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    Tuesday, August 10, 2010

    08.12.2010 Hmmmm.. so long really?

    I can't believe it has been more than a week since i posted.

    Much is happening at the Homestead as usual.

    Much "end of summer" shenanigans. VBS this week. A Homeschool Co-Op meet and share. Some horse riding for sis as usual. Some Office Demolition - more on that later. And WORK, lots of work for me...which is prohibiting me from preparing for school...WHICH STARTS ON MONDAY!!! (..and the lack of funds for cool organizing boxes and baskets is also keeping me from finishing...thus i WORK)

    Much preparing of our classroom. Items which do not require further expenditure such as Desks have been assembled. The room has been cleared & mopped. The bookcase is full (but not organized as of yet). I am waiting (not so patiently) for some funds to come in so we can purchase the final MUCH NEEDED items to complete our classroom. I still need;

    *8ft. Dry Erase Board (final Large purchase)
    *Plastic bins for storage in the bookcase
    *Cork squares for a special project
    *Our classroom calendar
    I am also still looking for the Math U See Manipulatives (blocks) that are on back order and are going for WAY TOO MUCH on ebay right now. I am sure they will turn up before school.

    At this point we have decided to push back our official start date by one full week. It makes us all sad but it is necessary. That is the beauty of Homeschool though...we can go with the flow! Plus we were starting a full 3 weeks before traditional school starts out here - so we are still ahead.

    We are thankful for the provision we have had thus far. I'll share the other news regarding the office later. It's BIG.

    1 comment:

    Catherine said...

    I'm so excited for you to embark on this new journey of homeschooling with your family! I pray that you'll find JOY in the 'experience' and 'privilege' of teaching our kids and spending priceless time with them, rather than the bothersome details of the "perfectly stocked" school room. God already made you the PERFECT mom for your kids. :)