...."Oh NO he didn't" you say? .....Oh, YES HE DID!
He began the adventure with a giddy chuckle and proceeded to prop up my laundry basket with a stick. When daddy happened by-- his own "mischevious kid" inside kicked in, and the two hatched a plan to trap a "critter". Now daddy felt that it would be best to get some ROPE so Bubba could "hide" around the corner and trap his prey. See "Exhibit A" below.
Oh but that is not where the story or mischief ends. There is giggling/plotting/the whole nine yards. The poor unsuspecting cat travels by the invention as seen here...you know what they say about CURIOSITY and CATS right? Silly girl...
"Hmmmm whats this string for?!" Katie wonders.
Well back in scheming adventureland the "boys" decide maybe with some coaxing and some kitty treats they can see their evil plan come to fruition...As evidenced in "Exhibit C" below
Well next, after giving the kitty some of the aforementioned treats, some are placed under the rigged trap and Bub's hurries around the corner. Of course, the crazy cat goes for the treats and BLAM!
He pulls. Don't ask about the medal...apparently he is a prize winning trapper or something - with his beautiful Alvin & the Chipmunks shirt (...no i don't let him out in PUBLIC dressed that way, but in the comfort of our home i indulge him, yes) He is OH SO PROUD of his catch!
**p.s. no kitties (Sparta like mean kitty or not!) were harmed in this priceless boy becomes a man teaching lesson about "trappin". This is MONTANA ya'll - he's gottta learn.
I LOVE MY BOY! SO DARN SMART AND CUTE TO BOOT!!!! He did come up with this whole thing on his own, and though i am sure Daddy attributed to the scheming and use of a real "critter" instead of the Beanie Baby he would have probably used...I am still proud of his imagination and determination. PRICELESS!
Hilarious! Only in Montana. =) What a smarty you have on your hands.
OMG! Leave it to sneaky Bubba to think of this and Daddy to have the ultimate attach with the bait. Watch out Danielle and you might be next?
Ok I am not letting him near my new puppy!Even though he is in trouble this morning for going potty in the house 2 minutes after I took him outside!Bubba wins the traping award. Next bigger and better things like a skunk or something. lol Auntie Darla
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