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    Friday, March 13, 2009

    03.13.2009 Friday the 13th - A Look Back

    Nothing is more frightening than Home Improvements around these parts. As we are about to embark on some more Home Improvement Drama in an effort to get our house listed on the market AGAIN (....please pray for me, for my sanity.......) I thought we could all take a trip down memory lane together and see some of my older posts about said home improvements and the way we roll here in Montana. Don't be drinking anything while reading, as said beverages just might be spewed in a fit of laughter...or worse shot from your nose while rolling on the floor laughing at my pain. Drum Roll please.........
    The SAGA of the bathroom and other ramblings are here and here and finally how about this post? Mind you, if you paid REAL close attention you noticed that it started WAY BACK in January and still in October we were putting finishing touches. What is also NOT mentioned in the last post is that after staying up till 2am to finish the Master Bath painting before the relatives arrived-my lovely husband then decided to take a shower a mere 4hrs later. Anyone who has EVER painted knows that is a no-no. I now have to RE PAINT said bathroom because the still wet paint got fogged up and started dripping off the ceilings and walls! UGHHHH. Now the new deadline is March 29th so the house can be re-listed by April 1st or somewhere around there. Frighteneing, frightening indeed. Have a good weekend people...me?...well I'll be making my lists and throwing down a game plan for the newest renovations complete with before and after photos. I bet you are just hanging on the edge of your seat huh? Well I guess that's after you've cleaned up the drink you've spit and dusted yourself off from the floor (...hey...don't say i didn't warn ya'll!)


    Anonymous said...

    WOW! I love your new blog look. You crack me up...humor is sanity. You forgot to mention the blue contractor's tape that was in your Sac. home for a few years. I am sure the next homeowner will find some eventually! I can't wait to see the finish touches in June!

    Kelly said...

    Yeah for the garage project. I'm sure that was a major feat! Keep it up... there is a timeline. =) We are SO looking forward to the big move!