But just incase there are some newer readers not familiar with "the way we roll" around here - it may take some explaining.
You see, i CANNOT STAND to have "stuff" lying about. I don't even like my toaster on the kitchen counter (but i'll save that for another post). The dear King could care less. There's nothing in his book a big ol' blue tarp can't cure. No amount of yard clutter is too much for him. Basically his view is (and i've heard this sooo many times it has grown tired) that we live in the "country". Mind you, we currently live in a SUBDIVISION with houses only yards away in all directions and covenents about what is ok and not ok to do on your property. 'Nuff said? With that in mind, we (and by "we" i mean HE) have had many projects that resulted in some items being stored on said property and not in their rightful place. Gander again at "exhibit A" above.
I guess since now we REALLY will be living in the country, he felt absolutely comfortable with his placement of said item right smack dab in the middle of the front porch/deck where everyone could see it. Not even a blue tarp to try to cover it.
No remodel project would be complete without a TOILET ON THE DECK ! I walked outside, saw this, laughed to myself and ran for the camera. Why? Cuz' thats the way we roll here baby!
1 comment:
WOW!! Progress is always a good thing. Yeh...heat/plumbing would be good before the frost becomes more prominent. Love your door too!
Yes, I did laugh outloud and then said "Only in Montana!"
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