(Daddy adjusting her batting helmet)
I knew it was a matter of time. No matter how hard i tried or wished upon a star that she would be a girlie girl forever....it is not meant to be.
Monkey girl is turning into a full fledged TOMBOY.
Not that it's a bad thing. It's just i so cannot relate. I love her anyway.
Softball seemed like a good idea. So we signed her up in the Spring. Summer snuck up on us way too fast. She missed the 1st practice while we were on vacation.
She cried the entire 2nd practice. (All the girls were bigger, "they all KNOW HOW to play!", waaaah-waaaah) Let's just say daddy was not too supportive.
But we tredged on. Got her a new glove. The baby one that fit her hand unfortunately did not fit a softball! Cleats, a face mask (what is this full contact?!...not so sure why we need that - but if it prevents her from losing some permanent teeth she should keep i'm all for it). The bat and batting hemet are pink. What can i say..she is after all still a girl (for now). Lucky for us they called to tell us since so many girls signed up they would be splitting the team and the younger/less experienced girls would go to a different team.
Yay! I'm all for that! So she suited up...asked about 20 times today if it was time to go yet. "No Honey", i would reply "not till six and it's only 2:30" (repeat/repeat/repeat).
Anyhow i have a School Board meeting i have to go to, so i will miss yet another practice. I did however, in the spirit of mommy blogging, run over there real quick to snap a photo or two to share with you.
Your welcome!
P.s. this was BEFORE practice, before dirt, or tears, or ...dare i say it...sweat!
Notice the great hand positioning on the bat. Oh yeah, she's a natural. *snicker* *snort*
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