I know, I KNOW! Has it really been since April 20th that i last blogged? I am sorry! Anyone who knows me knows that means I have been a busy lil girl in the "real world". Hmm, lets recap, 3 kids - 3 different schools, 3 different "last day of school" parties/activities. A garden...well that took up 4 weekends in a row and countless week nights- with a massive sunburn to go with it! What else?! A wedding, my husband out of town for 2 1/2 weeks, family in town, and to "cap it off" (pun intended) High School graduation for E. Whew! And lets just say if this was "Not Me Monday" I DID NOT sleep from 4pm Sunday to 6am on Monday morning once all this was done. But since I did, I will tell you that it's true. I almost feel human again - so sit down and hold on...i feel some bloggin coming on!
(REAL DATE Monday June 8th)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
04.20.2009 My Little Cupcake
Well, here she is! My little CUPCAKE. Sis is quite the fashion plate eh? Loving the fake Uggs (Walmart $5) She's got her Cupcake Tights, Cupcake Skirt and Cupcake shirt. She even has a Cupcake necklace. I just LOVE Gymboree and all the matchy matchy. It wont be too long before she is too old for this kinda thing, so i will enjoy it for now. Oh, and those missing front teeth - i guess i have to enjoy those too... though i think she looks like a vampire sometimes! (shhh don't tell her i said that) *wink*
photo taken 04.17.2009
04.17.2009 I Love my Boys
Nothing is more precious than these 2 boys! I caught this picture as they were both sound asleep, in identical positions. He IS his fathers son!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
04.15.2009 Last Wednesday Break for Mommies
Let me start by saying I LOVE AWANA. I love that my kids get EXCITED about learning scripture, playing bible games and all that jazz. I also, quite selfishly, love the 1 1/2 hours of peace and quiet it gives me. I can go to the grocery store without 2 kids wanting something from darn near every aisle, pay some bills, blog stalk, catch up on some shows on my DVR, whatever. ME TIME.
Well my dear ones, that is officially over for a while. *whining can be heard* Tonite was "Award Night" and the end of the Wednesday Bliss/Madness. I say madness bcuz at one point i had to pick up Sis, shuttle her to gymnastics, run to get Bubs, grab some fast food, pick up sis from gymnastics, let them scarf food in car, quickly put on vests and trek them inside the church building for Awana! Whew! All in the span of about an hour and a half. It was, to say the least, stressful. But worth it all the same. At the beginning of this month we relented and moved Sis to the intermediate Gymnastics class (they requested we do so a month ago but the new night was even worse for me!) and the new class fell on Monday nights. So one less stressor for Wednesday. The past 2 Wednesdays were actually tolerable. And now we say farewell.
A couple of highlights....
1.) Daddy got to come to Award night (1st time in 3 years)
2.) Sis was set to recite Psalm 23
I say she was "set to", well bcuz she was asked, and she can, and it was planned. But those of you that know my precious one know that she gets "performance anxiety". I truly thought she was overcoming this..she sings in the ensemble/traveling choir, she hosted chapel just last Weds with all the announcing, speaking parts, etc. She has come a long way since laying on the steps at Kindergraten graduation refusing to go on stage. They sang their cute songs, a couple of other Sparks recited things like all the book sof the New or Old Testament (which she knew as well) but when it came time to hand her the Mic to do it, it was a no go. We tried bribery, a new kitten, the hamster she really wants to no avail (until it was too late in the program) The funniest part was that a 7th or 8th grader attempted to recite it and got about 3 lines into it, made a mistake and stopped. The whole time sis is like "I know it ALL the way, I can do it". Then why dontcha kiddo?! Ughhh. But I digress, here is some photographic evidence, cuz Lord knows a post isn't complete without a picture, or two, or ten!

Bubba is a "Cubbie" which is basically ages 2 through 5 (not readers)

Here is just some (not all came) of his Cubbie class he is second from far right. Watch out for that kid in the middle, that is some BIG 5 year old!

