How i met my husband is a funny story. Lets just say there was a back-story before i ever even met the man...and it is divine providence that we are together today i believe.
You see, he and one of my very best-friends (April) were friends/cousins and roommates for years. I worked with April in the late 90's and we were close. I can still remember vividly a conversation we had one day in a chinese restaraunt where i was sharing my woes over my bad decision to get married to "play house" with my then husband who i had so little in common with and was miserable. She shared that she wishes i had met her friend first - because if she could pick anyone for me it would be him. Well fast forward about 6 months later, I am at a crab-feed with a bunch of co-workers (and my any day to be ex-husband) and that friend of hers and his childhood friend were there too. They sat at the same table, we did introductions. No spark, just nice conversations, too much drinking, and some dancing. This guy was moving to Seattle in a few weeks and winding down closing his business and such. I went out dancing to a County Western Bar that night with April, her friends, and some co-workers and had a great time. I exchanged email addresses (since he was moving) and bid them goodnight. Who would have ever known a friendship (me pouring my heart out over my failed marriage, my medical woes, internet dating *yikes*,etc.) would grow to be so much more. It's a long/weird story but he actually "rented" a room in my house when my husband moved out after the divorce so i could make ends meet. We were inseperable after that.
He was a true gentleman, opened everydoor for me. Took me country line-dancing which became our shared passion. We talked for hours about anything and everything. He commutted 2 hours each way for his business to be with me. We fell in love. He is/was my soulmate. He loved my child (then 8yrs old) and introduced me to the world of sponteneity. He was nearly 10yrs older than me, never married, and wanted children as desperatly as i wanted more children. We first got a puppy though! Max is now over 10yrs old. I had never owned a dog in my life. He has taught me so much. We LIVED, we LOVE and we made beautiful children.
We have great moments and not-so great moments. Every day has not been perfect. People who have the idea that marriage is the blendings of two souls and never goes through "rough patches" are living in a dream and should maybe solidify their friendship with their mate if they want it to last through the hard parts. Our fairytale beginnings were great. Marriage is hard work. We left our bliss and both of our 6 figure jobs for a slower pace and moved to Montana. It has been a struggle for the past 4-7 years. Mostly financial, as i haven't always worked - and he is not so good at running the paperwork side of a business. He's a WORKER and i can always count on him. It's the paperwork side that has been our downfall. We are making baby steps to get it all under control. I chose not to let money control my happiness. I know there is a reason for this "season" in our lives - and am hoping to come out the other side refined like silver. I know the Lord placed me in his life to bring him back into His fold. We have built a beautiful house that the Lord has blessed us with finding and are working to bring our family unit that much closer.

DeRell and i celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year. He is my rock and my provider and friend (and sometimes my fool). He is the absolute BEST father my kids could have and has a sensitive side. We are both Libra's (though i don't typically follow astrology) and share alot of similar charactaristics. We butt heads because of those similarities, yes. But i know every night that i am loved. I couldn't imagine a world without him in it. I love that he can do, build, make, anything he puts his mind to. I love that he is not afraid of hard work. I love that he does not give up and is a take charge kind of person. I love his drive to provide.
Here is "Our Song"....
It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smilin' down on me
As I look at you tonight
I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars
Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude
So I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars
It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew