First's good to be home. No...make that GREAT to be home.
We loved every stinkin minute of our vacation (..well maybe not the excess hours amounting to about 6 days in the car but not counting that...) it was fabulous.
I am hoping to get the pics up tonite or tomorrow of some of our fun. I do have them uploaded. I am however, EXHAUSTED.
I am ever so busy unpacking, cleaning, and making grocery lists. The cupboards are bare. The house has construction/drywall dust just about everywhere. There are animals that need to be loved on and such.
The last leg of our journey was not without drama though. You see, we were about an hour from home -all happy and smiles about getting to hold our kitty boy and take a shower, and sleep in our own beds.......then WHAM!
SHORT VERSION - We hit a deer. Very hard. Very dead deer. Very smashed car. Smoking, leaking car. No cell phone coverage until about 10 miles up the road. Nearly Dark-Nine p.m.
And this next part my friends is why i love that i live in Montana. About 5 minutes later a car came along. Not only did they stop and help us push car out of the road, they also wrote down the phone numbers of some friends they could call once cell coverage was available. And they did. Then, the next car that drove by offered to take me & the kids to Darby (a town about 1/2 way home) where we could wait where it was warm and make some calls. We did. Our friends arrived to pick us up, take us back to the scene of the crash, and the tow truck i called arrived about 5 minutes after that.
So a bad thing, worked out o.k. We will see Monday how much the damage is - we have no clue- but as you can tell from the photo below - it is bad. The radiator was completely smashed and into the engine compartment and the hood was smashed up about a third of the way. Whatever other liquids are in the very front were demolished.
Not the happy end to our trip we were hoping for. You know what though? We are BLESSED!
Blessed by the opportunity to have an entire month with our family and lots of experiences the kids will never forget. Blessed to have stayed healthy and avoided the ailments our family got- but that we narrowly avoided by going to a new place before we had a chance to catch it. Blessed that no one was hurt and no airbags deployed (cuz my feet were on the dash at the time) Blessed that we have wonderful friends that would drive an hour each way to pick our stranded butts up and take us home! Blessed to be home and enjoying our animals. Blessed in more ways than we can count!
We're Home!