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    Friday, March 12, 2010

    03.12.2010 5 Things Friday

    It's been a while so i thought i would jump back in with a 5 things Friday.

    5 things i am hoping will happen this weekend regarding the house - i should put a p.s. in here....p.s. Grandpa arrives this afternoon. Yippe! So much more gets done when he is here, Hallelujah!

    1. Door Jambs and doors hung (there are 9 left since only the bathroom has been done) so i am gonna hope for at least 3 doors to be finished so that not all my dreams are dashed. Plus i am a little sick of the doors laying in the middle of my living room floor.

    2. My everlasting PILES of laundry = approximately 12 loads of laundry will finally be complete. (it was 20 loads this time last week, so it is slowly deminishing) All those blankets used for moving, towels used for who knows what in the construction process, myriads of sheets, rugs - rugs - and more rugs,etc.

    3. The Play Fort/Swing Set will be assembled. This is a FULL DAY project and we are expecting more snow on Saturday.

    4. Have all remaining sheetrock HUNG in basement so taping can ACTUALLY begin on Monday. (could you feel the sarcasm? - it's not pretty)

    5. The remaining 12 or so boxes (also sitting in the middle of my living room floor) will be unpacked. These are the "leftover" boxes. I'm sure everyone had those after a move. Boxes full of absolutely non-related items. Stuff that you have no idea where to put it.

    Since i am "wishing" - i could add that a couple of entry closets & Hubby's closet be finally completed and maybe the trim put up around my french doors in the master bedroom so my curtain rod could finally be put up. But it is much to ask. And since i am none too handy - i just bark the orders without really having to do the work. My only job is to keep the laundry going, food flowing, and kids from killing one another.

    Seriously though..."It's all good!" At least i have a roof over my head. A warm place to lay my head, enough to eat, and enough clothes/items to have that much laundry! And i am blessed with those 2 hellyuns that call me momma. I can't ask for anything more...

    ...except maybe a Horse. =) I'll leave it at that! Have a GREAT weekend!

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