Take for instance, the kitchen. I painted - and it DID NOT turn out the color that was on that little brochure in the paint store. Oh no! It was BRIGHT RED. Not the look i was going for. So do i cry, blame God, wallow? Nope - as his grace would have it..it just peeled off the walls. Seriously. I spent an entire evening (last Thursday) peeling the paint off. It came off in wonderful glorious sheets thanks to a primer problem. Thank you Lord. So i got new (dark tinted grey) primer. I primed. And then Saturday i painted- a new color. And it is lovely. It is what i wanted to begin with. God is GOOD. And i painted another coat just for good measure, and it was even more lovely - and it did not peel. So...are my cabinets in? No. Have to have floors before we can put the cabinets in. But i do have recepticles and lights on upstairs. Now the Kitchen & Guest bedroom have light. No more "runway lights" as my family calls them.
Notice the color on the bottom? That is the original..it will be covered by the cabinets so i left it - the red is an accent color - there will be very little that will show anyway, but it will look awesome! At ;east now it is the "Brick Red" that i was going for! The picture doesn't do it justice..and sadly this whole wall will be covered by the fridge!
Honey also started the tile on Sunday (it's actually Travertine just like we had before but BIGGER 18x18!). That way we could grout on Monday and put in the toilet and sink, and Voila!, working bathroom. Nope. You see i bought enough tile to do the job with 2 left over for good measure. Wouldn't you know it - in one of the boxes the bottom 2 tiles were cracked & Broken. He broke another while trying to cut out the intricate heater vent rectangle. By the time i drove the entire hour to the 2 hardware stores...we made it to the 1st, but the second was closed. I will not despair. Erick will pick me up a new box after school.
The guys got all the cabling finished on Sunday for TV's, computers and part of the wood flooring down (just the front entryway). On Monday my drywaller is supposed to prime & paint my master bedroom. If that happens we are good! I didn't get the other 2 rooms prepped that needed to be repainted, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. But thats ok. Wanna know why?!
Because i am moving in the new house on Saturday! I have 4 friends lined up, some trucks, trailers, flat bed, etc and we are moving in regardless. You see, if we were there ALL THE TIME we could work on it more. Also, did i mention our furnace here is on the blink? It works sometimes...so when i wake up at 4am because it's 59 degrees inside...i know across town it is toasty and warm. Not finished or ready, but warm. If we can get the flooring in and that 1 bathroom done - we can sleep where it is WARM and work, work, work!
This is how much flooring is done so far....more to be done Monday night! I took the picture from the front porch looking in after i opened the door. Awesome huh? It's Maple - mmmmm how i love Maple!
Plus, a girl needs to put up her Christmas tree! Can i get an AMEN?!
1 comment:
Beautiful floor!! Can't wait to see the whole thing done. I like the kitchen color also. Looking good sista
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