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    Thursday, March 18, 2010

    03.18.2010 Happy Birthday Bubba!!

    It's so indescribable. The feelings you have when say - your oldest goes off to college. Or days like today - when your youngest is SIX. Six is huge. It's Kindergarten, it's doing things like dressing themselves, or pouring their own cereal and milk. My BABY is SIX. I can hardly believe it.

    As we speak he is assembling some Lego's he got for his Birthday. All by HIMSELF. Step by step going through the instructions BY HIMSELF. Nevermind that the box says ages 7-14. He's a Lego Fan, and doesn't need me. HE DOESN'T NEED ME he insists. That is the part that makes my BABY turning six so hard. But you gotta love him!

    People often ask how this little man got the name Bubba. I'll tell you how. He was a FAT little roly poly with fat little fat rolls on his fat thighs. And had a big Bubba head. He ate like a chow hound and got fatter and fatter. And he was just "BUBBA". (Nevermind the numerous ear infections, bouts of pneumonia and allergies to just about everything a short time later that caused him numerous hospital visits and he lost ALL THAT BABY FAT!) He was a sick little boy.

    By age 4 the Lord blessed us by making him WELL. No more ear infections, no more food allergies, no more pneumonia. My little snuggle muffin that i constantly cradled and rocked to health in my arms became better. Became Independent. Didn't need his Momma. He became a little bit defiant. A little bit bossy. Temper Tantrums became the norm. His hearing loss makes his "inside voice" non-existent. We struggle with the new normal that is our independent little man. He is still our Bubba and will always be.

    He is our .............Dirt Stomping, Camo Wearing, Lego Creating, Heart Song Singing, Candy Loving, Big Eyed Bubba who LOVES
    -Bubble Baths
    -Vanilla ice cream
    -Banana Splits
    -Veggie Tales
    -Taunting his Sister
    -CheetzaNeetsa Pizza (Pizza/Cookie Lunchable)
    -His Family
    -Praise & Worship Music
    -Cowboy Boots
    -Vanilla Yogurt
    -Moms Homemade French Toast
    -Digging and Exploring in the Backyard
    -Bathrobe Wearing
    -Movie Watching (Robin Hood, Eight Legged Freaks, Jurrasic Park, Ice Age, Clone Wars,and Backyardigans are current favorites)

    He sings to the beat of his own "Heart Song" as we say. And he sings everything. We love that most about our little man. And i wouldn't trade it for the world!

    Happy Birthday Bubba.

    We brought you home..

    How did you get so fat? Love those chubby rolls!

    So Stinkin' Cute

    Never one to pass up DESSERT - you have a sweet tooth like your daddy!

    Your second hospitalization - but you were on the mend!

    Much Better Dessert choice!

    My ever so curious boy - you love tide pools!

    A boy and his Lego's shall never be parted. You can play FOR HOURS with the basic ones!

    Those eyes. Mamma always says yes to. I love you Bubba Boy!


    Positive Reinforcement said...

    Happy Birthday Bubba! Hey Missie - remember the time you were talking about "Timothy" and I had NO IDEA who that was? He's always gonna be BUBBA to our family.
    Six? Seriously? Wow.

    Annette said...

    They do grow up so fast! Mine is going to be five in a few days!!!