Sis looking happy before the performance begins - she is in the SPARKS group

Apparently singing with all kinds of hand motions is no sweat!
Since my camera has the video feature, i think i'm going to request Sis give her performance - just for me and the camera - to prove she does actually KNOW and CAN recite the Psalm! It will be our little secret when i post it for far more viewing than the group of loving parents at Awana Award Night. LOL Stay Tuned!
Let me start by saying I LOVE AWANA. I love that my kids get EXCITED about learning scripture, playing bible games and all that jazz. I also, quite selfishly, love the 1 1/2 hours of peace and quiet it gives me. I can go to the grocery store without 2 kids wanting something from darn near every aisle, pay some bills, blog stalk, catch up on some shows on my DVR, whatever. ME TIME.
Well my dear ones, that is officially over for a while. *whining can be heard* Tonite was "Award Night" and the end of the Wednesday Bliss/Madness. I say madness bcuz at one point i had to pick up Sis, shuttle her to gymnastics, run to get Bubs, grab some fast food, pick up sis from gymnastics, let them scarf food in car, quickly put on vests and trek them inside the church building for Awana! Whew! All in the span of about an hour and a half. It was, to say the least, stressful. But worth it all the same. At the beginning of this month we relented and moved Sis to the intermediate Gymnastics class (they requested we do so a month ago but the new night was even worse for me!) and the new class fell on Monday nights. So one less stressor for Wednesday. The past 2 Wednesdays were actually tolerable. And now we say farewell.
A couple of highlights....
1.) Daddy got to come to Award night (1st time in 3 years)
2.) Sis was set to recite Psalm 23
I say she was "set to", well bcuz she was asked, and she can, and it was planned. But those of you that know my precious one know that she gets "performance anxiety". I truly thought she was overcoming this..she sings in the ensemble/traveling choir, she hosted chapel just last Weds with all the announcing, speaking parts, etc. She has come a long way since laying on the steps at Kindergraten graduation refusing to go on stage. They sang their cute songs, a couple of other Sparks recited things like all the book sof the New or Old Testament (which she knew as well) but when it came time to hand her the Mic to do it, it was a no go. We tried bribery, a new kitten, the hamster she really wants to no avail (until it was too late in the program) The funniest part was that a 7th or 8th grader attempted to recite it and got about 3 lines into it, made a mistake and stopped. The whole time sis is like "I know it ALL the way, I can do it". Then why dontcha kiddo?! Ughhh. But I digress, here is some photographic evidence, cuz Lord knows a post isn't complete without a picture, or two, or ten!
Bubba is a "Cubbie" which is basically ages 2 through 5 (not readers)
Here is just some (not all came) of his Cubbie class he is second from far right. Watch out for that kid in the middle, that is some BIG 5 year old!
Sis looking happy before the performance begins - she is in the SPARKS group
Apparently singing with all kinds of hand motions is no sweat!
Since my camera has the video feature, i think i'm going to request Sis give her performance - just for me and the camera - to prove she does actually KNOW and CAN recite the Psalm! It will be our little secret when i post it for far more viewing than the group of loving parents at Awana Award Night. LOL Stay Tuned!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
04.14.2009 To Trap A.......Kitty?!!!
Now here's a story you don't hear of every day! I just had to share. My lovely Bubba came up with this ALL ON HIS OWN. Either he is watching too much Tom & Jerry/Wiley Coyote/old time cartoons....or this just comes natural to little mischevious boys with too much time on their hands and an available laundry basket and a stick.
...."Oh NO he didn't" you say? .....Oh, YES HE DID!
He began the adventure with a giddy chuckle and proceeded to prop up my laundry basket with a stick. When daddy happened by-- his own "mischevious kid" inside kicked in, and the two hatched a plan to trap a "critter". Now daddy felt that it would be best to get some ROPE so Bubba could "hide" around the corner and trap his prey. See "Exhibit A" below.

Oh but that is not where the story or mischief ends. There is giggling/plotting/the whole nine yards. The poor unsuspecting cat travels by the invention as seen here...you know what they say about CURIOSITY and CATS right? Silly girl...

