Sunday, September 11, 2011
09.06.2011 First Day of School
As is our annual tradition, the kids endured their snap happy momma on the first day of school.
Sis and Bubs both got new haircuts.
Yes, I let her wear that to school (i must be getting this is the 1st time i can remember not making her wear a dress) She picked it out, and against my better judgment i said yes. It made her happy. "Victorious" is like the new "Hannah Montana" craze for her age group. LOL Kids!
As you may (or may not know) both the kids are attending our local public school this year...and are bus riders. When i was a kid the bus was a DRAG. To these kids it's like the coolest thing. I might think so too, if it wasnt like 6 miles from our house....just to get to the bus stop. It's not like they can walk or anything. Hehehe. (but if they 'could' walk...i can hear the stories now....."We had to walk 6 miles in the blinding snow, uphill most of the way...." And the funny thing is, it wouldn't be an exageration or a lie!!
(Danielle-4th grade, Willow -the tall one-4th grade, Alexa-3rd grade, Kaden 1st grade and Timothy-2nd grade)
Ya, ya, my kids are the small ones. But hey, they both grew this summer so i am happy. The first day went great, they both love their new teachers. I think it's going to be a great year!!
06.05.2011 HAY RIDE
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
08.24.2011 Duuuuuuuuuude!
Has it really been ALL MONTH LONG that i haven't blogged?
My heavens! I am FIRED!
Oh there is SO much that has happened. I am one exhausted momma.
The end is in sight.....the appraiser will be here Monday the 29th (YAY) so obviously the house needs to be completely finished by then. It's "crunch time" as they say. Bring it on.
Also, school starts Sept 6th -- right after fair week. So yay for FAIR. And double yay for school starting. This mommy needs a break from 4+ kids 24/7. I have a newfound appreciation for childcare givers. They are SAINTS. I could NEVER do that job fulltime...and hoping to NEVER have to do it again. My kids will be in camp next summer if it kills me. Oh yes they will.
Enough of that. They are growing like weeds and it is exciting to see. It has been a FUN summer for them despite one often cranky momma. HEHEHE.
SO i am off to finish sealing some tiles and helping Sis clean her room so we can get the Baseboard Trim done in there. 2 rooms left upstairs and 2/3 of the downstairs still to go. We can do it!! I like the home will all be done, the kids will be in school, the horse will start more training, the barn will get built - exciting things on the Horizon!!!
I will try to get some pics up tonite or tomorrow. Love to all!!
My heavens! I am FIRED!
Oh there is SO much that has happened. I am one exhausted momma.
The end is in sight.....the appraiser will be here Monday the 29th (YAY) so obviously the house needs to be completely finished by then. It's "crunch time" as they say. Bring it on.
Also, school starts Sept 6th -- right after fair week. So yay for FAIR. And double yay for school starting. This mommy needs a break from 4+ kids 24/7. I have a newfound appreciation for childcare givers. They are SAINTS. I could NEVER do that job fulltime...and hoping to NEVER have to do it again. My kids will be in camp next summer if it kills me. Oh yes they will.
Enough of that. They are growing like weeds and it is exciting to see. It has been a FUN summer for them despite one often cranky momma. HEHEHE.
SO i am off to finish sealing some tiles and helping Sis clean her room so we can get the Baseboard Trim done in there. 2 rooms left upstairs and 2/3 of the downstairs still to go. We can do it!! I like the home will all be done, the kids will be in school, the horse will start more training, the barn will get built - exciting things on the Horizon!!!
I will try to get some pics up tonite or tomorrow. Love to all!!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
07.30.2011 THIS, THAT, and the HUNT
The homestead and horsies are all well. Blackie is fattening up quite nicely. Luna (the piglet) is constantly trying to eat momma's food thus is porking up quite nicely as well. The kids both got some new (new to them at least but actually used) boots and 2 new straw hats. They are the cutest lil' cowboy/cowgirl on the block!
I started walking our "square" which is just over 3 1/2 miles. Day one no problem. Day two slight soreness in quads. Day 3 soreness but liveable. 4 hours later on day three i can barely walk the stairs. This momma definately needs some excercise. It felt great! And the soreness besides my overall non-fit level was really because i was interval training it...walking, then jogging, then walking, then RUNNING. The kids drug their sleepy butts out of bed this morning to come again. It's becoming a fun family thing - even the dogs are loving it - though they are 11 and 12 and waaay tired after we are done!
I am also busy online this weekend "hunting" for a swimming pool. Not an expensive, nor a plastic kiddie pool. More of an intermediate 4' hight 15-18' wide pool that we can enjoy for a couple more months then take down and store. Like this one...

The kids (including the 2 extra) need something to do!! They have gotten into more mischief than i thought was possible. Oh the stories i could tell.....
-painting with BBQ sauce on paper in Daddy's office (and ooops some of the floor!)
-using drywall mud to fully coat their bicycles
-Turning off the main gas line to the house (thankfully that was Kaden @ his own house)
-Peeing off the side of the horse trailer in full view of bystanders (the boys....simply because they CAN)
-Mud slide parties on the playset in back
-Water pitcher fights on the trampoline
There are so many stories it is almost too incredible to believe. I really shoud chronicle all their adventures. It would make for some fun stories to retell later.
Mischief makers them kids!
But it is all in fun so i guess that is what summer is all about, right?
Well we are in the home stretch now. Our home loan is approved and we just have some old things to take care of and an appraisal in a week or so. I HOPE we can be finished by then!!
One last bit...Erick will be home either Monday night or Tuesday depending on his drive. YAY!! So excited to have my boy back. Just the perfect timing too **wink**
I started walking our "square" which is just over 3 1/2 miles. Day one no problem. Day two slight soreness in quads. Day 3 soreness but liveable. 4 hours later on day three i can barely walk the stairs. This momma definately needs some excercise. It felt great! And the soreness besides my overall non-fit level was really because i was interval training it...walking, then jogging, then walking, then RUNNING. The kids drug their sleepy butts out of bed this morning to come again. It's becoming a fun family thing - even the dogs are loving it - though they are 11 and 12 and waaay tired after we are done!
I am also busy online this weekend "hunting" for a swimming pool. Not an expensive, nor a plastic kiddie pool. More of an intermediate 4' hight 15-18' wide pool that we can enjoy for a couple more months then take down and store. Like this one...

The kids (including the 2 extra) need something to do!! They have gotten into more mischief than i thought was possible. Oh the stories i could tell.....
-painting with BBQ sauce on paper in Daddy's office (and ooops some of the floor!)
-using drywall mud to fully coat their bicycles
-Turning off the main gas line to the house (thankfully that was Kaden @ his own house)
-Peeing off the side of the horse trailer in full view of bystanders (the boys....simply because they CAN)
-Mud slide parties on the playset in back
-Water pitcher fights on the trampoline
There are so many stories it is almost too incredible to believe. I really shoud chronicle all their adventures. It would make for some fun stories to retell later.
Mischief makers them kids!
But it is all in fun so i guess that is what summer is all about, right?
Well we are in the home stretch now. Our home loan is approved and we just have some old things to take care of and an appraisal in a week or so. I HOPE we can be finished by then!!
One last bit...Erick will be home either Monday night or Tuesday depending on his drive. YAY!! So excited to have my boy back. Just the perfect timing too **wink**
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
07.26.2011 ALWAYS ...
We are getting sooooooo close to having the downstairs bathroom tile finished so we will have one more shower in this house. (We are supposed to have EVERYTHING done by this weekend but that is a HUGE stretch)
We had finished the flooring, threw in those lovely vanities (against my better judgment as i mentioned in this post, and put in a toilet.
It was a 12 foot long "powder room" LOL.
We've been moving ahead at lightning speed (...that is OH SO FUNNY - sarcasm at it's finest) adn after many torturous days.....what was once THIS -

And the back wall with the built in shampoo shelf =)

Has become THIS.....

Which as you can tell is slightly unfinished. He was supposed to be grouting today, thus by Wednesday it would be useable. But ran into a problem...
In his quest to speed up the process - he actually put an entire row of regular tile where the now empty area is. Said area being empty because he had to scrape out each tile that was laid to do it correctly.
More delay.

