Now before you say "wow...she's REALLY lost it" - i kinda need it. I am happy when i have something cleaned or organized. I have lived quite a few years (the last One and a half years being the worst) in constant chaos with no completion of much of anything. Building a house will do that to you. Emptying a storage full of stuff will too. We have TOO MUCH "STUFF"! The choas of non-completion combined with "stuff" to the ceiling is really weighing on me these days. It's not like you could find us on an episode of "Hoarders" or anything...but having boxes everywhere, a stuffed garage that no cars can park in, and another storage 3x the size of the one we just emptied still left to go say we have stuff is an understatement. I am ready to let go. I don't want the extra baggage of all the stuff. I want to be free.
I personally recocgnize that it attributes to the worsening of my depression. The constant feeling of being overwhelmed, the inability to keep anything clean for more than 24 hours, combined with having no place of refuge in my own home has got me sliding backwards down that slippery slope.
November was a great month. I was making strides. Unpacking 2 to 3 boxes a day was liberating. Donating about 4 full suburban loads to various thrift shops felt AMAZING. But i have a long way to go. December was a blurr with mom being ill and January has been spent with me trying to recover. Now i need freedom. Freedom from my "fog" and some more baby steps toward relieving myself of all this clutter.
I used my new SAD (seasonal affective disorder) therapy light this morning for the first time. It was very pricey so i kept putting it off, but my doctor thought it would be really good to try it so we sucked it up and finally got one. It may take a few 30min sessions to tell a difference, but anything to help my mood is worth a try. I also see my doc again on Monday so maybe we'll tweak my meds some more, who knows?! But i am willing to try anything and everything.
So, off i go. I am cleaning up and re-arranging my laundry room today. It hasn't been working well the way it is. Plus i'll get the loads and loads of laundry done in the process of being down there! I got all my Christmas loaded up and off to the storage (so one less thing in the house/laundry room for now!)It feels good to reclaim that space. I started to move the table - - it's not normally askew in the middle of the room, LOL, its usually under the window.
These are the "before" pics
These are all the remaining boxes to go through are stacked in my office. It's crammed but helps me to see it and want to go through at least a box a day to eliminate them from my space. If i take a picture (the "before") it makes me want to have an "after" picture. So its a goal to work toward.
My office....before......................
Hoping to tackle the former classroom tomorrow. With any luck i'll be able to fit some of my exercise equipment that is living in the garage in there. It will feel good to re-purpose that room and make a dent in the garage as well. But baby steps! I will get done what i can today, and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes!
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