We have been busy as usual trying to get this house finished. Undone and unfinished as you know just doesn't work well with my personality. I need closure. Completion. We are nearly there..but finances as usual keep it just out of reach. We have some friends coming in from Washington state to visit in 2 weeks so i need a little something to happen. It should keep my nights/weekends busy for a while. The painting is done. The Office is complete - flooring, trim, switches/outlets, and even a new (to us) desk is all assembled. We need carpet laid in the bedroom and 3 more boxes of flooring to finish the other room (classroom). Oh speaking of that...
We did decide to Homeschool this coming school year. I prayed so much about this the last 3 months, and i truly believe it is what i am meant to do. I am over the moon excited. If you read my High School yearbook...you would know i wanted to be a mom and Kindergarten teacher. Hilarious i know. But coming so close to that 20+ year old goal.
The kids are not quite as excited as me. They have enjoyed their little private Christian School so much. We just cannot afford to have both of them there this next year. They are worried they will miss their friends, they love the teachers. I am hoping to be the newest teacher that they love. Hoping to play into their individual strengths and help with their weaknesses. Hoping to be a good Christian role model as well. My Sonlight Curriculum has been officially shipped and we should have it next week. No turning back now...
I have so much more to post but don't want to bore you to tears. Let's just say there is never a dull moment around here. I endure the hectic craziness knowing there are "hills" and "valleys". The hills make us look to the Lord and ask for his strength to get through. The valleys make us appreciate the Lord all the more. If it weren't for the "hills" would we just be content to go about our lives without looking to the Lord? Sadly, i think yes. I have had many a season in my life where it was all valleys - and you know what? I was remiss. I had all the answers, was doing all the right things, forgot about the Lord and lived my life as if i didn't need Him ... i had it all figured out. I am glad that i found Him again during one of the valleys so i could call on His grace and love when it came time to face the hills. So no matter the season now, i know i can endure and celebrate Him when the valleys come.
I have so much more to share, but you'll have to wait.
I'll leave you with this photo i took last night.
Don't laugh - they were just trying to get the critters to look at the camera. I promise no one was actually injured while trying to get the shot!
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