Big deal you say?
Well, kinda. Cuz that was supposed to have the paver border go all the way around. Also, the grout lines are a bit big for a shower....but i can deal with that.
Bigger problem is i ran all the way to Missoula last night (very cranky from the previously mentioned "diet", starting of my period -sorry if TMI- and it being like 1000 degrees) because we didn't have enough of those pieces (thank you Home Depot math genius).
I got there and there were NO MORE!
So we did a transfer from another store and they should be in on Weds. Installed on Thursday, then ready for grout on Friday.
It's times like these where i take a deep breath and remember my new custom sign i just hung up .....

Because i should be giving thanks for so many things.
-For the fact that the bathroom is that close to be finished
-that my car which was broken beyond repair is somehow still managing (just barely) to getting me where i need to go
-that i had enough of the 6x6 tile to return to pay for the missing pieces with $10 back!
-that i could load up all kinds of stuff from our year and a half long remodel project to return at Lowe's to buy other items we need to finish our house
-and that i happened by Walmart at 10:30 at night to pick up dog food and found a color photo printer on sale for $28.00. SERIOUSLY! A nice one.
-And finally, that i have a roof over my head that is only possible by the grace of God and we are OH SO CLOSE to having it and all our financial woes finished!
So remember, "There is ALWAYS, always, always something to be thankful for!
We had finished the flooring, threw in those lovely vanities (against my better judgment as i mentioned in this post, and put in a toilet.
It was a 12 foot long "powder room" LOL.
We've been moving ahead at lightning speed (...that is OH SO FUNNY - sarcasm at it's finest) adn after many torturous days.....what was once THIS -
And the back wall with the built in shampoo shelf =)
Has become THIS.....
Which as you can tell is slightly unfinished. He was supposed to be grouting today, thus by Wednesday it would be useable. But ran into a problem...
In his quest to speed up the process - he actually put an entire row of regular tile where the now empty area is. Said area being empty because he had to scrape out each tile that was laid to do it correctly.
More delay.
Big deal you say?
Well, kinda. Cuz that was supposed to have the paver border go all the way around. Also, the grout lines are a bit big for a shower....but i can deal with that.
Bigger problem is i ran all the way to Missoula last night (very cranky from the previously mentioned "diet", starting of my period -sorry if TMI- and it being like 1000 degrees) because we didn't have enough of those pieces (thank you Home Depot math genius).
I got there and there were NO MORE!
So we did a transfer from another store and they should be in on Weds. Installed on Thursday, then ready for grout on Friday.
It's times like these where i take a deep breath and remember my new custom sign i just hung up .....
Because i should be giving thanks for so many things.
-For the fact that the bathroom is that close to be finished
-that my car which was broken beyond repair is somehow still managing (just barely) to getting me where i need to go
-that i had enough of the 6x6 tile to return to pay for the missing pieces with $10 back!
-that i could load up all kinds of stuff from our year and a half long remodel project to return at Lowe's to buy other items we need to finish our house
-and that i happened by Walmart at 10:30 at night to pick up dog food and found a color photo printer on sale for $28.00. SERIOUSLY! A nice one.
-And finally, that i have a roof over my head that is only possible by the grace of God and we are OH SO CLOSE to having it and all our financial woes finished!
So remember, "There is ALWAYS, always, always something to be thankful for!
Monday, July 25, 2011
07.23.2011 It's that time again....
Ya - just an update on me. I have started my favorite diet again. (South Beach).
It is lovely.
Except that part where it forces me no sugar, therefore breaking my addiction.
I miss fruit.
It is summer and i have some lovely white Ranier cherries in the fridge.
Bye bye fat. Hello healthy.
I am at my HEAVIEST WEIGHT EVER. E.V.E.R! I think even with my pregnancies i barely weighed this much. Something had to give.
So if i am a little cranky....blame it on the diet!
And the lack of sugar. Waaaaah! LOL
It is lovely.
Except that part where it forces me no sugar, therefore breaking my addiction.
I miss fruit.
It is summer and i have some lovely white Ranier cherries in the fridge.
Bye bye fat. Hello healthy.
I am at my HEAVIEST WEIGHT EVER. E.V.E.R! I think even with my pregnancies i barely weighed this much. Something had to give.
So if i am a little cranky....blame it on the diet!
And the lack of sugar. Waaaaah! LOL
07.24.2011 Weekend fun at the Arena
We have an arena just a few miles from our house. This Sunday my friend and neighbor (and keeper of the horses) Alisia and I loaded up 2 of hers and 1 of mine and headed over for some time in the saddle.
Alisia shows her horse "Bambie" in Reigning - so the horse needs extra practice.
Her other horse "Lucy" just needs alot of time put on she is stubborn and tends not to "mind" her rider!
This is Lucy. This is Alisia's daughter Alexa who has to ride Lucy bareback bcuz Lexi is so small (light) that the horse can't even feel her in the saddle. But that girl has on some spurs, and strangely the horse definately minds her with those spurs on. Doesn't she look itty bitty compared to that horse?!
Then we took "Blackie" the new momma horse we have so Danielle could get used to her.
A little later DeRell dropped Bubba off. He's never really riden before. Just sat on a horse. So we led him around on her so he could get used to it before we start with his lessons.
It was a long, HOT, fun day. Thankfully the day ended with baths for all the horses and a little cool down for the kids and mommies via a hose. All and all a fun end to the weekend!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
07.20.2011 A Eventuality come true!!!
Sorry gang it has taken me so long to post. Busy as usual on the home front. Getting the house all finished for the appraisal - should have all our stuff finalized by the 1st week in August. YAY! Hooray! I'll keep you posted.
But this post is really about a DREAM. A dream that recently came to pass. I won't likely EVER forget the date because it also happened to occur on my dear son Erick's 20th birthday.
But it's not about him.
It's about a little girl who dreamed a dream.
A girl whos mommy and Daddy promised her that when all our "house stuff" was finished her dream would come true.
A girl who patiently waited a year, then another half a year.
When mom couldn't take her waiting in quiet silence anymore began to find a way to make that dream come true.
And i did.
Two months ahead of when we "should" have or "could" have. Why? Because in another couple of months school will be here. In another couple of months she will be that much closer to winter and not being able to "ride" her dream.
So i searched.
My search took me many places. Many times my internet found me hovering around Georgia and wondering how we could make THAT happen. Transport alone would cost more than we were able to pay.
Then it happened.
We found one.
He was two and a half hours away. My neighbor was ready to help in the task of collecting...then the dreams were dashed. They changed their mind. My girl was heartbroken once more for what "could have been" and in her eyes what may never be.
It's a hard place to be as a mom, i won't lie.
When your child eats, sleeps and breathes this dream. And you can't make it happen. When all kinds of other things happen...but this very important thing to one precious little girl just reamins out of reach.
I am sure you all know, this is about a girl and a HORSE.
You see...she had been practicing and practicing to be able to care for her very own. Waking up early (in the summer at least) without complaint and feeding, bathing, caring and loving on some "practice horses" a friend has on our property. She was ready.
Yet the sadness in her heart i could see through her eyes was unsettling.
When mommy? When?
So she and mommy searched and searched. Dreamed and dreamed.
It was harder than you might think.
Choices were limited as we were looking for a POA (Ponies of America) or just smaller sized horse - considered a "pony" but not like a shaggy shetland or anything. Just a smaller version of a big horse. This helps with confidence for a young rider and because she and I are both very petite it is just the right decision for now.
Then we found her. She was the right size and GORGEOUS in our eyes. So we went to see her. She was beautiful. But NOT READY. Not even close. She only had 30 days of training and was not at all ready to be sis' dream come true. But as providence would have it, she had a mommy who was. 10 years older, slightly smaller and VERY broke to ride. The owners GAVE her to us...for FREE. We weren't looking for a horse that old, but she would be perfect while the other one finished her training. Mom is a bit on the skinny size and needs to be fattened up, but we got TWO for the price of ONE so figured it was a good deal. It also gives sis a chance to nurture the older horse.
One happy little girl, TWO happy horses.
So without further the GIRLS.
Blackie (i original!) is the mom. I didn't get alot of pictures of her, as she is looking skinny and all. These were taken after her bath, she has a pretty curly mane and forelock. (The mane hair on the front of their face/forehead)

Lakota Luna (We are calling her LUNA - though sis likes Lakota) She is a grey welsh/quarter pony cross. She is a full foot taller than her momma. She is "dappled" which means it her coat almost looks spotted though she is not an appy. Her face is a much lighter grey and white which makes her stand out. Especially with a bridle or halter on. She has a small grey lightning spot in the middle of the white stripe.. Very unique. She is graceful and beautiful. Bad part... she is still a bit "spooky". This is mainly because she is young and hasn't been handled much yet. The more time we spend she will likely outgrow that. She is a lover, and will meet you at the fence and be in your face.

