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    Saturday, March 14, 2009

    The 50 Degree Rule - Funny Family Stuff

    Now let me explain. I do not profess or even pretend to be an outdoor girl! Those who like backpacking, picnicing, hiking, etc. good for you! I am just not one of ya'll. I'll take 6 back to back DVR'd episodes of Grey Anatomy or Dog Whisperer and some Girl Scout Samoas on my couch thank you!...oh but i digress....back to the topic at hand.
    The 50 degree rule came about last Spring (if you can call it spring in a place where it actually can SNOW in June) born of desperation! You see 'Sis'...my daughter...ever the adventurer (NOT!) had been itchin to ride her scooter (or her older brothers scooter) or that cute pink princess bike with the training wheels still on it that had been catching dust in the garage all fall/winter long. Since there was no SNOW and not a cloud in the sky (at that moment) she decides she wants to play outside.
    Now when i was a little girl we actually played outside. With friends. In the yard/bushes/mud/sprinklers/whatever. But it's a different kind of life for this girl. Since we live, admittedly, in the sticks she can't just go a ridin on her bike. Or run down to her friends house (as her closest friend is 2.2 miles away--oh SO FAR). She also does not enjoy general play in our beautiful fenced in front yard (*note to self* next house needs no front yard) because, quite frankly, their might be BEES. Oh gezzads..not bees!!! So "outside play" involves riding in circles or up and down our long driveway on some wheeled item. But it gets worse you see..she won't do it alone! Now, she does have Bubba-the younger brother-who LOVES all things outdoors (must be from his Father's side) but he's not good enough. She wants mommy to "watch" which entails me standing outside freezing, doing nothing, while she rides around and around. (Times like that i wish i had a laptop) That is what she considers outside play. Did i mention i am NOT an OUTDOOR girl? Shocker. Here's my dilemma. You see, i think outside play is essential for growing kids. I just think it should be INDEPENDENT outside play, with momma watching from the window you know, and peeking a look outside every once in a while. (Kinda like i frequently do when i hear screaming and yelling while said children are supposedly watching their favorite episode of Spongebob down the hall and I'm trying to Blog or catch up on emails.) And whats worse, on this particular Spring day lst year - though sunny - it was approximately 30 degrees outside with a slight breeze. Umm, No Thank You!
    What to do, what to do?! Well, thinking fast, as i am accustomed to with small children i advised her that the appropriate degree weather for playing outside is 50 degrees. Why 50? Well at the time, it was because it seemed like it would be a month before it would hit 50 (hehehe) and also because if i have to stand out there doing nothing for 2 hours it better at least have a hint of warm.
    Thus the 50 degree rule was born, and used to this day. Sadly, Thursday afternoon she wanted to go out and play, and it was impressively warm at 48 degrees. Especially since she had learned right as fall set in how to finally ride her bike without the training wheels and was just jonesing to take it for a quick spin to see if she still "had it". "Nope kiddo sorry" i reply, "It's not 50!" I know, i know, go ahead and say it, bad mommy. But that's easy for you sitting there in warm sunny places like California where it is rarely as cold as 50 degrees any darn time of the year. For me, i have a few weeks left before the outdoor trauma begins. And hey, i can always pray for snow!
    Personally, i am thinking of relaxing the rule when she is ready to do said outdoor activities without a chaperone. But even Bubba is on board with the rule, as 5 minutes out there and his "hands and nose are froze" he tells me. So geesh, lighten up, I'm not that bad...just trying to keep the kids from hypothermia here!

    **btw, both our vehicles have the thermometer temp sensors so my children can check each day on our way home from school "what degrees" it is. If you are ever so lucky as to be in the car..it is a normal question from the back seat**

    1 comment:

    Kelly said...

    That's an awesome rule! I don't think it's silly.... it's very fair for all those involved. Love that she's a stay in side kinda girl. She's in there organizing her clothes, purses and shoes. =)