"Hmmmm whats this string for?!" Katie wonders.
Well back in scheming adventureland the "boys" decide maybe with some coaxing and some kitty treats they can see their evil plan come to fruition...As evidenced in "Exhibit C" below

Well next, after giving the kitty some of the aforementioned treats, some are placed under the rigged trap and Bub's hurries around the corner. Of course, the crazy cat goes for the treats and BLAM!

He pulls. Don't ask about the medal...apparently he is a prize winning trapper or something - with his beautiful Alvin & the Chipmunks shirt (...no i don't let him out in PUBLIC dressed that way, but in the comfort of our home i indulge him, yes) He is OH SO PROUD of his catch!

**p.s. no kitties (Sparta like mean kitty or not!) were harmed in this priceless boy becomes a man teaching lesson about "trappin". This is MONTANA ya'll - he's gottta learn.
I LOVE MY BOY! SO DARN SMART AND CUTE TO BOOT!!!! He did come up with this whole thing on his own, and though i am sure Daddy attributed to the scheming and use of a real "critter" instead of the Beanie Baby he would have probably used...I am still proud of his imagination and determination. PRICELESS!
...."Oh NO he didn't" you say? .....Oh, YES HE DID!
He began the adventure with a giddy chuckle and proceeded to prop up my laundry basket with a stick. When daddy happened by-- his own "mischevious kid" inside kicked in, and the two hatched a plan to trap a "critter". Now daddy felt that it would be best to get some ROPE so Bubba could "hide" around the corner and trap his prey. See "Exhibit A" below.
Oh but that is not where the story or mischief ends. There is giggling/plotting/the whole nine yards. The poor unsuspecting cat travels by the invention as seen here...you know what they say about CURIOSITY and CATS right? Silly girl...
"Hmmmm whats this string for?!" Katie wonders.
Well back in scheming adventureland the "boys" decide maybe with some coaxing and some kitty treats they can see their evil plan come to fruition...As evidenced in "Exhibit C" below
Well next, after giving the kitty some of the aforementioned treats, some are placed under the rigged trap and Bub's hurries around the corner. Of course, the crazy cat goes for the treats and BLAM!
He pulls. Don't ask about the medal...apparently he is a prize winning trapper or something - with his beautiful Alvin & the Chipmunks shirt (...no i don't let him out in PUBLIC dressed that way, but in the comfort of our home i indulge him, yes) He is OH SO PROUD of his catch!
**p.s. no kitties (Sparta like mean kitty or not!) were harmed in this priceless boy becomes a man teaching lesson about "trappin". This is MONTANA ya'll - he's gottta learn.
I LOVE MY BOY! SO DARN SMART AND CUTE TO BOOT!!!! He did come up with this whole thing on his own, and though i am sure Daddy attributed to the scheming and use of a real "critter" instead of the Beanie Baby he would have probably used...I am still proud of his imagination and determination. PRICELESS!
Monday, April 13, 2009
04.13.09 The New Laptop
Ha! I know, i know...we should not idolize things or focus on "things"...but OMG isn't she GORGEOUS?!!!

