Just to set the record straight on this - i would like to clarify that i live in the "Banana Belt" of Montana. Which for the uninformed means our particular area does not suffer from the same biting cold or record amount of snowfall as the rest of the state. I live in a beautiful Valley sandwhiched between two relatively close mountain ranges. (Imagine the base of each range being less than 10 miles apart) The harsh weather doesn't settle into our valley as often because we are shielded for the most part by those mountains and it passes over us so to speak. Don't get me wrong...we get the occassional days of -10degrees and some snow. Plenty of rain. But compared to the rest of Montana we are blessed to have the invisible shield. No before you go imagining the tropics and sandals and tshirts let me say that we do still experience WINTER. But for me, it is just COLD with not enough snow to make the cold bearable darnit. If it's gonna be 5-20 degrees everyday i want like 6 inches of snow to play in.
This area is both a blessing and a curse. Though it FEELS like we have winter 6 months of the year...it's really more like five. LOL. Instead of snow, snow, snow we actually get more ice than snow. We get a few inches of snow, then the banana belt kicks in - it gets toasty (and by that i mean hits 35 degrees) and the snow melts. Then it freezes at night and we get ice. Vicious cycle of snow/ice/dry/snow/ice/snow/ice. Which is bad. Real bad if, like me, you suffer from massive anxiety and occasional panic attacks. Ice is not my friend. Here in the ol' Banana Belt we actually have to pray real hard to get a "White Christmas" even. (Thank you Lord for blessing us with one this year!) All of this to say we just don't get enough snow to have any fun!
This long rambling and geography lesson is all to preface some photos so you will enjoy the ingenuity of the kiddos and Uncle Lloyd to make lemons out of lemonade. Or in this case - - the epic snowman. ENJOY!
Isn't he the most spectacular thing you've ever seen?! Your Welcome!
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