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    Saturday, November 13, 2010

    11.12.2010 Okay Okay Enuf Already

    Okay, sis (and SISTERS) yes i have been absent. SO sorry to not keep you posted sheesh.

    Homeschool is challenging. Being a teacher is hard work. Nuf Said.

    Halloween went well - kids had fun, mom froze my hiney off! No pictures - left my camera at home..can you believe that?! But i do have some ADORABLE pictures of Sis. I just felt bad posting them since i took NONE of Bubba. But i will show you the ones of her in her Little House on the Prairie glory...when i catch my breath.

    My weekend will be filled with unpacking (boxes from storage), Laundry, and Packing. For what you ask?! Well, that would be a trip to Cali to see the other sisters. Honey has a big job there that has to be done b4 Thanksgiving so we are tagging along and will get to see the younger sisters and nieces. Over the moon excited. Can you say IN-N-OUT Burger?!! I sure can! And Animal Fries. Double Double grilled onions please. Oh man. And i dont even care about the fact that i am at my ALL TIME HEAVIEST WEIGHT EVER! I'll worry about that after the Holidays like everyone else.

    The other bit of exciting news is that we will be picking up the oldest boy on our way home and he will be home with us through Thanksgiving and the 1st of December. It's been so long since i've seen him i just wanna squeeze him to death. Remind me again how i have a 19 year old?? Anywhoo it will be great to see him, feed him, and love on him for a bit.

    I think that is all. Sorry i cant make it all the way down your way sis - hope to see you around Christmas...HERE!

    Oh, and for anyone reading that isn't family - sorry- this was directed at my sister Darla who just loves to nag, nag, nag about my lack of posting. HEHEHEHE.


    Kelly said...

    Whahoo! The girls are going to be so excited to have company for a few days! Aubrey adores her cousins! Travel safe!

    Lynnette said...

    We can't wait! I'll try to get Friday off since I have to work Saturday, bummer! Tell Bubba we have his pumpkin pie mix and the Costco size can of whip cream! What's better than In-n-out and pumpkin pie?