Because I am an Independant Contractor on my job, i have to have my own "stuff". So i got this baby -mmmmmm-delicious.
I thought it was pretty funny that my sis Lynnette got a new computer at work & cool flatscreen monitor and was snapping cell phone pics & sending them too! Oh the little things that just get us all jazzed!
It shold make my life much easier....can't wait to get there on Monday and get all kinds of crazy productive! LOL
Stay tuned, Not ME Monday will return to it's regular scheduled time slot next week. Hahahaha.
Because I am an Independant Contractor on my job, i have to have my own "stuff". So i got this baby -mmmmmm-delicious.
I thought it was pretty funny that my sis Lynnette got a new computer at work & cool flatscreen monitor and was snapping cell phone pics & sending them too! Oh the little things that just get us all jazzed!
It shold make my life much easier....can't wait to get there on Monday and get all kinds of crazy productive! LOL
Stay tuned, Not ME Monday will return to it's regular scheduled time slot next week. Hahahaha.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
04.12.2009 Easter Sunday
Well we have renamed this holiday Resurrection Sunday - it seems more appropriate. What a great day. Saturday we spent getting ready over at my friend April's. Which entailed stuffing 130 eggs with money or numbers or candy.
We went to church at SHEC this morning, we have been driving the hour to Missoula for a full 4 weeks now without missing...we really enjoy worship there. It's "Come as you are" we accept EVERYONE kind of attitude. Half worship/half concert - it has live music, great relevant speakers & pastor and an awesome kids program. They even are starting a live broadcast on the web. You can see it in action HERE. Easter service wont be up & running on the site until next week - but the previous week(s) study of Micah are. We are venturing into Romans now so it is exciting! Pretty awesome.
Anyway, after church we ran right over to April's for Easter dinner and the egg hunt. It was fun for all...the adults hiding them and the kids finding them. Unfortunately, the Grandpa/E team hid 4 of Sis' 50 eggs so well they could not be found at all - and even with 8 adults and the kids, we could not find them. I am sure the squirrels and other wildlife will. Or maybe come time to do the leaf raking some will be discovered. Funny!
We played games (Pictionary and Taboo) and the kids blew bubbles and ATE CANDY. Shocker. Both kiddos were extremely tired, though i did manage to get their teeth brushed (and flossed-yeah!) before they dragged their little bums to bed. I got some great photos but didn't get a family one - don't know HOW that ALWAYS happens! Frustrating. Bubba looked too cute in his little suit ( got some extra mileage out of it since he wore it last at Auntie Darla's wedding) and sis wore a pale pastel dress that matched. Plain but it worked. They were both very well behaved ALL DAY which made for a fun, and relaxing day for all. Here's some of the fun........

You didn't hide any of the eggs up THERE did you mom & dad?!!!

I can't wait to find the egss, I'm READY-LETS GO !!!
(oooh...don't you just wanna eat him up he is sooo handsome in his suit!)

"Oh where oh where are those little eggs...or where oh where can they BE?!")

So beautiful, don't you agree? One of my fav's from the day
We went to church at SHEC this morning, we have been driving the hour to Missoula for a full 4 weeks now without missing...we really enjoy worship there. It's "Come as you are" we accept EVERYONE kind of attitude. Half worship/half concert - it has live music, great relevant speakers & pastor and an awesome kids program. They even are starting a live broadcast on the web. You can see it in action HERE. Easter service wont be up & running on the site until next week - but the previous week(s) study of Micah are. We are venturing into Romans now so it is exciting! Pretty awesome.
Anyway, after church we ran right over to April's for Easter dinner and the egg hunt. It was fun for all...the adults hiding them and the kids finding them. Unfortunately, the Grandpa/E team hid 4 of Sis' 50 eggs so well they could not be found at all - and even with 8 adults and the kids, we could not find them. I am sure the squirrels and other wildlife will. Or maybe come time to do the leaf raking some will be discovered. Funny!
We played games (Pictionary and Taboo) and the kids blew bubbles and ATE CANDY. Shocker. Both kiddos were extremely tired, though i did manage to get their teeth brushed (and flossed-yeah!) before they dragged their little bums to bed. I got some great photos but didn't get a family one - don't know HOW that ALWAYS happens! Frustrating. Bubba looked too cute in his little suit ( got some extra mileage out of it since he wore it last at Auntie Darla's wedding) and sis wore a pale pastel dress that matched. Plain but it worked. They were both very well behaved ALL DAY which made for a fun, and relaxing day for all. Here's some of the fun........
You didn't hide any of the eggs up THERE did you mom & dad?!!!
I can't wait to find the egss, I'm READY-LETS GO !!!
(oooh...don't you just wanna eat him up he is sooo handsome in his suit!)
"Oh where oh where are those little eggs...or where oh where can they BE?!")
So beautiful, don't you agree? One of my fav's from the day
Saturday, April 11, 2009

