Grandpa got here on Friday night (we all know that means stuff is gonna GET DONE!) and the boys got busy organizing and getting ready. Basically here is what we have left to do in the basement:
Flooring (laminate) in classroom (optional)
Carpet installed in Bedroom
Tile bathroom
Outlets and switches installed/hooked up
Tile in hallway
Tile Landing
Tile Mudroom
Move washer/dryer & hookup in Mudroom
Purchase utility sink & install in Mudroom (optional)
Hang shower curtain in Mud room
Trim in Basement Bathroom
Purchase/Install Vanity in Bathroom
Install Toilet
Travertine in Master Bath
Purchase & Install Master Bath Toilet {out of stock =( }
Trim in upstairs Bathroom
Install ceiling fan in Living Room
Paint & install fans in bedrooms
Hang roll shade in Sis room
This is just what i would LIKE to have done by Friday.
Oh, and a million more things. Did i mention, D's best friend from school (with wife and daughter) are coming into town this coming weekend? Oh ya, and with his wife's parents as well. Five extra people in my one tiny bathroom house. Oh please Lord let me be able to finish the downstairs bath. Only problem currently is the Vanity. We wanted a 72" but too expensive. Actually 60" is too expensive also thus the problem! I did buy the countertop/sinks yesterday. We returned a bunch of stuff we didn't need or bought too much of and i used store credit and the cash to get other things. The vanity was too expensive- so worst case we can throw up some 4x4 base for now so people can wash & brush their teeth! I found a nice one that will do at Lowes, but we are lacking the $550 bucks to get it. I still have 5 days so we will pray extra hard for one of his clients to pay! Worst case we can throw a 3 ft square of tile in our master and put a toilet there so we have at least one more toilet - but the one we NEED (extra flush power like my sister Kelly's) is currently out of stock.
The great news is the hallway tile and 95% of the landing are tiled. By this evening we should be able to grout...except they need to finish the rest of the tile (partial hallway to Mudroom and Mudroom). So if today (Monday) the tile could get finished - we can grout Tuesday night. Then i can get the cabinets out of storage for the landing and move the extra fridge there. So Wednesday is cabinets, and hopefully moving/capping plumbing and hooking up Washer Dryer in Mudroom. Man will my world be SO much better. Plus it will finally be coming together downstairs.
We still haven't found anyone to come & install the bedroom carpet. Who wants to do just 1 room?! Oh ya, and we dont have a BED for them to sleep on - so there is another financial problem that can only be cured by one of hubby's clients miraculously paying their bill.
We also have no doors on order for down there. Who needs doors or window coverings? That's overrated! We live in the middle of nowhere so no one is going to see anyone anyway! Ha! At least that is hubby's train of thought!
I am sure it will all come together - but for now it is a tad overwhelming trying to rush all this stuff to happen with no funds! LOL! I am still hopeful and excited about the progress thus far! It was a productive weekend.
Now i am off to the garage to scrounge up some more stuff that can be taken back in hopes of having some funds for some window coverings - or at least cheap roll shades to get us by!
Have a great Monday and I'll update with pics soon!
Ah, the landing of my stairs (view from upstairs to bottom of basement stairs)
Woo-hoo the 1st hallway done (grout to come)
Not sure why pics turned out so yellow? Must be reflection of flash on walls? Tile is beige/tan in color!
And a picture of Mr. Remodel himself finishing the North hallway that leads to the Mudroom. (That's Dad or "Grandpa" as we affectionately call him-looking on).
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