Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Ok, so for another edition of "Not Me Monday" i can be brutally honest about the following;
I did not on Saturday claim to be at a Bible Study Luncheon just so i could have some girlfriend time at a Mary Kay Makeover. (There was lunch, and discussion about Mondays bible study) No not me, that would be BAD.
I did not let the kids eat cereal for dinner last night, after a late lunch when mommy was just too tired to fix dinner, that would be totally wrong, so i absolutely DID NOT do that.
I did not let the alarm go off OVER and OVER this morning, knowing full well Sis would be late for school...no not me...i would NEVER!
What did you "NOT" do? Head on over to McMama's Blog and grab the Not Me Monday button and tell us your story!
Applause on blogging more than two days in a row!! A lot going on -- I'm surprised you had time. But that NOT so good Mondays are productive...when you sleep in. And you had a 4 hour nap with the quiet sounds of golf in the background...oh and kids. Don't blame ya, left Kelly's at 6 and crashed at 8! Kids are so much work but fun, kudos to you!!
Awesome...garage almost ready to be checked off your list.
Yahoo for a million new posts! Can't wait to read them all.
Hey, there is NOTHING wrong with cereal for dinner. I'm sure they LOVED it! =)
Wow see I dont have time to be on the comuterand I come back to lots of changes. These are very pleasant changes!!! Information. LOL..I know I get some when we talk but talking between cusomers and looking busy in front of D make it hard to get all the scoop. LOL Older SIS
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