It's been a rough couple of nights at the ol' homestead. I'm keeping it together mainly bcuz hubby is out of town on business. But it's hard.
Katie is missing.
At first, it was, well she is off "exploring". And the last time one of the cats did that we feared the worst..(hawk, coyote, mountain lion,) only to find out Jack was up in a neighbors tree all night. Happy ending. This time it's Katie. And the story is not so great.
Sunday night a man came and bought our 16 ft. enclosed trailer. We should be rejoicing - yay we can finish the bathroom. But here's where the story gets bad. Apparently during our hooking up, inspecting process the curious kitty hopped inside. Unbeknownced (sp?) to me i shut all the doors and he was off. He is from Alaska - and in a strange twist of fate his parents live in a neighboring town. We being on the "East"/hill side of the valley - they being on the "West"/mountain side of the valley. It just so happens when i met him at the bank Monday morning i mentioned that my cat was missing and joked it off hahaha i hope she's not in that trailer headed for Alaska. He laughed too and told me no way bcuz he opened it that morning to put some ski's inside and no cat. Well about 12:30 that afternoon he calls me back in a panic. It seems when he opened that trailer again there was in fact a cat in there and she darted out and down the road like someone has shot her. (apparently the 1st time he had opened it that morning she must have been sleeping up in one of the racks).
I hurried up there, walked, hiked, called for her for over an hour before i had to give up. Then i went to Sis' school, picked her up, made fliers to post and we both went out calling for her. You's her cat. The "replacement" cat from when Pixie got run over while we were away on vacation the summer before last. I thought sure Katie would hear her voice and come running. No such chance. It started to rain after an hour - so we headed back to town.
I - trying to be strong for my girl - said most likely the rain will drive her into someone's garage or onto their front porch. They will see her pink sparkly collar and call that number - and in no time we will be picking her up. I hoped. I prayed. No call. Sis was insistant we NOT tell Bubba the whole truth. That she ended up in a trailer and now is missing in the mountains. I told her i would not LIE but if he didn't bring it up we can just let him go on thinking she was just outside playing somewhere or off catching mice in a field. But guess what?
I awoke at 6:30am this mornig to OVER 6 INCHES OF SNOW!! Seriously! We have had 5 days of over 50 degree sunny weather and now this? Puxawtawny Phil does not know how shattered my little girl is going to be to have lost not one but TWO cats within 2 yrs!
Katie does not like rain, and she does NOT know snow. She wouldn't ever step a paw outside when it snowed. And that poor curious little girl went on a trip in a trailer and is now out in the wild somewhere. She barely goes outside people. I am thankful she has claws but she is seriously a pampered cat that rarely uses them.
Please pray for Katie. For her safe return. Please pray for my daughter. She is beside herself with worry and practically refused to leave the house this morning.
I know it's just a cat. But she is FAMILY. We weren't ready to let her go.
ahhhh. That is just sad! =( Maybe it will be like those animals that travel 500 miles and finally find their way home after a few months.
I was crushed when Maverick disappered. I totally know the feeling.
((hugs to Danielle!))
Two words. Homeward Bound. 'nuf said.
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