We bathed them this weekend and the mom, Blackie, did great. Luna had some trust issues. But she absolutely ADORES DeRell and he was very patient and calm with her. Like the "Horse Whisperer" almost, LOL. And he was able to bathe Luna himself after she got over herself.

Then we got a saddle pad and let the kids sit on Blackie and DeRell lead them around. As you can see when DeRell was leading the kids...she is not a baby sized PONY - she is as tall as DeRell.

Luna got VERY VOCAL at that point and agitated. Either she was jealous or just wanted her momma back in the corral with her! She bucked and whined and ran all over. It was a sight. One i captured on film...yay!

You can see why i am not in a hurry to put my girl on her anytime soon....But we have TIME and PATIENCE. I also think it will be a great oppty for Sis to learn some parts of breaking a horse.
And don't you think this is an appropriate "Wordless Wednesday" post photo?

Except, i couldnt be wordless! A man's TWO BEST FRIENDS - his Horse and his Dog!!!
But this post is really about a DREAM. A dream that recently came to pass. I won't likely EVER forget the date because it also happened to occur on my dear son Erick's 20th birthday.
But it's not about him.
It's about a little girl who dreamed a dream.
A girl whos mommy and Daddy promised her that when all our "house stuff" was finished her dream would come true.
A girl who patiently waited a year, then another half a year.
When mom couldn't take her waiting in quiet silence anymore began to find a way to make that dream come true.
And i did.
Two months ahead of when we "should" have or "could" have. Why? Because in another couple of months school will be here. In another couple of months she will be that much closer to winter and not being able to "ride" her dream.
So i searched.
My search took me many places. Many times my internet found me hovering around Georgia and wondering how we could make THAT happen. Transport alone would cost more than we were able to pay.
Then it happened.
We found one.
He was two and a half hours away. My neighbor was ready to help in the task of collecting...then the dreams were dashed. They changed their mind. My girl was heartbroken once more for what "could have been" and in her eyes what may never be.
It's a hard place to be as a mom, i won't lie.
When your child eats, sleeps and breathes this dream. And you can't make it happen. When all kinds of other things happen...but this very important thing to one precious little girl just reamins out of reach.
I am sure you all know, this is about a girl and a HORSE.
You see...she had been practicing and practicing to be able to care for her very own. Waking up early (in the summer at least) without complaint and feeding, bathing, caring and loving on some "practice horses" a friend has on our property. She was ready.
Yet the sadness in her heart i could see through her eyes was unsettling.
When mommy? When?
So she and mommy searched and searched. Dreamed and dreamed.
It was harder than you might think.
Choices were limited as we were looking for a POA (Ponies of America) or just smaller sized horse - considered a "pony" but not like a shaggy shetland or anything. Just a smaller version of a big horse. This helps with confidence for a young rider and because she and I are both very petite it is just the right decision for now.
Then we found her. She was the right size and GORGEOUS in our eyes. So we went to see her. She was beautiful. But NOT READY. Not even close. She only had 30 days of training and was not at all ready to be sis' dream come true. But as providence would have it, she had a mommy who was. 10 years older, slightly smaller and VERY broke to ride. The owners GAVE her to us...for FREE. We weren't looking for a horse that old, but she would be perfect while the other one finished her training. Mom is a bit on the skinny size and needs to be fattened up, but we got TWO for the price of ONE so figured it was a good deal. It also gives sis a chance to nurture the older horse.
One happy little girl, TWO happy horses.
So without further the GIRLS.
Blackie (i original!) is the mom. I didn't get alot of pictures of her, as she is looking skinny and all. These were taken after her bath, she has a pretty curly mane and forelock. (The mane hair on the front of their face/forehead)
Lakota Luna (We are calling her LUNA - though sis likes Lakota) She is a grey welsh/quarter pony cross. She is a full foot taller than her momma. She is "dappled" which means it her coat almost looks spotted though she is not an appy. Her face is a much lighter grey and white which makes her stand out. Especially with a bridle or halter on. She has a small grey lightning spot in the middle of the white stripe.. Very unique. She is graceful and beautiful. Bad part... she is still a bit "spooky". This is mainly because she is young and hasn't been handled much yet. The more time we spend she will likely outgrow that. She is a lover, and will meet you at the fence and be in your face.
We bathed them this weekend and the mom, Blackie, did great. Luna had some trust issues. But she absolutely ADORES DeRell and he was very patient and calm with her. Like the "Horse Whisperer" almost, LOL. And he was able to bathe Luna himself after she got over herself.
Then we got a saddle pad and let the kids sit on Blackie and DeRell lead them around. As you can see when DeRell was leading the kids...she is not a baby sized PONY - she is as tall as DeRell.
Luna got VERY VOCAL at that point and agitated. Either she was jealous or just wanted her momma back in the corral with her! She bucked and whined and ran all over. It was a sight. One i captured on film...yay!
You can see why i am not in a hurry to put my girl on her anytime soon....But we have TIME and PATIENCE. I also think it will be a great oppty for Sis to learn some parts of breaking a horse.
And don't you think this is an appropriate "Wordless Wednesday" post photo?
Except, i couldnt be wordless! A man's TWO BEST FRIENDS - his Horse and his Dog!!!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
07.03.2011 More Summer Fun!
I haven't done a lot of posting...i let Britney borrow my camera for a few weeks ever since she had her baby. I wanted her to get some great photos and trust she did! I've felt a little off kilter...but at least i had my cell phone to snap some pics at the water park. I've missed alot of cute things with all the kids though so i am happy to be back with my Rebel once more!
Grandpa came to visit...which = work got done on the house. Not much though. Basically we moved the slate tiles closer to our master bath (back deck) and got a 40ft. storage container to hold all our junk while we finish the rest of the house. Translation...garage is cleaned out and now power tools (i.e. saws, etc.) can be used. We finished Grandpa's closet and cleaned out the garage. No cars have parked there for about 6 months or more. Loaded the dump trailer about 1/2 full. Ran out of Shelving material so all work came to a halt and grandpa went home. We have to have the 2 bathrooms, trim downstairs & remaining trim upstairs completed as well as the remaining closet and 3 missing doors added before we can finalize our home loan. We are almost there. After our paycheck Tuesday we should be able to purchase the remaining items and complete it all. I would say we have 2-3 weeks left to go. YAY!
I did manage to get the camera back in time for what might be sissy's last Softball game. We were slated to leave out of town by now, then it was postponed to the 6th of it might be August before we can leave. >>insert sad face here!<< =( Boo Hiss. Didn't get alot of action shots but at least i have more than one picture. She had a great season. She played well, had a great attitude and played some outfield but mostly infield (short stop) which is GREAT! We will spend the rest of the summer working on batting. I think next year she will play baseball and softball to get more time in. We always miss some of the season with vacation!!

Warming up....go #3!!

Sis is up to bat

Danielle - Reigan (her friend since she was 2) - Tristan (who will be in her class next year)
Oh ya, we also found out who the kids teachers will be next year. It is nice that they put that info right on the final report card they mail home! Sis is excited and over the moon that she will have "Mrs. Healy" ...she is super sweet and was her math teacher this past year. Bubba has Mrs. English which i am told is an awesome 2nd grade teacher so we are excited!
Hmmm, what else? Oh, my office is back to its disaster status. It seems whenever things are "moved around" it ends up in here for me to sort through. I can't even see my desk these hoping to get that straightened out somewhat this weekend (Sunday and Monday) It's pitiful....just look.....

