At first i thought it was the depression, but actually i have been doing really well on the new (massive amounts) of meds and supplements i am taking. I guess with all that is going on in my new schedule i just needed some downtime. I have also had extreme bouts of nausea. Debilitating actually...the Dr. had to call in an anti-nausea RX just so i could get out of bed! Oh enough about me...
The kids both had their semi-annual checkup and xrays at the dentist. They both scored the Zero Cavity award again this time. Translation = tokens for prizes at the end of their visit is all they really care about. We had to remove one of Bubba's replacement teeth as it was wobbly & interfering with the Big boy tooth coming in. We also had to make the dreaded Oral Surgeon appt. i have been putting off for over a year. That is next week for the consult i will keep you posted.
The Bubba man is absolutely LOVING wrestling. Though it is a mortal combat/fighting sport i have embraced it for many reasons. First and foremost my baby is SMALL. It is no secret that small kids get picked on, it is the circle of life. So with that being said i think it will teach him some skills he could "possibly" need down the line. I say "possibly" because if you met him or saw him interacting on a playground you would see that my lil boy is a charmer. He has too many friends to count, and is quite often the center of attention as people/kids are drawn to his fun loving energy. So maybe he wont need wrestiling after all...but he is getting strong, learning how to be a good sport, and enjoying the heck out of "pinning" people to get that Blue ribbon. 3 down 5 more to go! It's been a 3-4 day a week part of our life and will continue for many weeks to come.
Sis has been a busy bee herself. She loved her B-day party at the ice rink and is really building some solid friendships at school. I have been so proud of some of her choices and wisdom concerning the 3rd/4th grade drama. I am sure most of you can remember or relate...the hurt feelings, the "friend of the day" that is mad at you for something you did not do, the mean kids, etc. But mostly she is torn between the cool girls she has much in common with and the one little girl she has taken under her wing that none of the ccool girls will have anything to do with because she is "different" and maybe a little academically challenged. I love that she is constantly trying to "lift her up" and be her advocate. It's really easy to want to fit in with a certain group at that age (especially being new to the school). She is doing well academically (duh...they put her in 3rd grade based on her age) so that is a plus. She still LOVES reading and is required to read 20 minutes a day...which is no problem for lil miss reader. She is reading some challenging books lately that have great teaching opportunities for me. Some nights i will read aloud, or we switch off. Every night she cant wait for that special time we get to share!
Jack the cat has yet again spent another of his nine lives. If you are keeping count this is life #3. This time it DID NOT involve utility poles, instead it was more of a poison control issue. It seem a bottle of goo-gone was left open without a cap on a garage shelf. Curiosity got the best of him, he spilled it. It got all over, including him, and cats do what comes naturally. Bathe themselves. So he licked and licked (=swallowed it), it was in his eyes, on all his paws. A mess. I was then handed the clawing wretch and locked in the bathroom with him for what felt like an eternity. I shampooed, he scratched. I tried to rinse, the clawed and howled. He looked quite pathetic, but i managed to wash off all that he hadn't already ingested. It has been 4 days and he is still kicking and back to his "i will ignore you at all costs" attitude so i would say he is fine.
Photo taken TODAY - proof of life photo if you will (maybe he should have held up a newspaper?!)
The hubby left on Sunday for a few weeks to California for jobs. He had 2 big new home automation projects lined up and his regular business clients (4 of those) to see. I am so thankful for the opportunities he still has to do work there (at a higher billable rate no less!) Lord knows we would starve if he didn't get to go there 3-4 times a year! We have been using Skype and some mini cameras to "see daddy" and talk to him every day. Sometimes multiple times a day so the kids are really enjoying that. He was VERY sick the day he left (sinus infection and possibly something viral) and so his 1st two days were mostly spent in bed. Poor thing. He did manage to leave the germs behind somewhere as sis and I are quite sick ourselves now. I spent Tues night and all Wednesday in bed. I dont feel much better now (losing my voice) but the chills are gone (for now) so i need to get a move house is crumbling around me in chaos and mess.
I have been helping some friends a couple of days a week doing some data entry and training them on Quickbooks. It's been nice to get out of the house while the kids are at school. Though i'm not getting paid we traded a haircut/color a few weeks back which was desperately needed and i can get some work done on my car. (she's my hairdresser and he's my mechanic - match made in heaven!) Which by the way, the car is still not fixed. Soon Missie, soon. I'm not a fan of driving around a car the former owners hit a deer with without it being fixed. Not to mention it was atrocious on the inside and STILL has not been cleaned. Ick. It's just so stinkin cold and we cant get in the garage so i deal with it. (grudgingly ya think?!) But it doesn't feel like mine yet until its "done". I am very thankful to have a car at all though...with the way things have been lately i could very easily have been left with no car at all if it werent for the grey grandma car i have now. So thankful i chose to be. =)
It's still fully winter here, and we've had sub zero temps and lots and lots of snow over the past cpl of weeks. Always makes for FUN.
I have quite a few pictures to share. Even if i dont blog i at least try to keep up on our life in pictures when i can. Enjoy!
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