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    Sunday, March 21, 2010

    03.20.2010 We Survived it!

    The next time i get the GREAT IDEA to hold a joint birthday party...please slap me!

    Sis didn't get her Birthday PARTY last month because of the throws of construction (not to mention lack of funds) so we decided that when Bubba had his Birthday party she could have hers. Two birds with one stone. 1 day of cleanup as opposed to two. So i went for it. I survived it too! (With a whole lotta help from April i might add...so thanks girlfriend!)

    The kids had SO.MUCH.FUN! There were 13 kids here (which included ours) ranging from age 4 to age 10. There was no fighting, no whining, no complaining. It was a beautiful day (sunny, breezy and about 50 degrees) We did crafts, ate rainbow cupcakes, played outside on the PLAYSET and of course did presents.

    I tried to make it special for each child in their own way - each got to pick their cake (or in Bubba's case-cupcake style). They each got their own pinata~, and their goodie bags were different for their friends. They each picked out a gift for their sibling, and it was very special for each of them. Bubba, well Bubba had 1/3 as many "friends" that could make it and less presents, but i think mom & dad saved the day with our present.

    Now, before i get scolded...we were gonna make him wait until he was 7 or 8yrs old for this certain present he got. But we have a road trip in the near future, and this momma needs her sanity. Plus he "steals" his sisters all the time when i pick him up from Kindergarten and she is not there to protest! And honestly - he's pretty good at it. I'm thinking those 9-10 hours in the car will include at least 2-3 hours of peace. It's worth it's weight in gold in my opinion. Can you guess what he got?

    I love the REAL moments caught on camera! This is him saying "Seriously?! You got me a DS?!!" He was truly shocked and thought he would have to live out the next 2 years drooling over his sisters metallic pink one.

    The kids all loved the crafts! The boys painted wooden snakes.

    The girls decorated flower pots with jewels, glitter glue, and pom-poms.

    J, K, Bubba, and C enjoyed playing out back!

    Sis is looking more and more like her Momma don't you agree???... Except that dark hair - i only try that in the winter!

    Sis really enjoyed the cake - she can only have ice cream cakes since frosting always makes her sick!

    Bubba got his special Rainbow cupcakes - Auntie April slaved to make them with only basic instructions from me!

    Once all the guests left -we all took turns riding the 4-wheelers. Aunite April & Donnie brought theirs and we had ours. Here Donnie was taking Sis & Colton at one time. Couldn't have helmets on for the picture LOL! We just rode & rode around our property. Sis & I on one and Donnie & Colton on the other - raced and raced.

    We were all tuckered and out by 9pm! There was a little mess to clean up on Sunday but not too bad! Thank you to April & Jacque who saved my sanity by helping with watching the chaos and cleaning up after 13 rowdies. Cuz that will be the last time for a long time. =)


    Kelly said...

    Looks like everyone had fun!

    Happy Birthday Timothy & Danielle!

    Positive Reinforcement said...

    Thanks for the SUGAR!!! Clearly, I have been missing out (cream puffs-yummy)... weirdly quiet party considering how many kids were there! Loved the super, giant spidey! Thanks for having us :)