Thats what is new on the homefront. Oh and i gained another 5 pounds or so. I look like the stay puff marshmallow girl. Sad but true. No photos of me on here LOL!
Grandpa came to visit...which = work got done on the house. Not much though. Basically we moved the slate tiles closer to our master bath (back deck) and got a 40ft. storage container to hold all our junk while we finish the rest of the house. Translation...garage is cleaned out and now power tools (i.e. saws, etc.) can be used. We finished Grandpa's closet and cleaned out the garage. No cars have parked there for about 6 months or more. Loaded the dump trailer about 1/2 full. Ran out of Shelving material so all work came to a halt and grandpa went home. We have to have the 2 bathrooms, trim downstairs & remaining trim upstairs completed as well as the remaining closet and 3 missing doors added before we can finalize our home loan. We are almost there. After our paycheck Tuesday we should be able to purchase the remaining items and complete it all. I would say we have 2-3 weeks left to go. YAY!
I did manage to get the camera back in time for what might be sissy's last Softball game. We were slated to leave out of town by now, then it was postponed to the 6th of it might be August before we can leave. >>insert sad face here!<< =( Boo Hiss. Didn't get alot of action shots but at least i have more than one picture. She had a great season. She played well, had a great attitude and played some outfield but mostly infield (short stop) which is GREAT! We will spend the rest of the summer working on batting. I think next year she will play baseball and softball to get more time in. We always miss some of the season with vacation!!
Warming up....go #3!!
Sis is up to bat
Danielle - Reigan (her friend since she was 2) - Tristan (who will be in her class next year)
Oh ya, we also found out who the kids teachers will be next year. It is nice that they put that info right on the final report card they mail home! Sis is excited and over the moon that she will have "Mrs. Healy" ...she is super sweet and was her math teacher this past year. Bubba has Mrs. English which i am told is an awesome 2nd grade teacher so we are excited!
Hmmm, what else? Oh, my office is back to its disaster status. It seems whenever things are "moved around" it ends up in here for me to sort through. I can't even see my desk these hoping to get that straightened out somewhat this weekend (Sunday and Monday) It's pitiful....just look.....
Thats what is new on the homefront. Oh and i gained another 5 pounds or so. I look like the stay puff marshmallow girl. Sad but true. No photos of me on here LOL!
Friday, June 17, 2011
06.16.2011 The Indoor Waterpark
**edited and added 7/3/11....never realized this didn't post!**
We were all set to visit our friendly neighborhood aquatic center today to try out the new waterslides they installed last month.
Unfortunately, it was gloomy and COLD and the pool and slide is OUTSIDE. So we took a "raincheck"-quite literally.
It is summer though, and so as not to disappoint the kiddos mommy decided why not drive to Missoula and go to their INDOOR waterslide! So we did.
Bubba's little friend Kaden slept over so we had the 2 boys. Sis had invited her friend earlier in the week to we invited her little brother as well. Three 7 yr. old boys, two 9 year old girls and I braved the hour drive and had a BLAST.
I could hardly keep the girls off the waterslides. The other two boys were big enough...but Bubba is not yet 48inches so he didnt get to try out the waterslide. He also lost his earplug for the all important left ear at the Monster Truck Rally last weekend so we stopped by the audiologist office...but no luck. His new earplugs have not come in yet. It didn't slow him down though! We bought him a swim cap...and though his face/forehead were "scrunched" he was still able to have a fun time. (mostly hanging in his favorite spot....the Hot Tub!)

We all survived it, and even went out to lunch at my kids favorite eatery in Missoula (China Buffet). 5 kids and a buffet is interesting. But fun. Even Kaden ate some "china food" against his better judgment. Thankfully it was a buffet and there were lots of choices of all kinds of food.
It was a fun & tiring day. The 3 boys were fast asleep in the middle row on the car ride home. Precious! The girls never slowed down, and we ended up with an overnight vistor last night (her friend Kit she took swimming with us). That is going on 7 days we have had a friend sleep over. Maybe i should start charging at Le Hotel Coates?!
Isn't this what summer is all about?!
We were all set to visit our friendly neighborhood aquatic center today to try out the new waterslides they installed last month.
Unfortunately, it was gloomy and COLD and the pool and slide is OUTSIDE. So we took a "raincheck"-quite literally.
It is summer though, and so as not to disappoint the kiddos mommy decided why not drive to Missoula and go to their INDOOR waterslide! So we did.
Bubba's little friend Kaden slept over so we had the 2 boys. Sis had invited her friend earlier in the week to we invited her little brother as well. Three 7 yr. old boys, two 9 year old girls and I braved the hour drive and had a BLAST.
I could hardly keep the girls off the waterslides. The other two boys were big enough...but Bubba is not yet 48inches so he didnt get to try out the waterslide. He also lost his earplug for the all important left ear at the Monster Truck Rally last weekend so we stopped by the audiologist office...but no luck. His new earplugs have not come in yet. It didn't slow him down though! We bought him a swim cap...and though his face/forehead were "scrunched" he was still able to have a fun time. (mostly hanging in his favorite spot....the Hot Tub!)

