No matter how busy and hectic our lives are...that all get placed on hold when our small town fair comes to town. We usually go all 4 days, die hards! Finances being a bit tight this year, we only got to go 2 days. The kids had a ablast regardless. Bubba is getting more adventurous and trying new and faster things. Sis is still waiting to be about 2 inches taller to ride things like the Zipper and Typhoon and Kamikaze. Takes after her mom what can i say?
One thing is for sure, they have their favorites - as evidenced below.

Sis rode the Spider with her friends Reigan and Caroline

Bubba couldn't pass up the Helicopters

He did tell me later that he is getting big for the Helicopters and they dont go high enough or fast enough anymore *sniffle*
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