I started walking our "square" which is just over 3 1/2 miles. Day one no problem. Day two slight soreness in quads. Day 3 soreness but liveable. 4 hours later on day three i can barely walk the stairs. This momma definately needs some excercise. It felt great! And the soreness besides my overall non-fit level was really because i was interval training it...walking, then jogging, then walking, then RUNNING. The kids drug their sleepy butts out of bed this morning to come again. It's becoming a fun family thing - even the dogs are loving it - though they are 11 and 12 and waaay tired after we are done!
I am also busy online this weekend "hunting" for a swimming pool. Not an expensive, nor a plastic kiddie pool. More of an intermediate 4' hight 15-18' wide pool that we can enjoy for a couple more months then take down and store. Like this one...

The kids (including the 2 extra) need something to do!! They have gotten into more mischief than i thought was possible. Oh the stories i could tell.....
-painting with BBQ sauce on paper in Daddy's office (and ooops some of the floor!)
-using drywall mud to fully coat their bicycles
-Turning off the main gas line to the house (thankfully that was Kaden @ his own house)
-Peeing off the side of the horse trailer in full view of bystanders (the boys....simply because they CAN)
-Mud slide parties on the playset in back
-Water pitcher fights on the trampoline
There are so many stories it is almost too incredible to believe. I really shoud chronicle all their adventures. It would make for some fun stories to retell later.
Mischief makers them kids!
But it is all in fun so i guess that is what summer is all about, right?
Well we are in the home stretch now. Our home loan is approved and we just have some old things to take care of and an appraisal in a week or so. I HOPE we can be finished by then!!
One last bit...Erick will be home either Monday night or Tuesday depending on his drive. YAY!! So excited to have my boy back. Just the perfect timing too **wink**
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