We all survived it, and even went out to lunch at my kids favorite eatery in Missoula (China Buffet). 5 kids and a buffet is interesting. But fun. Even Kaden ate some "china food" against his better judgment. Thankfully it was a buffet and there were lots of choices of all kinds of food.
It was a fun & tiring day. The 3 boys were fast asleep in the middle row on the car ride home. Precious! The girls never slowed down, and we ended up with an overnight vistor last night (her friend Kit she took swimming with us). That is going on 7 days we have had a friend sleep over. Maybe i should start charging at Le Hotel Coates?!
Isn't this what summer is all about?!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
06.11.2011 She LIVES - just barely
WOW. I can't remember the last time i posted, or thought about posting. Life moves at the speed of...well.....LIFE. Here is all that is new...
Bubba learned how to ride his bike...with no training wheels! We can't take any credit! His friend Kaden actually "taught" him. Held his bike, ran with him, and showed him the ropes. I can't get him off of the thing now. It is precious! The kids LOVE to ride and ride around on their bikes.
Baseball and my running of the baseball concessions is over. No more 5 nights a week at the ballfield. Woo-hoo. Bubba did great his first real year- they even got trophies and he was so proud. His skills are improving all the time. Daddy bought them a pitching machine so it will work out great for both the kiddos bcuz....
Softball (practice at least) for Sis started on Tuesday. She is actually quite good. (Notice the hint of surprise in my girly girl actually ENJOYS all things "sports") I have no idea where she gets it from. My only sports endeavor is finding a great bargain and some serious shoe shopping or mall outing in an hour or less! She is hitting her "tom-boy" phase. Note to family...she will no longer wear dresses of.any.kind. EVER. It's sad really. ....moving on.......
School officially ended for the kiddos at 11:30 on Friday. We got an extra hour sleep this morning. We made up our summer chore list and they are on board. (It even comes with "allowance" this year which is new to both of them). We all are super excited for SUMMER and a nice long visit to California.
I start watching my neighbors 2 kids for two days a week on Monday. (only until i go to California so it should be less than a month) It's a good thing. Its fun to have kids 6, 7, 8, 9 all playing together. For the most part. LOL. (...Except the tattle telling....) We are gonna have to nip that real early. I am hoping to get out an DO stuff. Our aquatic center just completed a small water slide for the outdoor pool so i can't wait to try that out. (though only 2 of the kids are tall enough to do it). I am all about wearing them out...tired kids don't tattle. They crash out on the way home in the car..hehehehehe. I have crafts planned, and cooking,...we are gonna make a CAMP out of all our fun...with themes. YAY SUMMER.
We can't forget VBS though. My kids love them some VBS. They would go everyday if they could!!! Gotta get busy checking that out. I only know of one so far, last summer they went to THREE!
I started working with my neighbor Alisia (the mom of the 2 kids i mentioned i will be watching)and her horses this past Monday. It was fun and crazy all at the same time! I walked bow-legged for 2 days afterward. It was hilarious. I am SOOOOO out of shape its not funny. Then her "spirited" horse decided to have fun rearing up and coming down on the wheel fender of the trailer and dented it! Another one broke the back light out. They obviously need to get out more. Her "kid" horse is waaaay rusty and i wouldn't trust her with any kids yet - including Danielle who is a far better rider than me. So we have our work cut out for us over the next few weeks to get 2 horses tuned up and ready for summer rides.
My precious girl Britney (bff Wendy's daughter) had her baby on Thursday morning...after more than 3 days in the hospital with labor not really happening, then being stopped, then not really happening. One un-planned c-section later Micah was born. He is absolutely ADORABLE and BEAUTIFUL and mom is doing great although she is exhausted. I can't wait to get her permission to post some pictures. He is awesome! Babies just make me smile =)
Happy Birthday to Darla (my sis) who turned "OLD" on Friday. We love you (and Uncle Lloyd) bunches and can't wait to spend some serious fun pool days with this summer.
My last bit of news is that I (and in a strange twist of fate- similar story for Darla) will most likely be having Erick back in Montana by the end of summer. (And Cortney back with Darla in Moreno Valley). We are excited for them both to be back with family & friends and motivated to find some gainful employment. It's been lonely for Erick in Nevada with no real friends to speak of. Your 20's are so important socially i think. They shape who you will become. I just know i love and miss him so much it would be great to have him even a smidge closer.
Whew! That's most of the news. I'll post some pics of our summer and stuff soon. Heading off to a birthday party. So i guess that will make the kids i am watching 7,7,8,9 after this weekend!! HeHe. Happy 7th Birthday Kaden. We love ya!
Bubba learned how to ride his bike...with no training wheels! We can't take any credit! His friend Kaden actually "taught" him. Held his bike, ran with him, and showed him the ropes. I can't get him off of the thing now. It is precious! The kids LOVE to ride and ride around on their bikes.
Baseball and my running of the baseball concessions is over. No more 5 nights a week at the ballfield. Woo-hoo. Bubba did great his first real year- they even got trophies and he was so proud. His skills are improving all the time. Daddy bought them a pitching machine so it will work out great for both the kiddos bcuz....
Softball (practice at least) for Sis started on Tuesday. She is actually quite good. (Notice the hint of surprise in my girly girl actually ENJOYS all things "sports") I have no idea where she gets it from. My only sports endeavor is finding a great bargain and some serious shoe shopping or mall outing in an hour or less! She is hitting her "tom-boy" phase. Note to family...she will no longer wear dresses of.any.kind. EVER. It's sad really. ....moving on.......
School officially ended for the kiddos at 11:30 on Friday. We got an extra hour sleep this morning. We made up our summer chore list and they are on board. (It even comes with "allowance" this year which is new to both of them). We all are super excited for SUMMER and a nice long visit to California.
I start watching my neighbors 2 kids for two days a week on Monday. (only until i go to California so it should be less than a month) It's a good thing. Its fun to have kids 6, 7, 8, 9 all playing together. For the most part. LOL. (...Except the tattle telling....) We are gonna have to nip that real early. I am hoping to get out an DO stuff. Our aquatic center just completed a small water slide for the outdoor pool so i can't wait to try that out. (though only 2 of the kids are tall enough to do it). I am all about wearing them out...tired kids don't tattle. They crash out on the way home in the car..hehehehehe. I have crafts planned, and cooking,...we are gonna make a CAMP out of all our fun...with themes. YAY SUMMER.
We can't forget VBS though. My kids love them some VBS. They would go everyday if they could!!! Gotta get busy checking that out. I only know of one so far, last summer they went to THREE!
I started working with my neighbor Alisia (the mom of the 2 kids i mentioned i will be watching)and her horses this past Monday. It was fun and crazy all at the same time! I walked bow-legged for 2 days afterward. It was hilarious. I am SOOOOO out of shape its not funny. Then her "spirited" horse decided to have fun rearing up and coming down on the wheel fender of the trailer and dented it! Another one broke the back light out. They obviously need to get out more. Her "kid" horse is waaaay rusty and i wouldn't trust her with any kids yet - including Danielle who is a far better rider than me. So we have our work cut out for us over the next few weeks to get 2 horses tuned up and ready for summer rides.
My precious girl Britney (bff Wendy's daughter) had her baby on Thursday morning...after more than 3 days in the hospital with labor not really happening, then being stopped, then not really happening. One un-planned c-section later Micah was born. He is absolutely ADORABLE and BEAUTIFUL and mom is doing great although she is exhausted. I can't wait to get her permission to post some pictures. He is awesome! Babies just make me smile =)
Happy Birthday to Darla (my sis) who turned "OLD" on Friday. We love you (and Uncle Lloyd) bunches and can't wait to spend some serious fun pool days with this summer.
My last bit of news is that I (and in a strange twist of fate- similar story for Darla) will most likely be having Erick back in Montana by the end of summer. (And Cortney back with Darla in Moreno Valley). We are excited for them both to be back with family & friends and motivated to find some gainful employment. It's been lonely for Erick in Nevada with no real friends to speak of. Your 20's are so important socially i think. They shape who you will become. I just know i love and miss him so much it would be great to have him even a smidge closer.
Whew! That's most of the news. I'll post some pics of our summer and stuff soon. Heading off to a birthday party. So i guess that will make the kids i am watching 7,7,8,9 after this weekend!! HeHe. Happy 7th Birthday Kaden. We love ya!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
04.24.2011 Easter Weekend
Spring Break has been a blast. I wish i had photos of everyday. We spent spring break in California. We went to the coast and stayed with my sister. The kiddos got to spend lots of time with their cousins. Its great to see my two younger sisters in one visit. We did the park, we did the zoo, we shopped, we swam, we hunted eggs (twice) AND were visited by the E.B.
As a special treat my older sis came up for Easter weekend too. So all 4 of us girls were together....the cousins had a blast and were spoiled to high heaven. We got to take some great photos. Its not that often the kids are dressed up (and can wear a sleeveless dress no less!) and all the sisters are together.

Kelly, Lynnette, Missie and Darla - Easter 2011
I'll try to recap the week at some point. For are some of my favorite Easter day photos.

They were good sports

The cousins - Bubba and Addy both were "done" by this point

(Partial) Family photo...Daddy didn't get to come...he was working
Sis was definately photogenic today so i have like 50 of her. Something about that cute lime green with her porcelain skin and freckles.....I'll have to blow some up for the frames at home! Let me know your favorite!!!




