Let me start by saying I LOVE AWANA. I love that my kids get EXCITED about learning scripture, playing bible games and all that jazz. I also, quite selfishly, love the 1 1/2 hours of peace and quiet it gives me. I can go to the grocery store without 2 kids wanting something from darn near every aisle, pay some bills, blog stalk, catch up on some shows on my DVR, whatever. ME TIME.
Well my dear ones, that is officially over for a while. *whining can be heard* Tonite was "Award Night" and the end of the Wednesday Bliss/Madness. I say madness bcuz at one point i had to pick up Sis, shuttle her to gymnastics, run to get Bubs, grab some fast food, pick up sis from gymnastics, let them scarf food in car, quickly put on vests and trek them inside the church building for Awana! Whew! All in the span of about an hour and a half. It was, to say the least, stressful. But worth it all the same. At the beginning of this month we relented and moved Sis to the intermediate Gymnastics class (they requested we do so a month ago but the new night was even worse for me!) and the new class fell on Monday nights. So one less stressor for Wednesday. The past 2 Wednesdays were actually tolerable. And now we say farewell.
A couple of highlights....
1.) Daddy got to come to Award night (1st time in 3 years)
2.) Sis was set to recite Psalm 23
I say she was "set to", well bcuz she was asked, and she can, and it was planned. But those of you that know my precious one know that she gets "performance anxiety". I truly thought she was overcoming this..she sings in the ensemble/traveling choir, she hosted chapel just last Weds with all the announcing, speaking parts, etc. She has come a long way since laying on the steps at Kindergraten graduation refusing to go on stage. They sang their cute songs, a couple of other Sparks recited things like all the book sof the New or Old Testament (which she knew as well) but when it came time to hand her the Mic to do it, it was a no go. We tried bribery, a new kitten, the hamster she really wants to no avail (until it was too late in the program) The funniest part was that a 7th or 8th grader attempted to recite it and got about 3 lines into it, made a mistake and stopped. The whole time sis is like "I know it ALL the way, I can do it". Then why dontcha kiddo?! Ughhh. But I digress, here is some photographic evidence, cuz Lord knows a post isn't complete without a picture, or two, or ten!
Bubba is a "Cubbie" which is basically ages 2 through 5 (not readers)
Here is just some (not all came) of his Cubbie class he is second from far right. Watch out for that kid in the middle, that is some BIG 5 year old!
Sis looking happy before the performance begins - she is in the SPARKS group
Apparently singing with all kinds of hand motions is no sweat!
Since my camera has the video feature, i think i'm going to request Sis give her performance - just for me and the camera - to prove she does actually KNOW and CAN recite the Psalm! It will be our little secret when i post it for far more viewing than the group of loving parents at Awana Award Night. LOL Stay Tuned!
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