Santa brought sis a Webkin (*unwrapped* and placed in front of the tree)
In her stocking she got this. I am glad she loved it as much as i knew she would. I will always remember i found it in the hospital gift shop while at UCSF when mom was there. I can't believe i paid $9. for THAT!
The Bubba got this MASSIVE Lego city which to this day is still not fully put together (in his defense...he did receive roughly 1,294 other Lego sets so it is hard to stay focused when you want to put together every.single.set you got!)
And for ME..after nearly 2 years of whining hubby gave in - cuz they are CHEAP now!
I LOVE that my daughter LOVES books. She got the Box set of the Little House on the Prairie set which she adores. She is on Book#2 - Farm Boy - now.
How can you argue with THAT with a smile like that?
This is her excitement after getting a BRAND NEW BIBLE from her baby brother!
No lie, the boy LOVES this from Uncle Lloyd & Auntie Darla. It takes like 6 or 8 gigantic D batteries (i am surprised he can even hold it up) and is plenty loud and shoots those lovely Nerf bullets all over at lightning speed. No cocking or reloading required. A FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPON in the hands of a 6 year old is a scary thing. (*no animals are harmed though i can say a cat or two has taken a bullet for me!*)
SEE!!! Told you he liked it. Did you see him running to mom for a thank you hug? Um, that would be NOPE.
Bubba still gets excited about Veggie Tales!
Uncle Lloyd got his own special engraved coffee mug from the kiddos.
This was Daddy's favorite gift this year.
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After Christmas we left for California for Mom's memorial service. The day after we were able to celebrate Christmas at my sister Kelly's and open some more gifts. There was even one from Grandma for each of the kids (she had bought long before she became sick) and it broke my heart and made me happy at the same time when they opened them. I'm glad they didn't see mommy cry because they were excitied!
This Gymboree Outfit will always be special because it was bought from Grandma. More than anything she wanted Gymboree from her Grandma this year...and she got it!
The matching shirt! My mom actually got it for her Birthday i think last year but it was huge so i told her to wait to give it to her for Christmas. This will be the last Gymboree outfit she ever gets from Grandma...i am sure she will take care of it.
Auntie Lynnette scored with this Vintage Battleship game (old school) Sis LOVES battleship but the new one out is plastic and lame and takes batteries.
Bubba got cool Ninja Lego's from Grandma (i bet they were on QVC LOL)
Apparently Sis is not the only "Angel" in the family - her cousin Aubrey is too!
It was wonderful having a mini-christmas with my neices as well. We love you Aubrey and Addyson and were so thankful to get some more time with you.
I am sure my sister feels the same about the Kitchen set my mom got for Aubrey for Christmas. Excitement over how happy they are, and sadness that it is the last gift they will get from Grandma. It is Bittersweet. Emotions like that i am having to learn to deal with nearly daily when i think about my mom. I can look in my closet or around the house and remember that came from my mom. These things now make me so happy, but also come with a side of pain.
I guess in my new normal my days may be filled with that. Like going through a drive through to order your favorite milk-shake (*so happy*) then they ask "do you want fries with that?" Probably a bad analogy - but i don't want the fries (*pain*) that comes with those memories. So i'll try to chose the only the Milkshake for now - and NO i do not want fries with that.
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