We sat around the computer trying to find the perfect video to send Auntie wishing her a Happy Birthday...and you know what? We couldn't find a single one! The kids didn't want to send her the cell phone video yet again this year..."we've already done that momma!". So we couldn't decide.
And guess what?! Instead of sending something cheezy or heartfelt...we sent NOTHING AT ALL! How could we?! We had lunch, got busy, and later *gulp* FORGOT.
We are ooooh so sorry Auntie Lynnette. We love you! We miss you! We wish you the best on your "birfday" as Bubba would say.
And being overwhelmed with packing, unpacking, and the lack of Christmas in our new house is no excuse.
We just wanted to let you know we DID think of you on your birthday...and we are sending something SPESHUL right after Christmas for you. With Mommy's mad organization skills you should get it right around 4th of July if you are lucky!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
12.10.2009 Happy Birthday Karen
Well today is my friend Karen's birthday. I sure do miss her. We've know each other for ...yikes...something like 14 yrs or more. She's the ying to my yang. She's fun and always has a smile no matter what life throws her way.
Since i can't find any really old pictures - that would be HILARIOUS! Like the TMS conventions or something....hehehehe. Partying on the river at Chevy's or whatever. We have had some really great times and lived to tell about it (or NOT tell whatever the case may be) She's really like a sister.
I was there when she was in Labor with Ali. Ali is like all grown up and practically a teenager now! Where does time go? We've had great times, and weathered sad times together. We've seen each other through births, divorces, through fat and skinny, moves far away and too many fun times to mention.
And though Karen you are far away on this day so i can't celebrate with you, i wish you the best day possible. Keep smiling girl! I Love You!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
12.09.2009 OOOH the KITCHEN !!!
Okay, so maybe not a big deal to YOU...but to me...perfection!
Last night my dear hubby stayed at the house until about 1:30 am getting the flooring installed in the kitchen so we could put the cabinets in today. My HERO i must say. The floor looks awesome. It didn't make it all the way into the pantry but i'll live - cuz we could put in cupboards.
Don't ask me WHAT i was thinking when i proceeded to clean the cabinets and "help" the guys and didn't take a freakin picture of just the floor. DUH! So hindsight being 20/20 i ran to the car for the camera, and did my best.
I took this standing inside the pantry looking into the kitchen area. Sorry for the "feet" in the pic - and the partially placed cupboards!

The guys strategizing...We had to drag the range over to make sure it would fit in the tight opening!

Sr. had to call Jr. for longer screws! HaHa. Who knows where the original screws went. And nevermind the range off to the left where the fridge is supposed to go =) We just dragged it over there so the cabinets could be screwed in. Not ready to install it yet...maybe Sunday?
I had to leave before it was all done. I did give the cupboard some extra scrubbing and scraping and a coat of lemon oil. They were/are seriously neglected. Don't worry cupboards...your new momma is gonna take REAL good care of you! =)
It is AWANA night and had to get the kiddo's there so not sure what all will be accomplished. The guys got the sink cupboard fitted around the pipes, and installed my dishwasher. As of this post they had only the top cupboard on the far right left to put back up...so it should be ALL DONE when i visit tomorrow (except the range, micro and fridge which will be installed Sunday it looks like).
I'll do an update with the FINAL shot later. Thanks Steven (Ericks best friend) for coming down to help! Now if that little bathroom tile (travertine) project could be done i could have a working bathroom! Is that too much to ask really?! To be able to pee indoors? Where it is warm. Where you don't get frostbite on your hiney? We shall see...stay tuned!
Last night my dear hubby stayed at the house until about 1:30 am getting the flooring installed in the kitchen so we could put the cabinets in today. My HERO i must say. The floor looks awesome. It didn't make it all the way into the pantry but i'll live - cuz we could put in cupboards.
Don't ask me WHAT i was thinking when i proceeded to clean the cabinets and "help" the guys and didn't take a freakin picture of just the floor. DUH! So hindsight being 20/20 i ran to the car for the camera, and did my best.
The guys strategizing...We had to drag the range over to make sure it would fit in the tight opening!
Sr. had to call Jr. for longer screws! HaHa. Who knows where the original screws went. And nevermind the range off to the left where the fridge is supposed to go =) We just dragged it over there so the cabinets could be screwed in. Not ready to install it yet...maybe Sunday?
I had to leave before it was all done. I did give the cupboard some extra scrubbing and scraping and a coat of lemon oil. They were/are seriously neglected. Don't worry cupboards...your new momma is gonna take REAL good care of you! =)
It is AWANA night and had to get the kiddo's there so not sure what all will be accomplished. The guys got the sink cupboard fitted around the pipes, and installed my dishwasher. As of this post they had only the top cupboard on the far right left to put back up...so it should be ALL DONE when i visit tomorrow (except the range, micro and fridge which will be installed Sunday it looks like).
I'll do an update with the FINAL shot later. Thanks Steven (Ericks best friend) for coming down to help! Now if that little bathroom tile (travertine) project could be done i could have a working bathroom! Is that too much to ask really?! To be able to pee indoors? Where it is warm. Where you don't get frostbite on your hiney? We shall see...stay tuned!
Monday, December 7, 2009
12.07.2009 Can't hold me down!
Well...the news is that there have been some setbacks around the ol' homestead. Things haven't been going according to my plan/schedule (SHOCKER!) So i just send up a little prayer and ask God to please PLEASE please let me celebrate Jesus' Birthday in our new home. It was afterall his plan to get me into this house. As one door closed, he threw this one wide open. And i've been a busy girl and have had busy workers, and yet, it is still not habitable.
Take for instance, the kitchen. I painted - and it DID NOT turn out the color that was on that little brochure in the paint store. Oh no! It was BRIGHT RED. Not the look i was going for. So do i cry, blame God, wallow? Nope - as his grace would have it..it just peeled off the walls. Seriously. I spent an entire evening (last Thursday) peeling the paint off. It came off in wonderful glorious sheets thanks to a primer problem. Thank you Lord. So i got new (dark tinted grey) primer. I primed. And then Saturday i painted- a new color. And it is lovely. It is what i wanted to begin with. God is GOOD. And i painted another coat just for good measure, and it was even more lovely - and it did not peel. So...are my cabinets in? No. Have to have floors before we can put the cabinets in. But i do have recepticles and lights on upstairs. Now the Kitchen & Guest bedroom have light. No more "runway lights" as my family calls them.

Notice the color on the bottom? That is the original..it will be covered by the cabinets so i left it - the red is an accent color - there will be very little that will show anyway, but it will look awesome! At ;east now it is the "Brick Red" that i was going for! The picture doesn't do it justice..and sadly this whole wall will be covered by the fridge!
Honey also started the tile on Sunday (it's actually Travertine just like we had before but BIGGER 18x18!). That way we could grout on Monday and put in the toilet and sink, and Voila!, working bathroom. Nope. You see i bought enough tile to do the job with 2 left over for good measure. Wouldn't you know it - in one of the boxes the bottom 2 tiles were cracked & Broken. He broke another while trying to cut out the intricate heater vent rectangle. By the time i drove the entire hour to the 2 hardware stores...we made it to the 1st, but the second was closed. I will not despair. Erick will pick me up a new box after school.

The guys got all the cabling finished on Sunday for TV's, computers and part of the wood flooring down (just the front entryway). On Monday my drywaller is supposed to prime & paint my master bedroom. If that happens we are good! I didn't get the other 2 rooms prepped that needed to be repainted, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. But thats ok. Wanna know why?!
Because i am moving in the new house on Saturday! I have 4 friends lined up, some trucks, trailers, flat bed, etc and we are moving in regardless. You see, if we were there ALL THE TIME we could work on it more. Also, did i mention our furnace here is on the blink? It works sometimes...so when i wake up at 4am because it's 59 degrees inside...i know across town it is toasty and warm. Not finished or ready, but warm. If we can get the flooring in and that 1 bathroom done - we can sleep where it is WARM and work, work, work!

