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    Wednesday, March 17, 2010

    03.17.2010 H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. - The Perks of Being a Fan

    I can't stop laughing. You see, i follow quite a few blogs. My husband is not so approving. I have a daily "ritual" (which i wish i could come up with a better word - but i can't right now cuz i am laughing so hard). But i get the kiddies off to school, come to work, and first things first - hit all my favorite Blogs for my latest fix -or- "spiritual shadowing"/"Blog Stalking". (I prefer Spiritual Shadowing since a good many of the Blogs i follow are fine upstanding Christian Mommies) which i think should be Trademarked! (Thanks Angie) Or as my sis Lynnette would call it "Blog Stalking". But the best part is being a part of someone else's world. To get to see glimpses. To get ideas. Parenting tips. Spiritual Guidance. Lot's of reasons really.

    Well this Fall/Winter i happened upon a really great Blog that took me to the place i love so much - HAWAII and some really great girls (Connie & Sandy are their alter ego's) named Cerina and Brooklyn. They were missionaries that had served in the Frozen Tundra of Minnesota and headed out for Hawaii on a new mission...to feel the warmth of the sand on their feet and embrace the colors and culture of all Hawaii has to offer (and forget all about the cold/snowy Minnesota! (Or really - have an awesome extended vacation) Little did they know lil' ol' me would happen upon their blog and answer their challenge of unvailing who us stalkers really were. And i happened to think they were "H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S." as i told them.

    And as much as i wish i could go back to my annual Hawaiian vacations - having kids changed all that. So i tried to live vicariously through these great girls. Their blog is awesome. They have spark! I love their adventures they did at reader's requests...and me? Well i am a SuperFan with her own song - i've never heard my name in a song - so if you have 7-10 minutes, pause my music at the bottom and watch this "HILARIOUS" Video on their blog! Thanks Connie & Sandy - you make this Montana Mom so proud!


    Positive Reinforcement said...

    You are right! They are H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. ... YOU are funny too.

    Positive Reinforcement said...

    By the way, Reigan thinks you are famous because of this song...
    and hey, are you on facebook?