(notice the mustache is on the FISH on his certificate! LOL!)
1st up was Bubba- Mr. issues of the teeth. As you are well aware (or not?) we have spent upwards of the price of a used car on this poor baby and we are not near done yet. He's only 6. His early medical issues completetly destroyed his teeth. His four front ones are not his - they are porcelain. We chose to give him teeth instead of further delay his early speech issues by making him a toothless boy with a possible lisp. Not kidding. Anyhow, his appt went great, NO CAVITIES for the boy and his two loose teeth (the porcelains) will fall out soon. One is practically dangling the other is loose. (Thanks sissy for help knocking the other loose) We sincerely hope his permanent teeth will be fine. He will have Surgery this winter on the roof of his mouth to remove his "Phantom Tooth". He has an extra in his roof growing down toward his perm teeth. It has to be removed so as not to wreak havok on his good teeth. He was a trooper and all excited this visit - mainly bcuz there were NO XRAYS this time. Poor kid has had enough of that. He was rewarded with prizes and got a fake mustache. It became his new best friend...though he was worried about actually sticking it on "cuz it will hurt like a bandaid when he has to take it off". Yep son, it would - not to mention it will take off all those lil hairs on your top lip. LOL
Sis got called to the next chair over and i must say - she was the biggest trooper of all. They both go to the specialist in Pediatric dentistry in the big city for different issues. Hers was FEAR. She fears all medical people, Dr.'s, Dentist's, Lab workers, everyone. (She once full on mule kicked a nurse who tried to take her temp). She layed with her cool shades watching Nemo on the ceiling TV. She tolerated the pink gunk they put on to see where she brushes well and where she doesn't. Knew exactly what she wanted, and did as she was told. No tears. No drama. NO CAVITIES. She was so proud of herself, and i was proud of her...for how far she has come from that girl 2 years ago that would scream and have to be strapped down to let anyone near her teeth for a checkup. She got her No Cavities certificate, 2 tokens for prizes like her brother, and the coveted Carousel ticket for a carousel ride for the no cavities.
This is a GOOD DAY around these parts!!
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