Work has been busy, training our new gal at the office, and for me working on loans and such. Had Horse lessons as usual as well as last weekend's Horse show. We had a MAJOR ant infestation - and the bug spray people say this is the "year of the ants". Not anything i wanted to my Honey does not allow any type of spray poison. Lets just suffice to say that "natural methods" dont work nearly as effective! But now that they cant crawl right in (cuz there is moulding) it's better. We also had a friend come into town (Ken who made this house a possibility for us) and my son moved to the Reno area, we had an Early out, and i was up till Midnight w/ my friend April tagging items for the upcoming Kids Closet consignment sale. Wow do i have alot of kids clothes/ stuff to get rid of! It was worth it and i tagged over $700 worth of stuff. Now if it all sells i can do a happy dance.
This weekend was good in that the house was clean (for at least an hour). Grandpa came in on Friday so that means more house progress! Sis, sang with her Worship Team from school (Ensemble) at a local church Sunday morning and did great! As of Sunday morning both the entry closets now have doors and we got some much needed Baseboard Trim up around the front entry way. Then just when i might get a shelf or two, or some closet rods - the belt in his saw broke. After 10 years?! Today, Sunday of all days! That means a trip to Missoula (an hour away) bcuz in our small town nothing is open on Sunday. Good news, the horse trailer full of garbage went with them - bcuz the dump IS open on Sunday. So that will be dumped, a new belt procured...and maybe just maybe by midnight we will have a place to hang the coats and shelves for some "stuff"!!
The best news of all is that we are going out of town real soon - and i can already practically smell the beach and feel the pull of the ocean. Not to mention get to spend a Mother's day with ALL my kids and MY mom (and sister who is also a Mom). It will be very special. I can't wait! I get to meet my nearly 6mo. old niece for the 1st time and love on her big sister too! And did i mention the beach?! We will be there every day. It's just what these old batteries need. Recharged. Hallelujah!
So thats the run down of all that is new and exciting. No wait! I got some very exciting stuff started on Thursday - but thats for a whole 'nother post at a later time since it's likely 3-4 months away. Stay tuned.
I'll leave you with the kiddo's Saturday fun. And yes, they ARE all wearing footie pajamas and beanies! It was downright COLD outside.
Bummer! This was the best pic of all and i chopped their heads off!