I am sure you have all seen the move "Bucket List" and if not...shame on you! You really must! So, if you haven't I will briefly explain, it is a LIST of all the things you want to do/accomplish/see before you "kick the bucket". It got me thinking ALOT, probably because I don't think D and I talk to much anymore about our hopes/dreams in the busy world of running a business and parenting. Most days we are lucky just to get to talk to each other at all. Like ships passing in the night.
So I thought, well, I should really start my list. And over time i am sure i will add to my list - but this is it - as of 2009. In NO particular order!
-Go on a scenic train ride - sleeper car and all
-Experience Paris and Rome (pereferably without the 12 hour flight somehow...can we charter the Concorde?!)
-Volunteer in my Kids class for a whole day
-Visit Israel (will it ever be safe?)
-Be a permanent Size 4
-A trip to Disney World with the family (Florida!)
-Visit Sedona and the Grand Canyon (please little children STEP AWAY from the edge!)
-Swim with Dolphins
-Spend a whole weekend with my 3 sisters (no kids, just us)
-Work in a Doctor or Dentist office (dunno why? i've always wanted to!)
-Be personally DEBT FREE - no car pmts, no credit cards
-Take a REAL 2 week vacation (East Coast, NY, Washington Monument, Smithsonian, other historic places) EACH YEAR (*plan family annual vacation spot list this would tick lots of items off of my bucket list*)
-Go to Hawaii again (just Me & Hubby)
-Go to College
-Have a REAL wedding with vows pleasing to God
-Go to Laughlin with Thelma and Louise (mom & Judy)
-Pray at the Wailing Wall, see the Temple Mount Jeruselum
-Have a house with a BUILT IN POOL!
-Read the Bible from cover to cover
-Wear a bikini again
-Go on an Alaskan Cruise (real room with veranda/patio)
-Go Camping with the whole family(I can hear laughing! But Really i do want to...this of course means in a really nice RV in my case, but i just know the wonderful memories it gave me having experieinced it as a child!)
-Be caught up on my scrapbooks for my kids
-Watch each of my kids graduate from college
-Fall asleep to the sound of waves pounding the shore
The more i read my list, i think of how simple it is. How someone with a few hundred thousand dollaras could make nearly all of this happen in just 1 year! But i know for me and my family, it will take years, if not my lifetime to make this all happen. Or the LOTTERY, it could happen really easily with the lottery.=) But when i look over it, what is amazingly clear, is the idea of TRAVEL. I guess for as much as i H.A.T.E. planes, and fear for my life while driving with my husband...i really want to Travel and see and experience so much. To take it all in. To enjoy the world that God created and marvel in it's beauty.
So my goal now is to TICK the items off the list. Hopefully at least one per year, and add a new one in it's place until i am FULL. Full and content.
You're turn, what is on YOUR bucket list?
Friday, April 10, 2009
04.10.2009 5 Things Friday

Here's what is up in the week of us---
1. New job is going splendidly well, I have over 15 files i am actively working on!
2. Danielle lost another tooth this week, tiny bottom front tooth
3. Bubba read a nite nite story to himself last night (at HIS insistance....man is he enthralled with the Hunchback of Notre Dame - who'd have thought a 10 yr(?) old Disney book could be so facinating!)
4. Gymnastics on Monday went really well, Danielle continues to practice walking around the living room on her hands...ughhhh
5. My new laptop is here...I'M IN LOVE people! Seriously, i think it sings to me and flaunts it's beauty..more about that later.
Have a GREAT weekend. It is after all Good Friday, so do domething GOOD. And rejoice on Sunday for this is in rememberance of Christ who was Resurrected, not a fluffy oversized rabbit. LOL
Friday, April 3, 2009
04.03.09 5 Things Friday

1. I started work at my new job, loving it.
2. We bought a mini van - it is the only car in 10 years we have owned that is free and clear! *except see number 5 which happened 5 days later*
3. Danielle moved up to Level 2 in Gymnastics -they were ready to move her up last month, but mom didn't want to switch bcuz it went from Wednesday to Monday
4. Found the charger for my camera, yeah!
5. Paid my Suburban off - no more $475. payments - HALLELUJAH!
Whew! It's alot that happened in one week (sorry for no updates - kinda crazy around these parts! Those are the joyful things, we had other upsetting news but not ready to post about that)
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