Silence. Gulp. Halloween...this Saturday...Right! No costumes were planned out, no plan made at all. As a mom I get an "F". The house is an all consuming deal right now. Plus I was sick. Yea, that's the one i am sticking with. I was sick so i didn't make a plan. Oh wait, i think my sister had my neice's outfit all planned out like 2-3 months in advance. Even made her a cute matching treat bag (hand sewn and all!) Me? I completely and totally lack that area of my brain function right now. I used to be a planner. A perfectionist. Every detail thought of and covered. What happened?! Life i guess, and an over FULL PLATE.
So i did what at least 10 other moms no doubt did, ran to KMart on Friday night to see what pathetic excuse for costumes they have left. Bubba put in his order - he wanted to be a Black Ninja. Should be easy, and it was. Costume, (check!), Sword (check!) had fake blood inside to give it a more authentic(?) appearance.
Now for sis, she's a bit more difficult. She doesn't like to Trick'or'Treat (always TOO COLD) plus no Kmart costume is ever good enough for her. So after like 20 times of hearing "No Way!" i was just about resolved to her passing out candy in her pajamas. She really wanted to be a Devil. (um NO!) That's only cute on the 2yr and under crowd or the over 30 crowd. I just couldn't do it. So i attempt to steer her toward the Dorothy from Wizard of Oz costume - Stuffed dog & picnic basket at home-score! She then replies "Who's that?"
...sidenote....Man! I need to get my kids to watch the classics! When i was a kid i couldn't wait to see it when it came on TV each year. There was no TIVO back then, we made sure we were in, done w/ dinner & homework and hunkered down 3 feet from the TV to watch it! EVERY YEAR. Now Charlie Brown Christmas they have seen and love. But how can i live not having exposed her to the Wizard of Oz? That must change soon. Stay tuned.
..but i digress.. back to the hideous excuses for the costumes. How about 2 peices of Bacon? Seriously folks- they had it. Or the Mustard. (Would have only been cute if i could get Bubba to be the Ketchup...darn...they were plum out of Ketchup!)
Can i also mention at this point, that we live in the frozen wasteland?! Two out of the last three years it has been below zero when these kiddos do their Trick 'or' Treating?! These Kmart costumes are SKIMPY. Paper thin. Dare i say practically made of negligee material or the thinnest polyester known to man. I was shivering FOR HER just thinking of some of the options. I really tried to get her to go with Tinkerball, HECK, they have matching attitudes so it would be perfect! Throw on a turtleneck and some sparkly tights , or two or three pairs...Nope! I seriously thought there would be no Halloween for my 7year old.
Then we found it! The cutesy punk style witch. Purple and Black with cute details -- thick - in that there were a few layers to the skirt part (score!). Nevermind that it is a size 10-12. I don't dare mention that. There were limited options people! I could pin it, belt it, whatever! If she liked it we were gonna buy it. Whining had set in and i was gonna go balistic on my kid in the Kmart on the Friday night before Halloween - even though it was MY FAULT we were in this perdicament to begin with. So we grabbed that little gem and i even talked her into the most adorable black wig with purple highlights to match. Some black nail polish and lipstick and we were set! Oh, and she begged for this cute purple trick or treat bag and i caved - cuz man i just wanted to get the heck out of Kmart without more whining and arguing. Oh wait, it was ME doing the whining and arguing! LOL!
She tried the wig on when we got home and proclaimed that she absolutely would not wear it. But Halloween night appeared and she had a change of heart. It looked WAY TOO CUTE. Honestly, it made the outfit. That and the black nail polish. I tried the black lipstick but it was too macabre for her or something so she made me wipe it off. At least she was wearing the wig, mom wins that battle.
Bubba was a trooper, super happy with his outfit and sword and swung it like a Ninja pro! He didn't care what degrees it was outside, he was a NINJA! And proud! He wore that costume like a badge of honor.
So here are the little munchkins. *sigh* What a cute witch eh?
The missing teeth are perfect!
My little angels.
First stop, we HAD to Trick'or Treat at Dawn & Jen's place (their babysitter) She and her friends even took them around to like 8-10 houses for me while i sat in the warm house. It was only drizzle/light rain and at least 40 degrees this year! We got there while it was still light outside, the rain only came once it got dark and dropped like 20 degrees in 2.3 seconds. Ah, the joys of living in Montana.
We also hit the Harvest Party sponsored by the local churches in the community. Lots of carnival style games (indoors) and candy in the warm cozy fairgrounds center. We even visited TWICE tonite bcuz the lines were too long and I promised they could play on the big blow up Pirate House. UGH.
Don't forget to scroll to "OLDER POSTS" this one was so long it threw my other post from today onto the next page. Exciting house stuff, can't wait for you to see.