This is how much flooring is done so far....more to be done Monday night! I took the picture from the front porch looking in after i opened the door. Awesome huh? It's Maple - mmmmm how i love Maple!
Plus, a girl needs to put up her Christmas tree! Can i get an AMEN?!
Take for instance, the kitchen. I painted - and it DID NOT turn out the color that was on that little brochure in the paint store. Oh no! It was BRIGHT RED. Not the look i was going for. So do i cry, blame God, wallow? Nope - as his grace would have it..it just peeled off the walls. Seriously. I spent an entire evening (last Thursday) peeling the paint off. It came off in wonderful glorious sheets thanks to a primer problem. Thank you Lord. So i got new (dark tinted grey) primer. I primed. And then Saturday i painted- a new color. And it is lovely. It is what i wanted to begin with. God is GOOD. And i painted another coat just for good measure, and it was even more lovely - and it did not peel. So...are my cabinets in? No. Have to have floors before we can put the cabinets in. But i do have recepticles and lights on upstairs. Now the Kitchen & Guest bedroom have light. No more "runway lights" as my family calls them.
Notice the color on the bottom? That is the original..it will be covered by the cabinets so i left it - the red is an accent color - there will be very little that will show anyway, but it will look awesome! At ;east now it is the "Brick Red" that i was going for! The picture doesn't do it justice..and sadly this whole wall will be covered by the fridge!
Honey also started the tile on Sunday (it's actually Travertine just like we had before but BIGGER 18x18!). That way we could grout on Monday and put in the toilet and sink, and Voila!, working bathroom. Nope. You see i bought enough tile to do the job with 2 left over for good measure. Wouldn't you know it - in one of the boxes the bottom 2 tiles were cracked & Broken. He broke another while trying to cut out the intricate heater vent rectangle. By the time i drove the entire hour to the 2 hardware stores...we made it to the 1st, but the second was closed. I will not despair. Erick will pick me up a new box after school.
The guys got all the cabling finished on Sunday for TV's, computers and part of the wood flooring down (just the front entryway). On Monday my drywaller is supposed to prime & paint my master bedroom. If that happens we are good! I didn't get the other 2 rooms prepped that needed to be repainted, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. But thats ok. Wanna know why?!
Because i am moving in the new house on Saturday! I have 4 friends lined up, some trucks, trailers, flat bed, etc and we are moving in regardless. You see, if we were there ALL THE TIME we could work on it more. Also, did i mention our furnace here is on the blink? It works sometimes...so when i wake up at 4am because it's 59 degrees inside...i know across town it is toasty and warm. Not finished or ready, but warm. If we can get the flooring in and that 1 bathroom done - we can sleep where it is WARM and work, work, work!
This is how much flooring is done so far....more to be done Monday night! I took the picture from the front porch looking in after i opened the door. Awesome huh? It's Maple - mmmmm how i love Maple!
Plus, a girl needs to put up her Christmas tree! Can i get an AMEN?!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
12.01.2009 NOPE TO VIDEO
Well the video just wont work! Apparently bcuz it is 10 minutes long? It got to 74% and stayed there...all night. So when i checked this morning it was the same. So i can't show you the house the way i had hoped. I am going to go back today and take photos of all the same then just try a montage of those pictures.
Well the cabinets did not get put back in last night. Honey got stuck on a service call and got home after 8pm - and DUH! - we have to put the flooring in before we can do the cabinets. So no kitchen.
Talked to paint place this am, they think there is maybe something wrong with the primer - thus the reason the red didn't stick and it sticky, literally. So i have to bring them some samples and they might be buying me new primer and paint and we have a do-over.
The guys are going to finish the cabling today, change out the bathtub spout /control / shower in the little bath, and hopefully my master bedroom will be finished being textured today. We plan on Weds or Thurs to start on the flooring, so we shall see.
I have some 1/2 finished posts to go up, so this week you should at least get a post a day! Your welcome.
Well the cabinets did not get put back in last night. Honey got stuck on a service call and got home after 8pm - and DUH! - we have to put the flooring in before we can do the cabinets. So no kitchen.
Talked to paint place this am, they think there is maybe something wrong with the primer - thus the reason the red didn't stick and it sticky, literally. So i have to bring them some samples and they might be buying me new primer and paint and we have a do-over.
The guys are going to finish the cabling today, change out the bathtub spout /control / shower in the little bath, and hopefully my master bedroom will be finished being textured today. We plan on Weds or Thurs to start on the flooring, so we shall see.
I have some 1/2 finished posts to go up, so this week you should at least get a post a day! Your welcome.
Monday, November 30, 2009
12.02.2009 DEAR SANTA
Dear Santa;
Even though we know that you don't really exist, we've continue to "play along" as long as the kiddos are young/naive enough to still believe....
We also have left behind serious consumerism in favor of a more traditional approach to Christmas. Because JESUS really is the REASON FOR THE SEASON the children will only be getting 3 gifts each this year. Just like Jesus did on his Birthday. Though i know in her heart of hearts sis does not want Frankincense or Myrrh (or Gold for that matter).
In order that we shall not shatter their belief in all things we will continue to indulge in the Santa Claus fantasy for ONE MORE YEAR. Also, smarty pants (Danielle) is already on her way to denouncing you...thus she will in turn ruin it for Bubba I have no doubt.
So here is their list - and we threw in a few extras if you can manage...
Please oh please oh please give her the American Girl Doll. That way she can stop begging ME and thereby save me $95 plus s/h not to mention the matching outfit for HER that will likely set me back at least that much more. No pierced ears though Santa, pierced ears are for hussies.
He dreams of all things LEGO Santa. Make sure the little Keebler Elves bang out something dazzling in the Lego department - thus saving my wallet an additional 89.99 or so.
Well Santa, he has been a very good boy this year. He has run himself ragged and is sick with worry that he wont be able to finish our dream house. I can't think of a tool he doesn't have so I am gonna wish for something useful like a weeks vacation far far away. I'm sure there are some travel vouchers or discounted hotel stays you can shove in the old stocking. Just asking!
Well as for me...please oh please make Costco magically have about 20 more boxes of this So I can finish my Master Bathroom and shower. Dont know how we are going to swing it without you Santa - at this point i can afford a box (10 tiles) a month- and have my bathroom complete in about a year and a half. I know they are kinda heavy and may weigh down the sleigh...but if there is some way - i will happily pay for any chiropractic care the elves may require. I'm sure Mrs. Claus completely understands my need to have this finished by Christmas. Then you and my man can lay around the other 11 months of the year i promise.
The Coates Family
Oh and p.s. The eldest in college would like an XBOX ELITE. Ya, i know... ridiculous! But apparently his REGULAR XBOX was not good enough and he sold it to a friend, and now hopes mommy (or YOU) can provide him with $400 worth of the newest and best technology. I know wooden toy trains and horsies are more along the lines of what your elves generally crank out...but that is all he is asking for - so I am hoping they have some pull with Microsoft.
Even though we know that you don't really exist, we've continue to "play along" as long as the kiddos are young/naive enough to still believe....
We also have left behind serious consumerism in favor of a more traditional approach to Christmas. Because JESUS really is the REASON FOR THE SEASON the children will only be getting 3 gifts each this year. Just like Jesus did on his Birthday. Though i know in her heart of hearts sis does not want Frankincense or Myrrh (or Gold for that matter).
In order that we shall not shatter their belief in all things we will continue to indulge in the Santa Claus fantasy for ONE MORE YEAR. Also, smarty pants (Danielle) is already on her way to denouncing you...thus she will in turn ruin it for Bubba I have no doubt.
So here is their list - and we threw in a few extras if you can manage...
Please oh please oh please give her the American Girl Doll. That way she can stop begging ME and thereby save me $95 plus s/h not to mention the matching outfit for HER that will likely set me back at least that much more. No pierced ears though Santa, pierced ears are for hussies.
He dreams of all things LEGO Santa. Make sure the little Keebler Elves bang out something dazzling in the Lego department - thus saving my wallet an additional 89.99 or so.
Well Santa, he has been a very good boy this year. He has run himself ragged and is sick with worry that he wont be able to finish our dream house. I can't think of a tool he doesn't have so I am gonna wish for something useful like a weeks vacation far far away. I'm sure there are some travel vouchers or discounted hotel stays you can shove in the old stocking. Just asking!
Well as for me...please oh please make Costco magically have about 20 more boxes of this So I can finish my Master Bathroom and shower. Dont know how we are going to swing it without you Santa - at this point i can afford a box (10 tiles) a month- and have my bathroom complete in about a year and a half. I know they are kinda heavy and may weigh down the sleigh...but if there is some way - i will happily pay for any chiropractic care the elves may require. I'm sure Mrs. Claus completely understands my need to have this finished by Christmas. Then you and my man can lay around the other 11 months of the year i promise.
The Coates Family
Oh and p.s. The eldest in college would like an XBOX ELITE. Ya, i know... ridiculous! But apparently his REGULAR XBOX was not good enough and he sold it to a friend, and now hopes mommy (or YOU) can provide him with $400 worth of the newest and best technology. I know wooden toy trains and horsies are more along the lines of what your elves generally crank out...but that is all he is asking for - so I am hoping they have some pull with Microsoft.
11.30.2009 One BUSY Slacker!
Has it really been 2 weeks since my last post?! Oh MY. Well if you follow my right sidebar, at least i have been Tweeting(?) Twittering (?) - whatever - you can follow my tweets there.
