(My sis & her husband Lloyd - June 2008)
Today is my sister Darla's Birthday! Yay! She is 47 which is far older than me haha!
We got to spend lots of time with "Auntie Darla" during our recent vacation in California so that was great. We all enjoyed ourselves and that slice of family time.
I love my sis, though it hasn't always been so. (Kidding) As a young girl - having a sister that was oh so much older was fun. More for me than for her. I can remember pestering her when her friends would come over. She'd lock her bedroom door and I would spend the next hour trying to get it open. You see, she was the automatic resident Babysitter like it or not. The oldest of the 5 girls. She had no choice. (Poor Thing) She was good and evil all rolled into one. She would tickle me until i peed my pants. I will never forget the time she and her best friend Pam stripped me down to my Birthday Suit and threw me into our front yard. (...OH YES THEY DID!) And then locked every door and window so i couldn't get back in. Fun times. Maybe i deserved it for all the pestering?
But there were really good times too! Like when having an older sister was a bonus - and she "contributed to minors" by buying me & my friends things other than soda for a night out on the town. Or taking me in when as a 17 year old i could no longer live at home. Or helping pull some strings to get me my first REAL job. Cakes and Baby Showers and shopping. As we got older and i grew up it only got better.
She was always there when i needed her. No matter what, no matter when. It's still that way even though i am thousands of miles away.
So Happy Birthday SIS!
(Me & Sis @ Redlands Falls May 2010)
Wait a minute.. the stripping you down and locking you out sounds VERY familiar. It was done to you so you had to do it to us? Hum.
Ok I laughed(I remember ALL the pestering and maybe even the birthday suit happening, well maybe LOL)Ok you even made me cry. That's what being a sis is all about. What first job? I don't remember where you worked! Gee you left out parts about being behind the couch when I had bf's over! And all those trips to Knotts with big bangs and that dreaded perfume. Or when I used to corner you in the kitchen. Yes there were so many good times. So many more still to come! I love you
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