We did it! We made it through. It wasn't the most glorifying or perfect day but we survived it none the less. Here is a few shots of our classroom (that i was finishing a few touches at about 11pm last night)
(The kids' desks)
(Reading area)
(Our "stuff"..curriculum, art supplies, books, manipulatives, etc.)
(My desk and calendar/weather area)..always wanted a window view LOL
It was the sweetest thing this morning though...i have to write this down so i can remember. The kids set their alarms for 7:30am (well sis did 7:45 since she was sure she didn't need a WHOLE HOUR to be ready) and got to bed at a reasonable hour. Me? Not so much. I was busy making classroom rules and schedules and reviewing the lesson plans. I finally decided i needed some sleep and heck, we could just do crafts and sing songs tomorrow if worse came to worse. LOL.
Anyhow, back to the good part. So i set my alarm and dragged my tired body out of bed at about 6:30. I wanted to shower, dress, make a good breakfast before they got up. Well I'm not even in the shower yet and here comes my sleepy little man, rubbing his eyes, telling me he is "SO EXCITED FOR SCHOOL I CAN'T SLEEP ANYMORE!" Talk about melt a mamma's heart. I was done for. So he talked to daddy a bit while i showered and then layed on my bed while i got ready. I told him it was okay to get under the covers and sleep a bit longer since it was so early. But he couldn't. He played with the kitten and chatted my ear off. Then helped with breakfast (by cutting the veggies for the eggs) and did a great job of getting dressed, eating, brushing his teeth and was literally JUMPING with excitement to be able to go downstairs to the classroom. It was awesome. Sis was equally as excited (and helpful - getting the water bottles ready, cleaning up, etc.) and it made it so FUN!
We took our annual 1st day of school picture of each of them under their boards with their grade level, measured them, weighed them, etc. We went over the rules and the kids added some more. We talked about what our day would typically be like. They wrote their first paper about what kind of things they each wanted to learn this year - mom helped Bubba's write his out (there was ALOT) and they journaled next about what they thought would be the best or worst things about Homeschool. Neither could come up with a negative this morning. I think we were all on cloud nine. We had snack and went back - and sis wanted to get right to work on her first day. I hadn't planned we would get to it all....so much talking and discussing i figured we would just skate through today - - but she had other plans indeed. I wrote it all out on the board and she finished EVERY SINGLE THING before she would let the school day be over.
But truthfully, it wasn't all bliss. After snack when the reality of "school" set in my little man couldn't sit still. (i knew that would likely be a problem) After lunch it was even uglier. (do 1st graders still take naps? Where's the Benadryl - only kidding!!) He couldn't concentrate for more than 5 minutes on any task and was easily frustrated. He wants to read and write - but still struggles. A broken pencil lead set us back 15 minutes. Tears over something minor drug out for 30 minutes. All the while sis was ticking off each subject from her list and wanting more. He was a huge distraction when she was trying to concentrate. He got a few red posicle sticks (for bad behavior) and couldn't handle the agreed upon consequences. It was melt down city for most of the afternoon.
I pray tomorrow is a better day. I have to read more in my books about these kinds of things. It breaks my heart that it became so frustrating for him.(It all started over him not being able to write a lower case "a" and all the spelling words had an "a" in them) I pray he does not continue the behavior problems that cause his sister to be distracted. It was 360 degree different than what i expected. The girl who wasn't so sure about Homeschool couldn't get enough. The boy who woke up super excited couldn't finish a single task.
Tomorrow is another day though. We have plenty of time to get it right. All in all i consider it a successful day even with the mini-meltdowns.
Well overall it sounds like a good day as I really thought you might push out the date farther. Sis will do great at independent study and you can work more one on one with Bubba. 1st grade is hard for some who struggle but when they start getting it they are excited! I loved aided in 1st grade it was my favorite and 4th also but that was because of the teacher. Some good printing refresher course and he will be right back on track! And Bubba will be sounding things out and reading before to long. You look great today Mrs Teacher! Love you all!!
The classroom looks awesome! Your hard work is paying off. Just remember that you can always add things as you go or take away. I remember the first night/day of school was so exciting and scary. Each day will get easier.
Way to go Danielle & Bubba! Can't believe how big you guys are getting and it's only been three months since you were here! Can't wait to hear how your first week goes! Your reading area looks so fun. Keep up the good work!
Love, Auntie Lynnette
diSounds like you had a great day despite the minor set back with your son. I'm glad it went well and your classroom looks great. I've learned (in my measly 6 weeks of experience..hehe) that when those times come, to take them with a grain of salt and take advantage of the opportunity to just love on him. My 8 year old son is very sensitive and I noticed that he has meltdowns after he's been in trouble and often he can't recover from the disciplinary action. I use our "light" system as a last resort for him because I can't take the chance to lose his attention. Did you happen to plan a full day for him on his first day? That was lesson #1 I learned. Many veteran homeschool moms suggested I slowly ease into each subject over a few weeks. Oh well. We live and we learn. Praise the Lord He's there to cover our mistakes. Praying your week goes well.
Wow, your schoolroom looks fantastic! One day, we hope to have a room that's dedicated to school as well. I love how God surprises us with our pre-conceived notions of how we think things will go. No doubt, your son was probably tired from waking up so early as well. Still, what a blessing it is to be with your son while he gets frustrated with school or has a mini-meltdown. It's a day to day process with little and big victories. Some days, nothing clicks the way you want it to but regardless, you still learn something that day and your children are happier to be with you, than they are away from you. Great job, Missie! So proud of you!
Wow! I can't believe the kids are so big and already in the 4th and 1st grade!
Home school will be a new and different experience for everyone. Sounds like Danielle is ready to learn, learn, learn! Bubba just needs to get into the groove to get him warmed up to school again.
The classroom looks great! You've worked hard on it and it shows!
I'm dying to know more about the program itself. Are you guys in a co-op sort of thing where you meet others once a month and turn in work? How does it all work?
Great job teacher Missie! Let us know how the first week goes when it's said and done. =)
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