It's been crazy, and the house is looking not much further along in these past weeks sadly. Though MUCH has been accomplished -it's not always visible. Let's run down what is and isn't visable
-insulation sprayed in basement exterior walls, theater room, breezeway, garage
-Garage Door was put up
-Garage sheetrock hung
-drop down sofit built around heating so we can hang ceilings in basement
-2 upstairs rooms painted
And here is more that gone done these past 4 days that we took off work during the Holiday and got busy
-Recepticles and Switches in upstairs Guest room - yippee we have POWER!
-Kitchen painted accent color (RED) on 2 walls - it took 4 COATS ! UGH!
-2 closets and interior of pantry painted
-All speakers (12 zones) cabled and boxes put in
-TV Coax ran from Satelitte location to termination spot
-Soffit finished
-Garage Sheetrock taped/textured
-Guest room reconfigured/rebuilt to make it bigger w/ walk in closet
and lastly - as of about 4pm today (Monday) the entire upstairs (Living/Dining/Kitchen/Halls) should be painted. I decided not to paint the ceilings white. If i see it and don't like it i have the option to change my mind... but i am pretty sure i will be fine. I picked a warm brown called Persian Fable. It will be everywhere including the kids bathroom (in a different sheen). I'm even having that color in my Master. I picked "Peace of Mind" for the guest bedroom - again a bold yet warm color so i am excited. The red in the kitchen is also warm, and dark - though Erick & I were scared after the 1st coat bcuz it literally looked like blood. Many a joke was cracked (all day long actually) about the color - but when all was said and done (4 coats later) it darkened up to what i was hoping for. I think it will be awesome!
Tonite we are heading up to check on the painting and put the kitchen cabinets back in! Then I can put the old crappy countertops in (for now) and have a functioning kitchen! I'm gonna try to get him to install the microwave tonite too *wink*.
What didn't get done was the bathroom. The plastic blue outhouse/porta potty is still a permanent fixture on my front driveway. Mainly bcuz our septic is not functioning so even if we did get the bathroom flooring/toilet/sink in - nothing is draining. ICK! Over a year with no use and it's....well SOLID. We are on a septic system, it needs water flowing to it so it can do its job. No water flow, no go. Kinda like a human body eh? I'll stop now, i know i'm making Lynnette queezy with TMI (sorry sis).
Lastly, i took a 10 minute video tour yesterday for ya'll to see - but literally it has taken 4hrs so far to get it uploaded on One True Media. Maybe by when i get in the office tomorrow it will be done.hehehehe I'll post pics and more tonite - ttfn.
It's been crazy, and the house is looking not much further along in these past weeks sadly. Though MUCH has been accomplished -it's not always visible. Let's run down what is and isn't visable
-insulation sprayed in basement exterior walls, theater room, breezeway, garage
-Garage Door was put up
-Garage sheetrock hung
-drop down sofit built around heating so we can hang ceilings in basement
-2 upstairs rooms painted
And here is more that gone done these past 4 days that we took off work during the Holiday and got busy
-Recepticles and Switches in upstairs Guest room - yippee we have POWER!
-Kitchen painted accent color (RED) on 2 walls - it took 4 COATS ! UGH!
-2 closets and interior of pantry painted
-All speakers (12 zones) cabled and boxes put in
-TV Coax ran from Satelitte location to termination spot
-Soffit finished
-Garage Sheetrock taped/textured
-Guest room reconfigured/rebuilt to make it bigger w/ walk in closet
and lastly - as of about 4pm today (Monday) the entire upstairs (Living/Dining/Kitchen/Halls) should be painted. I decided not to paint the ceilings white. If i see it and don't like it i have the option to change my mind... but i am pretty sure i will be fine. I picked a warm brown called Persian Fable. It will be everywhere including the kids bathroom (in a different sheen). I'm even having that color in my Master. I picked "Peace of Mind" for the guest bedroom - again a bold yet warm color so i am excited. The red in the kitchen is also warm, and dark - though Erick & I were scared after the 1st coat bcuz it literally looked like blood. Many a joke was cracked (all day long actually) about the color - but when all was said and done (4 coats later) it darkened up to what i was hoping for. I think it will be awesome!
Tonite we are heading up to check on the painting and put the kitchen cabinets back in! Then I can put the old crappy countertops in (for now) and have a functioning kitchen! I'm gonna try to get him to install the microwave tonite too *wink*.
What didn't get done was the bathroom. The plastic blue outhouse/porta potty is still a permanent fixture on my front driveway. Mainly bcuz our septic is not functioning so even if we did get the bathroom flooring/toilet/sink in - nothing is draining. ICK! Over a year with no use and it's....well SOLID. We are on a septic system, it needs water flowing to it so it can do its job. No water flow, no go. Kinda like a human body eh? I'll stop now, i know i'm making Lynnette queezy with TMI (sorry sis).
Lastly, i took a 10 minute video tour yesterday for ya'll to see - but literally it has taken 4hrs so far to get it uploaded on One True Media. Maybe by when i get in the office tomorrow it will be done.hehehehe I'll post pics and more tonite - ttfn.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
11.15.2009 A Busy Weekend
First off, i guess i better give the bad news first. I took absolutely NO photos this entire weekend. I am really slipping! It was mostly because i was busy, and it was cold outside and i had left my camera in the car hehehe.
It was a good weekend though. Cold, but good. I spent Saturday prepping for paint. I painted the little bathroom but it turned out terrible. They didn't put my cut-in brush in the bag at the paint store, and it was closed before i realized that little tidbit. Since the ceiling were already painted I tried to improvise and it was UGLY. We are gonna have a "do-over" with the paint sprayer on Monday or Tuesday.
I got Sis' room all taped and it is painted. I went a lighter shade than what she wanted because i was SURE it was going to darken up by the time all 4 walls were painted. UMM, NO!! So it's a bit pastel for me and might warrant a do-over as well. But if so that is later....MUCH later. So her room is painted! One down, 7 to go. (rooms that is - not all bedrooms obviously) Oh and then there is downstairs but i am not going to think about that now.
The guys got some sheetrock and the 2nd walls up in the Theater room (for sound proofing we double wall it with sheetrock in between) so it will be ready to be insulated on Tuesday. The electrical is still not done in 1/2 the basement and all of the garage - which all needs to be done before the insulators can come...so it will be a busy Monday. I never realized what a pain it is - having to know where all the lights will go, what kinds, etc. so the proper electrical can be done and the box in the right place! When all is said and done and walls are in it will be so exciting.
It feels like we are in slow motion but this is the part that takes forever. And we need to buy trim and still construct a whole bathroom. Craigslist here i come. I need to get a vanity, toilet, tub/shower enclosure, flooring, lighting and fixtures for about $500. Last time i looked just the tub/shower surround cost that much. Scary!
Hopefully mid-week or Thursday the tile will be started. Lets just say it is a rude awakening with 6 inches of snow and using a porta-potty outside! Even the blue stuff is frozen solid! Sorry for TMI i just thought that was too funny, like they should have anti-freeze in it.
Well stay tuned, i have one more walk thru for the electrical tomorrow to make sure we got everything where it needs to be before the insulators come. The other 2 bedrooms will be painted on Tuesday, then the priming of the kitchen & living room should also be done by Wednesday.
Have a good week everyone. The packing shall commence again for me!
It was a good weekend though. Cold, but good. I spent Saturday prepping for paint. I painted the little bathroom but it turned out terrible. They didn't put my cut-in brush in the bag at the paint store, and it was closed before i realized that little tidbit. Since the ceiling were already painted I tried to improvise and it was UGLY. We are gonna have a "do-over" with the paint sprayer on Monday or Tuesday.
I got Sis' room all taped and it is painted. I went a lighter shade than what she wanted because i was SURE it was going to darken up by the time all 4 walls were painted. UMM, NO!! So it's a bit pastel for me and might warrant a do-over as well. But if so that is later....MUCH later. So her room is painted! One down, 7 to go. (rooms that is - not all bedrooms obviously) Oh and then there is downstairs but i am not going to think about that now.
The guys got some sheetrock and the 2nd walls up in the Theater room (for sound proofing we double wall it with sheetrock in between) so it will be ready to be insulated on Tuesday. The electrical is still not done in 1/2 the basement and all of the garage - which all needs to be done before the insulators can come...so it will be a busy Monday. I never realized what a pain it is - having to know where all the lights will go, what kinds, etc. so the proper electrical can be done and the box in the right place! When all is said and done and walls are in it will be so exciting.
It feels like we are in slow motion but this is the part that takes forever. And we need to buy trim and still construct a whole bathroom. Craigslist here i come. I need to get a vanity, toilet, tub/shower enclosure, flooring, lighting and fixtures for about $500. Last time i looked just the tub/shower surround cost that much. Scary!
Hopefully mid-week or Thursday the tile will be started. Lets just say it is a rude awakening with 6 inches of snow and using a porta-potty outside! Even the blue stuff is frozen solid! Sorry for TMI i just thought that was too funny, like they should have anti-freeze in it.
Well stay tuned, i have one more walk thru for the electrical tomorrow to make sure we got everything where it needs to be before the insulators come. The other 2 bedrooms will be painted on Tuesday, then the priming of the kitchen & living room should also be done by Wednesday.
Have a good week everyone. The packing shall commence again for me!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
First off, i think we should take a minute to offer thanks to someone we know who served in the armed forces, or remember someone who lost their life fighting for our country. Go ahead, i'll wait.
Ok, so now for the news here. We awoke to light snow this morning. Yay?
There was however siding going on out the homestead yesterday, and i got some photos. See here

