We had finished the flooring, threw in those lovely vanities (against my better judgment as i mentioned in this post, and put in a toilet.
It was a 12 foot long "powder room" LOL.
We've been moving ahead at lightning speed (...that is OH SO FUNNY - sarcasm at it's finest) adn after many torturous days.....what was once THIS -
And the back wall with the built in shampoo shelf =)
Has become THIS.....
Which as you can tell is slightly unfinished. He was supposed to be grouting today, thus by Wednesday it would be useable. But ran into a problem...
In his quest to speed up the process - he actually put an entire row of regular tile where the now empty area is. Said area being empty because he had to scrape out each tile that was laid to do it correctly.
More delay.
Big deal you say?
Well, kinda. Cuz that was supposed to have the paver border go all the way around. Also, the grout lines are a bit big for a shower....but i can deal with that.
Bigger problem is i ran all the way to Missoula last night (very cranky from the previously mentioned "diet", starting of my period -sorry if TMI- and it being like 1000 degrees) because we didn't have enough of those pieces (thank you Home Depot math genius).
I got there and there were NO MORE!
So we did a transfer from another store and they should be in on Weds. Installed on Thursday, then ready for grout on Friday.
It's times like these where i take a deep breath and remember my new custom sign i just hung up .....
Because i should be giving thanks for so many things.
-For the fact that the bathroom is that close to be finished
-that my car which was broken beyond repair is somehow still managing (just barely) to getting me where i need to go
-that i had enough of the 6x6 tile to return to pay for the missing pieces with $10 back!
-that i could load up all kinds of stuff from our year and a half long remodel project to return at Lowe's to buy other items we need to finish our house
-and that i happened by Walmart at 10:30 at night to pick up dog food and found a color photo printer on sale for $28.00. SERIOUSLY! A nice one.
-And finally, that i have a roof over my head that is only possible by the grace of God and we are OH SO CLOSE to having it and all our financial woes finished!
So remember, "There is ALWAYS, always, always something to be thankful for!
1 comment:
love the sign. You had it special made?
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