As a special treat my older sis came up for Easter weekend too. So all 4 of us girls were together....the cousins had a blast and were spoiled to high heaven. We got to take some great photos. Its not that often the kids are dressed up (and can wear a sleeveless dress no less!) and all the sisters are together.
Kelly, Lynnette, Missie and Darla - Easter 2011
I'll try to recap the week at some point. For are some of my favorite Easter day photos.
They were good sports
The cousins - Bubba and Addy both were "done" by this point
(Partial) Family photo...Daddy didn't get to come...he was working
Sis was definately photogenic today so i have like 50 of her. Something about that cute lime green with her porcelain skin and freckles.....I'll have to blow some up for the frames at home! Let me know your favorite!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Amazing "Blessings"
Some incredible things are going on for me right now. I guess i would like to say i am seeing the "light" beyond the darkness i have been trapped in for so long.
I always wish i had time to blog, to read blogs, to catch things all up with my family. But my life moves fast with 1 crisis at a time. Depression makes even the happiest people turn into people that can't break free from a negative perspective. No matter our faith, no matter our support system, regardless of how much we just want to "snap out of it"....happiness for me and the person i once was sometimes seems just outside of reach.
I was driving the other day, last week i think, listening to my Praise music on my local SOS Radio station and a song came on. I was kind of fixed on it. The sounds in the car just seemed to fade away and the words just spoke to that place in my heart that has been broken and wanting so bad for healing. It was so pretty but i had never heard it before...i made a "mental note" of the singer and hoped i could go and add it to my blog as background music maybe and get it on itunes for my computer/ipod eventually. Then i went about the rest of my day.
The funniest thing is - for the past (...i don't know maybe year or two) i have SERIOUS issues remembering ANYTHING. Now i can remember every.single.lyric from a song 20-30 years ago....but the fact is i can't make "new" memories. I can't remember appointments, how do to something once shown, peoples names (not like i could before LOL) right after i meet them, what i did 2 days ago, or the day of the week. Sometimes it is important stuff, sometimes it doesn't matter. It is frustrating and part of being "sick" that i have to deal with.
Once upon a time i had a near photographic memory. In business i could read or write or look at something and commit every single detail to memory. It was great and helped me get far bcuz - like an elephant - i wouldn't forget and could be a fountain of knowledge for the details. These days i couldn't remember a detail to save my life. If my kid was abducted i couldn't tell you what they were wearing even though i dressed them this morning, and it was only 2 hours ago. Frustration! Can i just say that "mental note" was lost no matter how much i have tried to recall it!!
So wouldn't you know...the song eluded me. But God makes a way! Do you know i used to spend 2-3 hrs a day reading blogs, posting, researching recipes, etc. on the internet?! But these days the blogs i "follow" i am lucky to check once a week or even much less often. But this morning, like a drop of sunshine i had a few minutes and popped on over to Kelly's blog and THERE IT WAS!!! My song. (Well not MINE, but THE song i wanted so much to hear!) So pop over and listen to it...cuz i CAN'T REMEMBER how to get the video on here!! I am serious!
YAY! And can i tell you....some songs just capture EXACTLY how you feel. And through all the pain and all the disappointment and hurt...i am thankful each day for God's BLESSINGS!!! If we have to go through painful times, trials, think of how much we look to God and rely on him in those times of suffering. Maybe not so much when things are always great? So if we have to go through some storms to get right with God...well we do! And I will!!!
I always wish i had time to blog, to read blogs, to catch things all up with my family. But my life moves fast with 1 crisis at a time. Depression makes even the happiest people turn into people that can't break free from a negative perspective. No matter our faith, no matter our support system, regardless of how much we just want to "snap out of it"....happiness for me and the person i once was sometimes seems just outside of reach.
I was driving the other day, last week i think, listening to my Praise music on my local SOS Radio station and a song came on. I was kind of fixed on it. The sounds in the car just seemed to fade away and the words just spoke to that place in my heart that has been broken and wanting so bad for healing. It was so pretty but i had never heard it before...i made a "mental note" of the singer and hoped i could go and add it to my blog as background music maybe and get it on itunes for my computer/ipod eventually. Then i went about the rest of my day.
The funniest thing is - for the past (...i don't know maybe year or two) i have SERIOUS issues remembering ANYTHING. Now i can remember every.single.lyric from a song 20-30 years ago....but the fact is i can't make "new" memories. I can't remember appointments, how do to something once shown, peoples names (not like i could before LOL) right after i meet them, what i did 2 days ago, or the day of the week. Sometimes it is important stuff, sometimes it doesn't matter. It is frustrating and part of being "sick" that i have to deal with.
Once upon a time i had a near photographic memory. In business i could read or write or look at something and commit every single detail to memory. It was great and helped me get far bcuz - like an elephant - i wouldn't forget and could be a fountain of knowledge for the details. These days i couldn't remember a detail to save my life. If my kid was abducted i couldn't tell you what they were wearing even though i dressed them this morning, and it was only 2 hours ago. Frustration! Can i just say that "mental note" was lost no matter how much i have tried to recall it!!
So wouldn't you know...the song eluded me. But God makes a way! Do you know i used to spend 2-3 hrs a day reading blogs, posting, researching recipes, etc. on the internet?! But these days the blogs i "follow" i am lucky to check once a week or even much less often. But this morning, like a drop of sunshine i had a few minutes and popped on over to Kelly's blog and THERE IT WAS!!! My song. (Well not MINE, but THE song i wanted so much to hear!) So pop over and listen to it...cuz i CAN'T REMEMBER how to get the video on here!! I am serious!
YAY! And can i tell you....some songs just capture EXACTLY how you feel. And through all the pain and all the disappointment and hurt...i am thankful each day for God's BLESSINGS!!! If we have to go through painful times, trials, think of how much we look to God and rely on him in those times of suffering. Maybe not so much when things are always great? So if we have to go through some storms to get right with God...well we do! And I will!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
03.15.2011 Another paradise
Well another week has magically flown by and i don't have much to report.
DeRell is still out of town on business, we manage to use Skype to video chat and remember what he looks like. Mainly because, oh my word, the meds going on around this house.
I must say i WAS feeling a little better. I actually seemed ALOT better this morning, and decided since it didn't feel like i had an elephant stomping on my chest (now just a large dog) i could maybe get in a half hour of Zumba. (i.e. exercise/cardio) I've been reading quite alot lately and have been somewhat "inspired" to turn over a new leaf in adopting a healthier lifestyle.
Unfortunately my body missed the memo.
Or it got the memo but decided healthy isn't meant to be just yet.
By 2pm today i was having serious chest pains (worse than heartburn) and was thinking maybe that Zumba and the Kettlebell weren't such a good idea. I went straight to the Dr. after picking the kids up bcuz Bubba hasn't been feeling well either...and truth be told it was rather fortuitous to get 2 visits for the price of one, when like us - you have no medical insurance! So i got a "re-check" and he has Strep Throat (AGAIN). And apparently i need to hit my inhaler more frequently since i am nearly finished with my prednisone. Major aerobic activity not such a good plan, and definately i need to keep the inhaler close by. I haven't kicked it all out of my chest yet, but other than the wheezing i am actually feeling better. Yes, Yes, sis i will take it easy. After feeling so crappy for so long...a good day held so much promise. But i will heed the Dr. advice and stay off the cardio for at least another week.
Wrestling has come to an end, though he still has 3 more practices. Then we have the Banquet...and THEN..... BASEBALL starts!!!! woo-hoo.
Well, i am gonna sign off now and go watch Biggest Loser. I guess i can get my exercise vicariously through the contestants on the show.
p.s. this time change is KICKING.MY.BUTT!!! How about you?
DeRell is still out of town on business, we manage to use Skype to video chat and remember what he looks like. Mainly because, oh my word, the meds going on around this house.
I must say i WAS feeling a little better. I actually seemed ALOT better this morning, and decided since it didn't feel like i had an elephant stomping on my chest (now just a large dog) i could maybe get in a half hour of Zumba. (i.e. exercise/cardio) I've been reading quite alot lately and have been somewhat "inspired" to turn over a new leaf in adopting a healthier lifestyle.
Unfortunately my body missed the memo.
Or it got the memo but decided healthy isn't meant to be just yet.
By 2pm today i was having serious chest pains (worse than heartburn) and was thinking maybe that Zumba and the Kettlebell weren't such a good idea. I went straight to the Dr. after picking the kids up bcuz Bubba hasn't been feeling well either...and truth be told it was rather fortuitous to get 2 visits for the price of one, when like us - you have no medical insurance! So i got a "re-check" and he has Strep Throat (AGAIN). And apparently i need to hit my inhaler more frequently since i am nearly finished with my prednisone. Major aerobic activity not such a good plan, and definately i need to keep the inhaler close by. I haven't kicked it all out of my chest yet, but other than the wheezing i am actually feeling better. Yes, Yes, sis i will take it easy. After feeling so crappy for so long...a good day held so much promise. But i will heed the Dr. advice and stay off the cardio for at least another week.
Wrestling has come to an end, though he still has 3 more practices. Then we have the Banquet...and THEN..... BASEBALL starts!!!! woo-hoo.
Well, i am gonna sign off now and go watch Biggest Loser. I guess i can get my exercise vicariously through the contestants on the show.
p.s. this time change is KICKING.MY.BUTT!!! How about you?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
03.09.2011 Model Glamorous ?