As of this time, not much was accomplished today due to weather (?) and/or novices without a clue - i dunno where to place the blame. So i will ask the good Lord for the ability to cover my mouth at this point so i will only speak loving words.
Moving on.
In loving and happy news, my drywall guy did in fact show up today and prime my bathroom, hall, and bedrooms. This means i can get busy on the painting. He is going to do the ceilings on Thursday - so Thursday afternoon/night i am good to get busy!!! We could have a finished room and small bathroom by this weekend. Yippe. Stay tuned.
In other little known facts about me...i am a Twilight FANatic. (incase you didn't see my countdown at the bottom of this blog) The funny thing is, i actually didn't see the original Twilight movie until it came out on DVD. I just didn't know what all the hype was about. It wasn't until after i saw the movie that i borrowed / bought all the rest of the books in the series. I became HOOKED! Way to jump on the bandwagon AFTER the craze eh?! Even funnier still, i never read the first book, having seen the movie, until recently. The book was ohhhh so much better than the movie and i L.O.V.E. the movie so it's probably a good thing i didn't read it first. For those not in on the craze, the 2nd book in the series NEW MOON (turned movie) is out on Thursday 11/18/09 (Midnight showings everywhere) Guess where i was a 6:00pm? Hmmm, that would be ME standing in line to get my presale ticket. These are the kinds of circumstances where i am oh so happy to live in a SMALL TOWN. Only like 20 people ahead of me. Still my (numbered) ticket has me 99th in line on the night of the movie. At least i am not 200 or 250 and sitting in the FRONT ROW getting a neck ache! I am stokked. So next Thursday night i not only get to watch my favorite TV show (Greys) then i get to go to the movies for NEW MOON. It's a great night!
Ok, so now for the news here. We awoke to light snow this morning. Yay?
There was however siding going on out the homestead yesterday, and i got some photos. See here
As of this time, not much was accomplished today due to weather (?) and/or novices without a clue - i dunno where to place the blame. So i will ask the good Lord for the ability to cover my mouth at this point so i will only speak loving words.
Moving on.
In loving and happy news, my drywall guy did in fact show up today and prime my bathroom, hall, and bedrooms. This means i can get busy on the painting. He is going to do the ceilings on Thursday - so Thursday afternoon/night i am good to get busy!!! We could have a finished room and small bathroom by this weekend. Yippe. Stay tuned.
In other little known facts about me...i am a Twilight FANatic. (incase you didn't see my countdown at the bottom of this blog) The funny thing is, i actually didn't see the original Twilight movie until it came out on DVD. I just didn't know what all the hype was about. It wasn't until after i saw the movie that i borrowed / bought all the rest of the books in the series. I became HOOKED! Way to jump on the bandwagon AFTER the craze eh?! Even funnier still, i never read the first book, having seen the movie, until recently. The book was ohhhh so much better than the movie and i L.O.V.E. the movie so it's probably a good thing i didn't read it first. For those not in on the craze, the 2nd book in the series NEW MOON (turned movie) is out on Thursday 11/18/09 (Midnight showings everywhere) Guess where i was a 6:00pm? Hmmm, that would be ME standing in line to get my presale ticket. These are the kinds of circumstances where i am oh so happy to live in a SMALL TOWN. Only like 20 people ahead of me. Still my (numbered) ticket has me 99th in line on the night of the movie. At least i am not 200 or 250 and sitting in the FRONT ROW getting a neck ache! I am stokked. So next Thursday night i not only get to watch my favorite TV show (Greys) then i get to go to the movies for NEW MOON. It's a great night!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
09.10.2009 Addyson Grace (again)
What can i say? I am a proud Auntie. I just wish i could have been there to love on and snuggle this little girl! Oh and her big sister, i would be tickling her right now. But instead, i have to settle for pictures. Oh so cute and adorable pictures! Like this one.....

