I am so NOT a "Mini-Van Mom"! 8 years ago my husband traded in our Honda Odyssey mini van (loaded...leather, pop-down dvd and all) after a year bcuz i just couldn't do mini-van as hard as i tried.
In my defense, we only had a 10yr old and a newborn and weren't at the stage where it was the quinticential part of our family or anything.
For Mothers Day that year i got a BMW 735. Not a bad trade. (oh the glory days when we both made a 6 figure income)
But i digress. Last year, while at an auction to get my hubby a work trailer, it happened. He couldn't bear that someone was not buying this "sweet" ford mini van that was all beautiful inside with new studded tires. It looked like a kid had never set foot in it (props to the detail people as that was not the case.. we would find out later that a teacher at my daughters school was actually the previous owner-and she had 6 kids) and it was the only car we have ever paid cash for. Seriously. Who could pass that up? Apparently not HIM bcuz he bid and won it for a great price and we became mini van owners once again.
It was a new car to us, and completely paid for. No payments. A concept that the 2 of us had never shared together in our nine years of togetherness. It sealed the deal and in honor of our newfound attempt at living debt free i agreed (begrudgingly) to drive it.
Thus began my saga of a driver of the "grocery getter" and unbelievably the "coolest" car (in my kids minds). It was painful for me you see. Plus we already owned 3 cars so why in the heck did we need it? Who knew then that it would become my daily driving vehicle.
I shouldn't whine...lots of people LOVE mini vans. Heck, there are families that only have 1 car and would love this to be it (if that is the case - leave me a comment, i could surely part with it) It is just not for ME. SUV yes, Crossover (i.e. "station wagon" with a cool name) okay, 4 door sedan yep, but Mini van? Nope.
In it's defense it's been a great vehicle. It holds soooo much stuff. It runs great. The air blows mighty cold and the heater actually warms you (unlike my '09 Toyota Camry that for some reason neither heats nor cools well) The kids have their own doors, reading lights, and room to stretch out or be far away from each other bcuz the 2nd row has bucket seats instead of a bench. It gets great gas mileage. `
I just have always preferred to roll in style. I guess it stems from my 1st car i was forced to drive being a Pinto station wagon with avocado green interior. It scarred me people. From then on my sights were always set on sunroofs, leather interiors and good interior/exterior styling. A car snob. I fully admit it.
I ran across this today and it made me laugh so hard. Plus, it was rather stylish..
That Swagger Wagon is something i could definately see myself driving, LOL. Do you think i could get it for a couple thousand? If so, I'll rethink my negativity associated with mini-vans.
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