Well, the verdict is in.
After much suffering for the past 7 days...and getting WORSE instead of better i finally drug myself down to the Urgent Care yesterday* (at first i said on Monday but just realized today is Wednesday!*) A moms gotta do what a moms gotta do!
It's Walking Pneumonia folks!
I couldn't believe it. FOUR (...yes FOUR!) Prescriptions later i was out the door. Then to the Parmacy, the grocery store (a girl needs her chicken soup - not to mention some easy to make meals while i attempt to rest!) Then to Wrestling practice, violin lessons, and baseball & softball sign-ups. You know - the typical day in the life of a mom. Or at least this mom since hubby is out of town, those things fall to me regardless of my ailment of the moment. LOL
So i have an Inhaler, An antibiotic, a Steroid, and some cough medicine to help me sleep. (which by the way was NOT working fast enough last night when my body wanted to crash at 9:30 but my coughing would not allow) I did in fact end up taking TWO doses of the very strong stuff *insert GASP here* so i could Sleep. My cough is "productive" enough during the day - I need some REST.
Many days the sleep has evaded me.
I am not one for 2am informercials so i was desperate once again to not have to go down that road! Did you know that all those Late night shows (Letterman, Jay Leno, Ferguson, etc) seem to ALL have the same guests on a rotation?! First they go to one show (say they are promoting their new movie) then the next night they are on another show. Trust me...i know from experience these past many days! Oh, and p.s. Lynnette & Kelly they play the old school Grey's Anatomy (think Lizzie and George way back episodes) between 11pm and 1am which is very cool.
So anyway, i had to put one of those big triangular back thingies and all my pillows to prop me up so i could sleep sitting up. By about 11pm it must have kicked in finally, and i was able to remove them and go to sleep finally.
I'm gonna go hit my morning meds then try to get some REAL rest while the kids are at school. I have an appt. with Bubba's Oral surgeon in Missoula today so it will only be for an hour or two, but it's Dr.'s orders. Thats 9 pills this morning and some puffs on the inhaler. JOY
Oh, and i DO NOT, for the record, look anything near the Model Glamorous photo (above) i found to portray "Sick mom" this morning. LOL but got a kick out of it.
**Oh and one last tidbit. I've never had an inhaler before and after last nights attempts (i do believe most of it just ended up on my tongue) i thought i was destined to fail. This morning i remembered that Bubba had this magical device for his inhalers when he was little. So I pulled it out of the cupboard and gave it a try a minute ago. SUCCESS! LOL. I had to use a teddy bear themed "Aero Chamber" to squirt the medicine in then inhale! At least its not all on my tongue!

Well, the verdict is in.
After much suffering for the past 7 days...and getting WORSE instead of better i finally drug myself down to the Urgent Care yesterday* (at first i said on Monday but just realized today is Wednesday!*) A moms gotta do what a moms gotta do!
It's Walking Pneumonia folks!
I couldn't believe it. FOUR (...yes FOUR!) Prescriptions later i was out the door. Then to the Parmacy, the grocery store (a girl needs her chicken soup - not to mention some easy to make meals while i attempt to rest!) Then to Wrestling practice, violin lessons, and baseball & softball sign-ups. You know - the typical day in the life of a mom. Or at least this mom since hubby is out of town, those things fall to me regardless of my ailment of the moment. LOL
So i have an Inhaler, An antibiotic, a Steroid, and some cough medicine to help me sleep. (which by the way was NOT working fast enough last night when my body wanted to crash at 9:30 but my coughing would not allow) I did in fact end up taking TWO doses of the very strong stuff *insert GASP here* so i could Sleep. My cough is "productive" enough during the day - I need some REST.
Many days the sleep has evaded me.
I am not one for 2am informercials so i was desperate once again to not have to go down that road! Did you know that all those Late night shows (Letterman, Jay Leno, Ferguson, etc) seem to ALL have the same guests on a rotation?! First they go to one show (say they are promoting their new movie) then the next night they are on another show. Trust me...i know from experience these past many days! Oh, and p.s. Lynnette & Kelly they play the old school Grey's Anatomy (think Lizzie and George way back episodes) between 11pm and 1am which is very cool.
So anyway, i had to put one of those big triangular back thingies and all my pillows to prop me up so i could sleep sitting up. By about 11pm it must have kicked in finally, and i was able to remove them and go to sleep finally.
I'm gonna go hit my morning meds then try to get some REAL rest while the kids are at school. I have an appt. with Bubba's Oral surgeon in Missoula today so it will only be for an hour or two, but it's Dr.'s orders. Thats 9 pills this morning and some puffs on the inhaler. JOY
Oh, and i DO NOT, for the record, look anything near the Model Glamorous photo (above) i found to portray "Sick mom" this morning. LOL but got a kick out of it.
**Oh and one last tidbit. I've never had an inhaler before and after last nights attempts (i do believe most of it just ended up on my tongue) i thought i was destined to fail. This morning i remembered that Bubba had this magical device for his inhalers when he was little. So I pulled it out of the cupboard and gave it a try a minute ago. SUCCESS! LOL. I had to use a teddy bear themed "Aero Chamber" to squirt the medicine in then inhale! At least its not all on my tongue!
Monday, March 7, 2011
03.07.2011 Answers
I couldn't help but share this photo i took out my back deck the other night. I love Montana sunsets.
There is something about Gods creation visually that helps me keep my eyes upon Him. I'm looking for his direction regarding an important decision that has been placed on my heart (yet again). Without sharing with everyone (right now) i ask that you join me in prayer for what God may reveal to me. What his will is for me. That i might hear His voice clearly in this matter.
Details soon.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
03.03.2011 Updates and Such
First off, i can't believe its been almost 2 weeks since i last posted. There has actually been quite a lot going on around these parts...everytime i have a spare minute and think "i should post on my blog"...well....i don't. Truth be told SLEEP is my friend lately.
At first i thought it was the depression, but actually i have been doing really well on the new (massive amounts) of meds and supplements i am taking. I guess with all that is going on in my new schedule i just needed some downtime. I have also had extreme bouts of nausea. Debilitating actually...the Dr. had to call in an anti-nausea RX just so i could get out of bed! Oh enough about me...
The kids both had their semi-annual checkup and xrays at the dentist. They both scored the Zero Cavity award again this time. Translation = tokens for prizes at the end of their visit is all they really care about. We had to remove one of Bubba's replacement teeth as it was wobbly & interfering with the Big boy tooth coming in. We also had to make the dreaded Oral Surgeon appt. i have been putting off for over a year. That is next week for the consult i will keep you posted.
The Bubba man is absolutely LOVING wrestling. Though it is a mortal combat/fighting sport i have embraced it for many reasons. First and foremost my baby is SMALL. It is no secret that small kids get picked on, it is the circle of life. So with that being said i think it will teach him some skills he could "possibly" need down the line. I say "possibly" because if you met him or saw him interacting on a playground you would see that my lil boy is a charmer. He has too many friends to count, and is quite often the center of attention as people/kids are drawn to his fun loving energy. So maybe he wont need wrestiling after all...but he is getting strong, learning how to be a good sport, and enjoying the heck out of "pinning" people to get that Blue ribbon. 3 down 5 more to go! It's been a 3-4 day a week part of our life and will continue for many weeks to come.

Sis has been a busy bee herself. She loved her B-day party at the ice rink and is really building some solid friendships at school. I have been so proud of some of her choices and wisdom concerning the 3rd/4th grade drama. I am sure most of you can remember or relate...the hurt feelings, the "friend of the day" that is mad at you for something you did not do, the mean kids, etc. But mostly she is torn between the cool girls she has much in common with and the one little girl she has taken under her wing that none of the ccool girls will have anything to do with because she is "different" and maybe a little academically challenged. I love that she is constantly trying to "lift her up" and be her advocate. It's really easy to want to fit in with a certain group at that age (especially being new to the school). She is doing well academically (duh...they put her in 3rd grade based on her age) so that is a plus. She still LOVES reading and is required to read 20 minutes a day...which is no problem for lil miss reader. She is reading some challenging books lately that have great teaching opportunities for me. Some nights i will read aloud, or we switch off. Every night she cant wait for that special time we get to share!