And the best part? She has a cute little mole/brown birthmark on her left calf. It's oh so cute and distinguishing - see here....

And then...wanna know the best part? She's not a redhead at all. She has BROWN hair. How cool is that? I am sure it will fall out and come in RED but for now it's brown. hehehe.
Wanna know the best part? My man - out of the blue the other night - says to me, "Honey do you want to go to California for Christmas?" and i started bumbling about how i would love to and see the baby and all but we just can't afford it. And he said he could make it happen. But we can't - we can't close the shop, can't leave both our houses, don't have the money....and he just stopped me and said if that is what i want we will MAKE IT HAPPEN! Oh how i would LOVE that. So we will pray that somehow someway we will see our family and this new addition this Christmas.
Today is gonna be a great day...can you feel it?!!
Oh, and in house news, i should have updates soon. Haven't been out since Saturday. So I'll go today and take some pics and share progress with ya'll!!

And the best part? She has a cute little mole/brown birthmark on her left calf. It's oh so cute and distinguishing - see here....

And then...wanna know the best part? She's not a redhead at all. She has BROWN hair. How cool is that? I am sure it will fall out and come in RED but for now it's brown. hehehe.
Wanna know the best part? My man - out of the blue the other night - says to me, "Honey do you want to go to California for Christmas?" and i started bumbling about how i would love to and see the baby and all but we just can't afford it. And he said he could make it happen. But we can't - we can't close the shop, can't leave both our houses, don't have the money....and he just stopped me and said if that is what i want we will MAKE IT HAPPEN! Oh how i would LOVE that. So we will pray that somehow someway we will see our family and this new addition this Christmas.
Today is gonna be a great day...can you feel it?!!
Oh, and in house news, i should have updates soon. Haven't been out since Saturday. So I'll go today and take some pics and share progress with ya'll!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
11.09.2009 Welcome Addyson Grace
Sunday, November 8, 2009
11.07.2009 Sheetrock!!
I can't believe another whole week has gone by without any posts (sorry)! I also can't believe it is NOVEMBER already. Just a few things got done on the house this week so not much to report. Saturday however was a pretty busy day.
First thing Saturday Lowes delivered the siding and trim for the Garage and Breezeway. That was exciting. We are gonna be a little miss-matched for a while, because we got the NEW Hardi-plank siding that we are going to be used on the rest of the house later. {We can't do the house until next spring or summer when (1.) It warms up and (2.) We have the money to do it!} Anyway, we didn't want to throw money down the drain by putting up some junk siding in the meantime just to rip it off in a few months. So they got a few trim pieces up and started on the front of the garage first. It was super cold so it was hard to work. In other news......
I was inside most of the day (yay!) and out of the cold. Our sheetrock guy showed up right after lunch and got busy (double yay!)So all but one little piece was hung on the living dining room wall, pantry and closet. Erick came up this weekend to help out and they put him to work screwing up the sheetrock as Jim hung it. It was great to watch. I kept them stocked with screws and cleaned up the scraps.
Our next plan is for the bathroom texture and hall to be re-done and then the bedrooms to be sanded on Monday. (If you recall we had to start all over in all those rooms because there were tiny holes.air bubbles in the texture - so even after i sanded and primed the bath & bedroom he had to texture again!) With the rooms now re-done he can spray the primer in all those rooms and i can finally get BUSY on the painting. So i hope by mid-week to get started on painting. Once that is done he will start the tape and mud of the new areas we just hung the sheetrock for. If all goes well, next weekend i can paint my kitchen. Then hang the cabinets and put in the appliances and voila! Thanksgiving at the new house. That would make me sooooo happy. I am hopeful and optimistic but not convinced we can actually get it done in that timeframe.
Once the outside (siding) is done it will be time to focus on the inside which should come together quickly when all our resources are all working in one place (inside).
I am hoping Sunday to repaint an old cabinet. We have one down in the kids playroom, and i want to test it out on THAT first before i do it for my master bathroom vanity in the new house. Just to make sure i CAN, and that it turns out the way i am hoping. I've never done it before so it's really going to be a test. I'm up for the challenge! It should be exciting!
Here's some pics of the workers and sheetrock that got done

Erick Inside the pantry

Erick busy screwing up the sheetrock on living/dining area wall

Nearly Finished - walls, closet and pantry drywall is hung!

Apparently little watchers were taking pictures without my consent!
First thing Saturday Lowes delivered the siding and trim for the Garage and Breezeway. That was exciting. We are gonna be a little miss-matched for a while, because we got the NEW Hardi-plank siding that we are going to be used on the rest of the house later. {We can't do the house until next spring or summer when (1.) It warms up and (2.) We have the money to do it!} Anyway, we didn't want to throw money down the drain by putting up some junk siding in the meantime just to rip it off in a few months. So they got a few trim pieces up and started on the front of the garage first. It was super cold so it was hard to work. In other news......
I was inside most of the day (yay!) and out of the cold. Our sheetrock guy showed up right after lunch and got busy (double yay!)So all but one little piece was hung on the living dining room wall, pantry and closet. Erick came up this weekend to help out and they put him to work screwing up the sheetrock as Jim hung it. It was great to watch. I kept them stocked with screws and cleaned up the scraps.
Our next plan is for the bathroom texture and hall to be re-done and then the bedrooms to be sanded on Monday. (If you recall we had to start all over in all those rooms because there were tiny holes.air bubbles in the texture - so even after i sanded and primed the bath & bedroom he had to texture again!) With the rooms now re-done he can spray the primer in all those rooms and i can finally get BUSY on the painting. So i hope by mid-week to get started on painting. Once that is done he will start the tape and mud of the new areas we just hung the sheetrock for. If all goes well, next weekend i can paint my kitchen. Then hang the cabinets and put in the appliances and voila! Thanksgiving at the new house. That would make me sooooo happy. I am hopeful and optimistic but not convinced we can actually get it done in that timeframe.
Once the outside (siding) is done it will be time to focus on the inside which should come together quickly when all our resources are all working in one place (inside).
I am hoping Sunday to repaint an old cabinet. We have one down in the kids playroom, and i want to test it out on THAT first before i do it for my master bathroom vanity in the new house. Just to make sure i CAN, and that it turns out the way i am hoping. I've never done it before so it's really going to be a test. I'm up for the challenge! It should be exciting!
Here's some pics of the workers and sheetrock that got done
Erick Inside the pantry
Erick busy screwing up the sheetrock on living/dining area wall
Nearly Finished - walls, closet and pantry drywall is hung!
Apparently little watchers were taking pictures without my consent!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
10.31.2009 Halloween
I think it was Tuesday or Wednesday when my friend April called me for my plans for Saturday. I was like, uh, "Same as always, working on the new house". And she said "No, I meant for Halloween..what are you doing?!"
Silence. Gulp. Halloween...this Saturday...Right! No costumes were planned out, no plan made at all. As a mom I get an "F". The house is an all consuming deal right now. Plus I was sick. Yea, that's the one i am sticking with. I was sick so i didn't make a plan. Oh wait, i think my sister had my neice's outfit all planned out like 2-3 months in advance. Even made her a cute matching treat bag (hand sewn and all!) Me? I completely and totally lack that area of my brain function right now. I used to be a planner. A perfectionist. Every detail thought of and covered. What happened?! Life i guess, and an over FULL PLATE.
So i did what at least 10 other moms no doubt did, ran to KMart on Friday night to see what pathetic excuse for costumes they have left. Bubba put in his order - he wanted to be a Black Ninja. Should be easy, and it was. Costume, (check!), Sword (check!) bonus..it had fake blood inside to give it a more authentic(?) appearance.
Now for sis, she's a bit more difficult. She doesn't like to Trick'or'Treat (always TOO COLD) plus no Kmart costume is ever good enough for her. So after like 20 times of hearing "No Way!" i was just about resolved to her passing out candy in her pajamas. She really wanted to be a Devil. (um NO!) That's only cute on the 2yr and under crowd or the over 30 crowd. I just couldn't do it. So i attempt to steer her toward the Dorothy from Wizard of Oz costume - Stuffed dog & picnic basket at home-score! She then replies "Who's that?"
...sidenote....Man! I need to get my kids to watch the classics! When i was a kid i couldn't wait to see it when it came on TV each year. There was no TIVO back then, we made sure we were in, done w/ dinner & homework and hunkered down 3 feet from the TV to watch it! EVERY YEAR. Now Charlie Brown Christmas they have seen and love. But how can i live not having exposed her to the Wizard of Oz? That must change soon. Stay tuned.
..but i digress.. back to the hideous excuses for the costumes. How about 2 peices of Bacon? Seriously folks- they had it. Or the Mustard. (Would have only been cute if i could get Bubba to be the Ketchup...darn...they were plum out of Ketchup!)
Can i also mention at this point, that we live in the frozen wasteland?! Two out of the last three years it has been below zero when these kiddos do their Trick 'or' Treating?! These Kmart costumes are SKIMPY. Paper thin. Dare i say practically made of negligee material or the thinnest polyester known to man. I was shivering FOR HER just thinking of some of the options. I really tried to get her to go with Tinkerball, HECK, they have matching attitudes so it would be perfect! Throw on a turtleneck and some sparkly tights , or two or three pairs...Nope! I seriously thought there would be no Halloween for my 7year old.
Then we found it! The cutesy punk style witch. Purple and Black with cute details -- thick - in that there were a few layers to the skirt part (score!). Nevermind that it is a size 10-12. I don't dare mention that. There were limited options people! I could pin it, belt it, whatever! If she liked it we were gonna buy it. Whining had set in and i was gonna go balistic on my kid in the Kmart on the Friday night before Halloween - even though it was MY FAULT we were in this perdicament to begin with. So we grabbed that little gem and i even talked her into the most adorable black wig with purple highlights to match. Some black nail polish and lipstick and we were set! Oh, and she begged for this cute purple trick or treat bag and i caved - cuz man i just wanted to get the heck out of Kmart without more whining and arguing. Oh wait, it was ME doing the whining and arguing! LOL!
She tried the wig on when we got home and proclaimed that she absolutely would not wear it. But Halloween night appeared and she had a change of heart. It looked WAY TOO CUTE. Honestly, it made the outfit. That and the black nail polish. I tried the black lipstick but it was too macabre for her or something so she made me wipe it off. At least she was wearing the wig, mom wins that battle.
Bubba was a trooper, super happy with his outfit and sword and swung it like a Ninja pro! He didn't care what degrees it was outside, he was a NINJA! And proud! He wore that costume like a badge of honor.
So here are the little munchkins. *sigh* What a cute witch eh?

