Wanna meet the newest member of our family? She adopted US really. Her real family lives just behind us up the road. But she likes our property and - I think - our kids that keep her entertained for hours. Honestly, she has been a blessing.
She is ferociously SMART, CUTE, and the best fetcher (...is that a word?!) I've ever seen!! Seriously! When we get there she is usually already waiting for us, or trots on over as soon as she sees us. She finds a stick, chunk of wood, or whatever is handy and will proceed to drop it at your feet. She even brought over her own frisbee on Saturday. If you don't get the object she placed at your feet (because you are actually pre-occupied by WORKING) she will proceed to pick it up and chuck it at your shins or feet to get your attention. Over and over. Throw, fetch, bring back, REPEAT. She NEVER tires of it.
She has the cutest little head tilt - and if you talk to her (rather than throw her stick/wood/frisbee/object of her obsession) she will just crouch there paws outstretched in front & bottom in the air ready to pounce with that cute little head titlting right, left, right again. I'm pretty sure she is saying "Hey Stupid, I brought it back, now comes the part where YOU THROW IT...got it?!" Or maybe "Why are you talking to me when all i wanna do is fetch?!" "What is this that you are speaking? Throwing the object of my obsession does not require words!" She has these crazy obsessed eyes but she is just all energy. I could lose 30 pounds if she was my dog - and she would wear me out!!! Or wear my ARM out i guess. She is lighting fast. She is adorable. And when we tire of her we say "Arlee go home" and she runs off to her house. Or her family yells for her and off she goes.
We love her like she is one of our own. I'm sure you will see lots of her!
Here she and Max were competing for the same stick. Guess who won? (*hint* not Max)
1 comment:
OMG! Well at least he has a home to go home to. I can just see you raising your own chickens, etc on your property.
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