MMMMM here's to the 5 lbs I am gonna gain on this trip. Double Chocolate Malted Crunch here i come.
After we all got our cones we walked the maybe 5 blocks to the park. As the "when are we gonna BE THERE?!" started i knew i was in trouble. How tired are they gonna be when we have to walk back?
But they made the best of it, here they are having fun t.o.g.e.t.h.e.r.
This was round two. We were smart enough to only get 1 scoop. Mom skipped round two! Boy does that boy need a ahaircut...more about that next!
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