The missing teeth are perfect!

My little angels.

First stop, we HAD to Trick'or Treat at Dawn & Jen's place (their babysitter) She and her friends even took them around to like 8-10 houses for me while i sat in the warm house. It was only drizzle/light rain and at least 40 degrees this year! We got there while it was still light outside, the rain only came once it got dark and dropped like 20 degrees in 2.3 seconds. Ah, the joys of living in Montana.
We also hit the Harvest Party sponsored by the local churches in the community. Lots of carnival style games (indoors) and candy in the warm cozy fairgrounds center. We even visited TWICE tonite bcuz the lines were too long and I promised they could play on the big blow up Pirate House. UGH.
Don't forget to scroll to "OLDER POSTS" this one was so long it threw my other post from today onto the next page. Exciting house stuff, can't wait for you to see.
Silence. Gulp. Halloween...this Saturday...Right! No costumes were planned out, no plan made at all. As a mom I get an "F". The house is an all consuming deal right now. Plus I was sick. Yea, that's the one i am sticking with. I was sick so i didn't make a plan. Oh wait, i think my sister had my neice's outfit all planned out like 2-3 months in advance. Even made her a cute matching treat bag (hand sewn and all!) Me? I completely and totally lack that area of my brain function right now. I used to be a planner. A perfectionist. Every detail thought of and covered. What happened?! Life i guess, and an over FULL PLATE.
So i did what at least 10 other moms no doubt did, ran to KMart on Friday night to see what pathetic excuse for costumes they have left. Bubba put in his order - he wanted to be a Black Ninja. Should be easy, and it was. Costume, (check!), Sword (check!) bonus..it had fake blood inside to give it a more authentic(?) appearance.
Now for sis, she's a bit more difficult. She doesn't like to Trick'or'Treat (always TOO COLD) plus no Kmart costume is ever good enough for her. So after like 20 times of hearing "No Way!" i was just about resolved to her passing out candy in her pajamas. She really wanted to be a Devil. (um NO!) That's only cute on the 2yr and under crowd or the over 30 crowd. I just couldn't do it. So i attempt to steer her toward the Dorothy from Wizard of Oz costume - Stuffed dog & picnic basket at home-score! She then replies "Who's that?"
...sidenote....Man! I need to get my kids to watch the classics! When i was a kid i couldn't wait to see it when it came on TV each year. There was no TIVO back then, we made sure we were in, done w/ dinner & homework and hunkered down 3 feet from the TV to watch it! EVERY YEAR. Now Charlie Brown Christmas they have seen and love. But how can i live not having exposed her to the Wizard of Oz? That must change soon. Stay tuned.
..but i digress.. back to the hideous excuses for the costumes. How about 2 peices of Bacon? Seriously folks- they had it. Or the Mustard. (Would have only been cute if i could get Bubba to be the Ketchup...darn...they were plum out of Ketchup!)
Can i also mention at this point, that we live in the frozen wasteland?! Two out of the last three years it has been below zero when these kiddos do their Trick 'or' Treating?! These Kmart costumes are SKIMPY. Paper thin. Dare i say practically made of negligee material or the thinnest polyester known to man. I was shivering FOR HER just thinking of some of the options. I really tried to get her to go with Tinkerball, HECK, they have matching attitudes so it would be perfect! Throw on a turtleneck and some sparkly tights , or two or three pairs...Nope! I seriously thought there would be no Halloween for my 7year old.
Then we found it! The cutesy punk style witch. Purple and Black with cute details -- thick - in that there were a few layers to the skirt part (score!). Nevermind that it is a size 10-12. I don't dare mention that. There were limited options people! I could pin it, belt it, whatever! If she liked it we were gonna buy it. Whining had set in and i was gonna go balistic on my kid in the Kmart on the Friday night before Halloween - even though it was MY FAULT we were in this perdicament to begin with. So we grabbed that little gem and i even talked her into the most adorable black wig with purple highlights to match. Some black nail polish and lipstick and we were set! Oh, and she begged for this cute purple trick or treat bag and i caved - cuz man i just wanted to get the heck out of Kmart without more whining and arguing. Oh wait, it was ME doing the whining and arguing! LOL!
She tried the wig on when we got home and proclaimed that she absolutely would not wear it. But Halloween night appeared and she had a change of heart. It looked WAY TOO CUTE. Honestly, it made the outfit. That and the black nail polish. I tried the black lipstick but it was too macabre for her or something so she made me wipe it off. At least she was wearing the wig, mom wins that battle.
Bubba was a trooper, super happy with his outfit and sword and swung it like a Ninja pro! He didn't care what degrees it was outside, he was a NINJA! And proud! He wore that costume like a badge of honor.
So here are the little munchkins. *sigh* What a cute witch eh?
The missing teeth are perfect!
My little angels.
First stop, we HAD to Trick'or Treat at Dawn & Jen's place (their babysitter) She and her friends even took them around to like 8-10 houses for me while i sat in the warm house. It was only drizzle/light rain and at least 40 degrees this year! We got there while it was still light outside, the rain only came once it got dark and dropped like 20 degrees in 2.3 seconds. Ah, the joys of living in Montana.
We also hit the Harvest Party sponsored by the local churches in the community. Lots of carnival style games (indoors) and candy in the warm cozy fairgrounds center. We even visited TWICE tonite bcuz the lines were too long and I promised they could play on the big blow up Pirate House. UGH.
Don't forget to scroll to "OLDER POSTS" this one was so long it threw my other post from today onto the next page. Exciting house stuff, can't wait for you to see.
10.31.2009 House Breezeway
I have no idea how it's been over a week since i posted last!
Oh, wait, yes I do! I was SICKER THAN A DOG all week. Today is the first day i even feel human or that i can fully function. So, sorry about the lack of posts or updates. I tried to Twitter, so you can see whats new on the right sidebar if i haven't put up a post - so you know that i still love ya and want to keep u updated even when i can't get to the computer to do it!
It was a crazy week with me being sick and all - office work to do, not much got done house related. Plus, it was just plain old cold and nasty all week. So i don't think anyone was in a hurry to rush up there and freeze to death while working exposed to the elements!
Between Friday and Saturday though MUCH progress was done on the Breezeway.
-It is sheeted (yay!)
-ALL the windows are in (yay!)
-We have 2 new doors (yay!)
Excess concrete was cut away (so it wouldn't just collect water up next to the house.
And likely after i left, most of the vapor barrier (Tyvek) stuff was put up.
The bathroom base for the flooring was poured this week. My injured drywaller was out 1 day this week and again today (Saturday) to work on some more priming and texture. As soon as the last bits of electrical are done upstairs we can finally get the pantry sheetrocked. So hopefully early next week on that one.
I left with the most beautiful Rainbow just East of our house and it made me smile. Hope for completion. YAY for progress!

