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    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    Blog Challenge Day 4 - What you ate Today

    Oh my heavens that is ever so funny!

    Well for breakfast i had a glass of Orange Juice and 2 mini-egg burritos with white cheddar cheese and Tapatio sauce.

    I guess i should mention that due to hormonal imbalances i actually ate breakfast a 1pm today (Monday). I woke up at 5am because all the cats were outside and i hear the coyotes. I spent the morning out in the dark with a flashlight scaring off the coyotes and rounding up the cats. I then layed down on the couch after getting Bubba off to school and literally slept till noon.

    There was no lunch...since lunch was breakfast in the afternoon and we had to hurry and fit in school. I then had to go to the Mortgage office in town because my computer was crashed and do work. I was there from 5pm - 8pm.

    We ate Taco Bell thru a drive-thru on our way home so i could get the kids in bed. So that would be a Burrito Supreme and Taco Supreme.

    Wow! What a nutricious day huh?

    Embarrassing. It doesn't usually look like that!

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