Jack the cat has yet again spent another of his nine lives. If you are keeping count this is life #3. This time it DID NOT involve utility poles, instead it was more of a poison control issue. It seem a bottle of goo-gone was left open without a cap on a garage shelf. Curiosity got the best of him, he spilled it. It got all over, including him, and cats do what comes naturally. Bathe themselves. So he licked and licked (=swallowed it), it was in his eyes, on all his paws. A mess. I was then handed the clawing wretch and locked in the bathroom with him for what felt like an eternity. I shampooed, he scratched. I tried to rinse, the clawed and howled. He looked quite pathetic, but i managed to wash off all that he hadn't already ingested. It has been 4 days and he is still kicking and back to his "i will ignore you at all costs" attitude so i would say he is fine.

Photo taken TODAY - proof of life photo if you will (maybe he should have held up a newspaper?!)
The hubby left on Sunday for a few weeks to California for jobs. He had 2 big new home automation projects lined up and his regular business clients (4 of those) to see. I am so thankful for the opportunities he still has to do work there (at a higher billable rate no less!) Lord knows we would starve if he didn't get to go there 3-4 times a year! We have been using Skype and some mini cameras to "see daddy" and talk to him every day. Sometimes multiple times a day so the kids are really enjoying that. He was VERY sick the day he left (sinus infection and possibly something viral) and so his 1st two days were mostly spent in bed. Poor thing. He did manage to leave the germs behind somewhere as sis and I are quite sick ourselves now. I spent Tues night and all Wednesday in bed. I dont feel much better now (losing my voice) but the chills are gone (for now) so i need to get a move house is crumbling around me in chaos and mess.
I have been helping some friends a couple of days a week doing some data entry and training them on Quickbooks. It's been nice to get out of the house while the kids are at school. Though i'm not getting paid we traded a haircut/color a few weeks back which was desperately needed and i can get some work done on my car. (she's my hairdresser and he's my mechanic - match made in heaven!) Which by the way, the car is still not fixed. Soon Missie, soon. I'm not a fan of driving around a car the former owners hit a deer with without it being fixed. Not to mention it was atrocious on the inside and STILL has not been cleaned. Ick. It's just so stinkin cold and we cant get in the garage so i deal with it. (grudgingly ya think?!) But it doesn't feel like mine yet until its "done". I am very thankful to have a car at all though...with the way things have been lately i could very easily have been left with no car at all if it werent for the grey grandma car i have now. So thankful i chose to be. =)
It's still fully winter here, and we've had sub zero temps and lots and lots of snow over the past cpl of weeks. Always makes for FUN.
I have quite a few pictures to share. Even if i dont blog i at least try to keep up on our life in pictures when i can. Enjoy!
At first i thought it was the depression, but actually i have been doing really well on the new (massive amounts) of meds and supplements i am taking. I guess with all that is going on in my new schedule i just needed some downtime. I have also had extreme bouts of nausea. Debilitating actually...the Dr. had to call in an anti-nausea RX just so i could get out of bed! Oh enough about me...
The kids both had their semi-annual checkup and xrays at the dentist. They both scored the Zero Cavity award again this time. Translation = tokens for prizes at the end of their visit is all they really care about. We had to remove one of Bubba's replacement teeth as it was wobbly & interfering with the Big boy tooth coming in. We also had to make the dreaded Oral Surgeon appt. i have been putting off for over a year. That is next week for the consult i will keep you posted.
The Bubba man is absolutely LOVING wrestling. Though it is a mortal combat/fighting sport i have embraced it for many reasons. First and foremost my baby is SMALL. It is no secret that small kids get picked on, it is the circle of life. So with that being said i think it will teach him some skills he could "possibly" need down the line. I say "possibly" because if you met him or saw him interacting on a playground you would see that my lil boy is a charmer. He has too many friends to count, and is quite often the center of attention as people/kids are drawn to his fun loving energy. So maybe he wont need wrestiling after all...but he is getting strong, learning how to be a good sport, and enjoying the heck out of "pinning" people to get that Blue ribbon. 3 down 5 more to go! It's been a 3-4 day a week part of our life and will continue for many weeks to come.
Sis has been a busy bee herself. She loved her B-day party at the ice rink and is really building some solid friendships at school. I have been so proud of some of her choices and wisdom concerning the 3rd/4th grade drama. I am sure most of you can remember or relate...the hurt feelings, the "friend of the day" that is mad at you for something you did not do, the mean kids, etc. But mostly she is torn between the cool girls she has much in common with and the one little girl she has taken under her wing that none of the ccool girls will have anything to do with because she is "different" and maybe a little academically challenged. I love that she is constantly trying to "lift her up" and be her advocate. It's really easy to want to fit in with a certain group at that age (especially being new to the school). She is doing well academically (duh...they put her in 3rd grade based on her age) so that is a plus. She still LOVES reading and is required to read 20 minutes a day...which is no problem for lil miss reader. She is reading some challenging books lately that have great teaching opportunities for me. Some nights i will read aloud, or we switch off. Every night she cant wait for that special time we get to share!
Jack the cat has yet again spent another of his nine lives. If you are keeping count this is life #3. This time it DID NOT involve utility poles, instead it was more of a poison control issue. It seem a bottle of goo-gone was left open without a cap on a garage shelf. Curiosity got the best of him, he spilled it. It got all over, including him, and cats do what comes naturally. Bathe themselves. So he licked and licked (=swallowed it), it was in his eyes, on all his paws. A mess. I was then handed the clawing wretch and locked in the bathroom with him for what felt like an eternity. I shampooed, he scratched. I tried to rinse, the clawed and howled. He looked quite pathetic, but i managed to wash off all that he hadn't already ingested. It has been 4 days and he is still kicking and back to his "i will ignore you at all costs" attitude so i would say he is fine.
Photo taken TODAY - proof of life photo if you will (maybe he should have held up a newspaper?!)
The hubby left on Sunday for a few weeks to California for jobs. He had 2 big new home automation projects lined up and his regular business clients (4 of those) to see. I am so thankful for the opportunities he still has to do work there (at a higher billable rate no less!) Lord knows we would starve if he didn't get to go there 3-4 times a year! We have been using Skype and some mini cameras to "see daddy" and talk to him every day. Sometimes multiple times a day so the kids are really enjoying that. He was VERY sick the day he left (sinus infection and possibly something viral) and so his 1st two days were mostly spent in bed. Poor thing. He did manage to leave the germs behind somewhere as sis and I are quite sick ourselves now. I spent Tues night and all Wednesday in bed. I dont feel much better now (losing my voice) but the chills are gone (for now) so i need to get a move house is crumbling around me in chaos and mess.
I have been helping some friends a couple of days a week doing some data entry and training them on Quickbooks. It's been nice to get out of the house while the kids are at school. Though i'm not getting paid we traded a haircut/color a few weeks back which was desperately needed and i can get some work done on my car. (she's my hairdresser and he's my mechanic - match made in heaven!) Which by the way, the car is still not fixed. Soon Missie, soon. I'm not a fan of driving around a car the former owners hit a deer with without it being fixed. Not to mention it was atrocious on the inside and STILL has not been cleaned. Ick. It's just so stinkin cold and we cant get in the garage so i deal with it. (grudgingly ya think?!) But it doesn't feel like mine yet until its "done". I am very thankful to have a car at all though...with the way things have been lately i could very easily have been left with no car at all if it werent for the grey grandma car i have now. So thankful i chose to be. =)
It's still fully winter here, and we've had sub zero temps and lots and lots of snow over the past cpl of weeks. Always makes for FUN.
I have quite a few pictures to share. Even if i dont blog i at least try to keep up on our life in pictures when i can. Enjoy!
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About Us

After deciding to leave the rat race of California behind, we moved to beautiful & peaceful Montana to start a new chapter for our family.

"Sis" is our Monkey Girl. Our smart, funny, DIVA who loves American Girls, her DS, but most importantly Jesus!

"Bubba" is our sweet - Lego loving 100% Boy. Wild with a side of sweetness - who's eyes make his Momma say "yes" when i should say no.
My Little "Rays of Sunshine"

The photographer truly caught the essence of their LOVE for one another!!!
My Blog List
Big Boo Cast: Episode 43315 hours ago
Always10 years ago
Independent living3 years ago