Front of House (east) view of Breezeway.

Backyard view toward breezeway (west side)
**Not sure how well you can tell..but it's really cool. We have matching doors directly across from each other so you can access the breezeway not just from garage to house but from the back yard or front yard if we are working out there or whatever. Also the matched windows are across from each other to give us lots of light. There is a smaller (non opening kind) of window in the triangular part of the breezeway where the existing concrete retaining wall is. (Recycled, this was once in our bathroom-turned vertically-where my glass block now sits) On the "slider" side of the (Formerly large covered porch area) breezeway we re-used the huge window that was in our master bath/front of the house. Money savings and they both worked out perfectly!

This is the side where our future jacuzzi will be. The really cool part is it is actually framed inside for a slider or french doors/header and all. Then we framed for a window within that. That way, later we just have to take out the window and open it up to add the jacuzzi and slider! Awesome!
Now we just have to roof it - we may put siding on it if we can borrow some more or just wait till the Spring if we can get financing without the siding being done. We will see i guess. But the most important thing is it provides warmth. Pretty soon i can drive out there, park in the garage, and never even know the "REAL" outside temperature is! Hallelujah!
See last post to compare the progress...it's great!
Oh, wait, yes I do! I was SICKER THAN A DOG all week. Today is the first day i even feel human or that i can fully function. So, sorry about the lack of posts or updates. I tried to Twitter, so you can see whats new on the right sidebar if i haven't put up a post - so you know that i still love ya and want to keep u updated even when i can't get to the computer to do it!
It was a crazy week with me being sick and all - office work to do, not much got done house related. Plus, it was just plain old cold and nasty all week. So i don't think anyone was in a hurry to rush up there and freeze to death while working exposed to the elements!
Between Friday and Saturday though MUCH progress was done on the Breezeway.
-It is sheeted (yay!)
-ALL the windows are in (yay!)
-We have 2 new doors (yay!)
Excess concrete was cut away (so it wouldn't just collect water up next to the house.
And likely after i left, most of the vapor barrier (Tyvek) stuff was put up.
The bathroom base for the flooring was poured this week. My injured drywaller was out 1 day this week and again today (Saturday) to work on some more priming and texture. As soon as the last bits of electrical are done upstairs we can finally get the pantry sheetrocked. So hopefully early next week on that one.
I left with the most beautiful Rainbow just East of our house and it made me smile. Hope for completion. YAY for progress!
Front of House (east) view of Breezeway.
Backyard view toward breezeway (west side)
**Not sure how well you can tell..but it's really cool. We have matching doors directly across from each other so you can access the breezeway not just from garage to house but from the back yard or front yard if we are working out there or whatever. Also the matched windows are across from each other to give us lots of light. There is a smaller (non opening kind) of window in the triangular part of the breezeway where the existing concrete retaining wall is. (Recycled, this was once in our bathroom-turned vertically-where my glass block now sits) On the "slider" side of the (Formerly large covered porch area) breezeway we re-used the huge window that was in our master bath/front of the house. Money savings and they both worked out perfectly!
This is the side where our future jacuzzi will be. The really cool part is it is actually framed inside for a slider or french doors/header and all. Then we framed for a window within that. That way, later we just have to take out the window and open it up to add the jacuzzi and slider! Awesome!
Now we just have to roof it - we may put siding on it if we can borrow some more or just wait till the Spring if we can get financing without the siding being done. We will see i guess. But the most important thing is it provides warmth. Pretty soon i can drive out there, park in the garage, and never even know the "REAL" outside temperature is! Hallelujah!
See last post to compare the progress...it's great!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
10.23.2009 The Breezeway is Started!
It gets cold here. (DUH) It is windy. There will be snow. In honor of such challenges we thought it wise to build a breezeway as our garage is detached from the house. Detached and about 25 feet from said garage to warm toasty house. Exposed to the above mentioned elements. Smart plan eh?
So the build begins. We don't have enough money for the two additonal doors (so you can access from the front yard or the back) right now - but it is framed. Ditto with the window. We have one - but the second one is over $200 so we just framed it and will cover it over for now. Also DeRell is planning the large part (under the existing covered part) to house our jacuzzi so we didn't close that up on that side. Not sure if any of this will make sense, so I'll try to narrate the pictures.

The Breezeway looking from front yard

View from backyard - see windows and doors are framed

Open side where we can put in jacuzzi. We will have big picture window there

View looking down interior of breezeway from garage toward house

Reverse view from house toward garage (there is a door but we haven't installed it yet. Sorry for the blurry photo! D took it!
So the build begins. We don't have enough money for the two additonal doors (so you can access from the front yard or the back) right now - but it is framed. Ditto with the window. We have one - but the second one is over $200 so we just framed it and will cover it over for now. Also DeRell is planning the large part (under the existing covered part) to house our jacuzzi so we didn't close that up on that side. Not sure if any of this will make sense, so I'll try to narrate the pictures.
The Breezeway looking from front yard
View from backyard - see windows and doors are framed
Open side where we can put in jacuzzi. We will have big picture window there
View looking down interior of breezeway from garage toward house
Reverse view from house toward garage (there is a door but we haven't installed it yet. Sorry for the blurry photo! D took it!
Friday, October 23, 2009
10.23.2009 NO FEAR - PART 2
In keeping with the theme...here is yet another photo i ran across from this past weekend. We call this playing "On Top of the World". They even have a cute song they made up that goes along with such hijinks.
Amazingly, no limbs were broken during this past weekend. But stay tuned, you never know! Ugh.
Amazingly, no limbs were broken during this past weekend. But stay tuned, you never know! Ugh.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
10.22.2009 NO FEAR and other Musings of a Mom
When exactly did children lose all fear of heights and dangerous rickety objects?! Apparently when the objects became part of our life during this construction project. Try as i might to talk them down from scary places, they just laugh it off. "Oh Mommy we are FINE, don't woowy about it" my Bubba tells me. My stomach tells me otherwise.
Here they are on their latest adventure...the scaffolding.

DANCING no less...OMG!

