I am sure you have all seen the move "Bucket List" and if not...shame on you! You really must! So, if you haven't I will briefly explain, it is a LIST of all the things you want to do/accomplish/see before you "kick the bucket". It got me thinking ALOT, probably because I don't think D and I talk to much anymore about our hopes/dreams in the busy world of running a business and parenting. Most days we are lucky just to get to talk to each other at all. Like ships passing in the night.
So I thought, well, I should really start my list. And over time i am sure i will add to my list - but this is it - as of 2009. In NO particular order!
-Go on a scenic train ride - sleeper car and all
-Experience Paris and Rome (pereferably without the 12 hour flight somehow...can we charter the Concorde?!)
-Volunteer in my Kids class for a whole day
-Visit Israel (will it ever be safe?)
-Be a permanent Size 4
-A trip to Disney World with the family (Florida!)
-Visit Sedona and the Grand Canyon (please little children STEP AWAY from the edge!)
-Swim with Dolphins
-Spend a whole weekend with my 3 sisters (no kids, just us)
-Work in a Doctor or Dentist office (dunno why? i've always wanted to!)
-Be personally DEBT FREE - no car pmts, no credit cards
-Take a REAL 2 week vacation (East Coast, NY, Washington Monument, Smithsonian, other historic places) EACH YEAR (*plan family annual vacation spot list this would tick lots of items off of my bucket list*)
-Go to Hawaii again (just Me & Hubby)
-Go to College
-Have a REAL wedding with vows pleasing to God
-Go to Laughlin with Thelma and Louise (mom & Judy)
-Pray at the Wailing Wall, see the Temple Mount Jeruselum
-Have a house with a BUILT IN POOL!
-Read the Bible from cover to cover
-Wear a bikini again
-Go on an Alaskan Cruise (real room with veranda/patio)
-Go Camping with the whole family(I can hear laughing! But Really i do want to...this of course means in a really nice RV in my case, but i just know the wonderful memories it gave me having experieinced it as a child!)
-Be caught up on my scrapbooks for my kids
-Watch each of my kids graduate from college
-Fall asleep to the sound of waves pounding the shore
The more i read my list, i think of how simple it is. How someone with a few hundred thousand dollaras could make nearly all of this happen in just 1 year! But i know for me and my family, it will take years, if not my lifetime to make this all happen. Or the LOTTERY, it could happen really easily with the lottery.=) But when i look over it, what is amazingly clear, is the idea of TRAVEL. I guess for as much as i H.A.T.E. planes, and fear for my life while driving with my husband...i really want to Travel and see and experience so much. To take it all in. To enjoy the world that God created and marvel in it's beauty.
So my goal now is to TICK the items off the list. Hopefully at least one per year, and add a new one in it's place until i am FULL. Full and content.
You're turn, what is on YOUR bucket list?
1 comment:
Thelma& Louise will be leaving in Sept! Are you ready?
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