How can i make 'em come down when they do THIS?!
Here they are on their latest adventure...the scaffolding.
DANCING no less...OMG!
How can i make 'em come down when they do THIS?!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
10.21.2009 Meet Arlee ..
Wanna meet the newest member of our family? She adopted US really. Her real family lives just behind us up the road. But she likes our property and - I think - our kids that keep her entertained for hours. Honestly, she has been a blessing.
She is ferociously SMART, CUTE, and the best fetcher (...is that a word?!) I've ever seen!! Seriously! When we get there she is usually already waiting for us, or trots on over as soon as she sees us. She finds a stick, chunk of wood, or whatever is handy and will proceed to drop it at your feet. She even brought over her own frisbee on Saturday. If you don't get the object she placed at your feet (because you are actually pre-occupied by WORKING) she will proceed to pick it up and chuck it at your shins or feet to get your attention. Over and over. Throw, fetch, bring back, REPEAT. She NEVER tires of it.
She has the cutest little head tilt - and if you talk to her (rather than throw her stick/wood/frisbee/object of her obsession) she will just crouch there paws outstretched in front & bottom in the air ready to pounce with that cute little head titlting right, left, right again. I'm pretty sure she is saying "Hey Stupid, I brought it back, now comes the part where YOU THROW IT...got it?!" Or maybe "Why are you talking to me when all i wanna do is fetch?!" "What is this that you are speaking? Throwing the object of my obsession does not require words!" She has these crazy obsessed eyes but she is just all energy. I could lose 30 pounds if she was my dog - and she would wear me out!!! Or wear my ARM out i guess. She is lighting fast. She is adorable. And when we tire of her we say "Arlee go home" and she runs off to her house. Or her family yells for her and off she goes.
We love her like she is one of our own. I'm sure you will see lots of her!
Here she and Max were competing for the same stick. Guess who won? (*hint* not Max)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
10.20.2009 Painting...it's Contagious
Not only did the adults get some painting done on the new house this weekend...the kids had their own little painting party as well. They used foam pieces as brushes, and scrap wood as their canvas. They were imaginative and creative and it kept them busy for hours. Quite the advantage when the adults are busy WORKING.

More posts of the kids and their "fun" to follow...stay tuned.
More posts of the kids and their "fun" to follow...stay tuned.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
10.19.2009 Where to Begin?
The Outside it painted! Yippe!

The garage roof is on! Yippe!

The pad/apron is dug out and the yard is leveled! Yippe!

The construction site is cleaned! Yippe!
And the Trim is started!

Whew! It was a busy weekend. I would fill up a whole blog page with photos! The exterior paint got finished Saturday. One last minute drive an hour away to Home Depot to get 5 more gallons of paint...but it still happened. There was a LOT to do with our 2 day window of good weather. D even talked me into trying out our future trim color (for when we get new siding next summer) on the house. I was not really into it and was fine to leave the window trim the same color as the house. But I tried it...and guess what? I liked it! So I got all the lower level windows/front door trim painted and the plastic removed. I need scaffolding and a huge ladder to do the rest and it got too cold for the paint to dry. It was about 7pm and I knew the rest would have to wait for another break in the weather. Here's some photos. I have like 25 but i'll just post a few.
It is supposed to rain Monday and Tuesday (and it is) so there will be electrical work on the inside and the final grading done before the tractor has to be returned at noon on Monday. The shower plumbing fixtures will be put in today and we should be able to lay the tile in the small bathroom on Tuesday. If the weather stays as promised Wednesday I'll be out there trimming the last 5 high windows and we will be done with the outside. We will have rock/gravel brought in for the driveway and the concrete apron for the garage (driveway) this week. It's MOVING ALONG now folks...hope to be in there soon.
The garage roof is on! Yippe!
The pad/apron is dug out and the yard is leveled! Yippe!
The construction site is cleaned! Yippe!
And the Trim is started!
Whew! It was a busy weekend. I would fill up a whole blog page with photos! The exterior paint got finished Saturday. One last minute drive an hour away to Home Depot to get 5 more gallons of paint...but it still happened. There was a LOT to do with our 2 day window of good weather. D even talked me into trying out our future trim color (for when we get new siding next summer) on the house. I was not really into it and was fine to leave the window trim the same color as the house. But I tried it...and guess what? I liked it! So I got all the lower level windows/front door trim painted and the plastic removed. I need scaffolding and a huge ladder to do the rest and it got too cold for the paint to dry. It was about 7pm and I knew the rest would have to wait for another break in the weather. Here's some photos. I have like 25 but i'll just post a few.
It is supposed to rain Monday and Tuesday (and it is) so there will be electrical work on the inside and the final grading done before the tractor has to be returned at noon on Monday. The shower plumbing fixtures will be put in today and we should be able to lay the tile in the small bathroom on Tuesday. If the weather stays as promised Wednesday I'll be out there trimming the last 5 high windows and we will be done with the outside. We will have rock/gravel brought in for the driveway and the concrete apron for the garage (driveway) this week. It's MOVING ALONG now folks...hope to be in there soon.
10.16.2009 The Bathroom
There is still so much to do, but we are making progress. As of Friday the bathroom is in need of tile but the floors and shower are prepped to go. The glass block window (my favorite!) is in the shower and looks great!
They started the painting of the exerior on Friday. We have only a 2 day window where it is gonna be 60-65 degrees and sunny/scattered clouds (only Fri and Sat.) so we gotta hop to it. Since we can't afford siding right now and the house so desperately needs NEW siding, we are just having to paint it back the crappy brown color for now. It seems pointless at this stage to reprime & repaint over crappy wood that won't last another season. So to save money we are not even priming, we are just painting over the existing. We tried to color match as best we could, but it is actually a little lighter and more toward the rust color. It's not as hideous as ca-ca brown and almost looks like dark stained cedar houses look. They got the South side (it was the most faded, weathered, peeling paint side) done on Friday and part of the West side of the house (the back). So they will finish the steps, deck and back Saturday. The North side will be the easiests (least amount of paint) because that is where the new breezeway will be and the paint is in good shape on that side. Then the front! We should definately be able to finish the exterior paint for the house on Saturday. We are also having to paint the garage Facia/Trim and Soffit before they put up metal roof sheets. I guess it somehow wraps or something so if we dont paint it now it will be a big pain later. So i got the NEW COLOR for that - so we will be mis-matched until next spring or summer but who cares! We will be warm with the garage and breezeway this winter.
They patched up the area by the front door and new bathroom window with good siding we removed from the other side (where we are enclosing it) and it worked really well.
The goal for Saturday is to get some more electrical done (so we can bring the spare fridge), Erick & I will prime the kitchen & living room, and the guys will start building the Breezeway and moving stuff from the hosue to the garage so we have more room to work. I'll take some before and after pics hopefully. We got all the locations figured up and the boxes in place for all the electrical in the basement. Whew!
Here's some pics of the bathroom.
The floor where the vanity will be
The toilet area
My glass block window
They started the painting of the exerior on Friday. We have only a 2 day window where it is gonna be 60-65 degrees and sunny/scattered clouds (only Fri and Sat.) so we gotta hop to it. Since we can't afford siding right now and the house so desperately needs NEW siding, we are just having to paint it back the crappy brown color for now. It seems pointless at this stage to reprime & repaint over crappy wood that won't last another season. So to save money we are not even priming, we are just painting over the existing. We tried to color match as best we could, but it is actually a little lighter and more toward the rust color. It's not as hideous as ca-ca brown and almost looks like dark stained cedar houses look. They got the South side (it was the most faded, weathered, peeling paint side) done on Friday and part of the West side of the house (the back). So they will finish the steps, deck and back Saturday. The North side will be the easiests (least amount of paint) because that is where the new breezeway will be and the paint is in good shape on that side. Then the front! We should definately be able to finish the exterior paint for the house on Saturday. We are also having to paint the garage Facia/Trim and Soffit before they put up metal roof sheets. I guess it somehow wraps or something so if we dont paint it now it will be a big pain later. So i got the NEW COLOR for that - so we will be mis-matched until next spring or summer but who cares! We will be warm with the garage and breezeway this winter.
They patched up the area by the front door and new bathroom window with good siding we removed from the other side (where we are enclosing it) and it worked really well.
The goal for Saturday is to get some more electrical done (so we can bring the spare fridge), Erick & I will prime the kitchen & living room, and the guys will start building the Breezeway and moving stuff from the hosue to the garage so we have more room to work. I'll take some before and after pics hopefully. We got all the locations figured up and the boxes in place for all the electrical in the basement. Whew!
Here's some pics of the bathroom.
The floor where the vanity will be
The toilet area
My glass block window
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